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<br /> ' If Bonower pays Fu�xl�to l.ender, the Fuuds shall be lield in an institution the deposit�or accounts of wldch are insured ,_ :
<br /> " ' or guarantEed by a federal or state ugeix:y(in�:luding Ixnder if Ixnder ts such an institution). I.ender shall apply the Funcls to n�h�;-
<br /> ' pay suid t�uces, assessmCnts, insumace premiums uml grawul reuts. L.endet may ac�t diarge for sa tialding and applying the '-
<br />� Fulxls,acwlyzing sald account or vedfying and conipiling said as�essmen�ti w�d bills, uidess Lendet pays Bonower interest on
<br /> • ' thr Punds and appltcuble law pernilts Lencler to make ��uch x c hxrge. Barrowe r a n d L e n d e r m a y a gree in writin g at the dme of ;
<br /> ' executiun uf thts Deed of Trust d�at Incerest on the Funds shall be paid ta BonowerBo ower an yinrere�t oc�earniugs�on�the `'��,•�
<br /> ' ' applicable law requ ires suc h interest to be paid, Ixnder shall not be reyuired to pay Y -_
<br /> Funds. Lender shall give to Borrc�wer, witho�u charge, an atuival accounting of die FunJs sliawing credits and debits ta t he '",.
<br /> '�'� Piux►s anul che purpase far whtch each debit to d►e Fwxls wus n�ade.Th� Funcls are plcJged a.�additiwwl�ecudry for the sums k,_
<br /> ..•�M"'` sec:ured by this Deed of Tn►st. .� �
<br /> ' 4������^''""�'; If the umount of the Funds held by l.cnder, togedier with die future monthly Insu►llments of Funds paya6le pdor to the �!';=__
<br /> due dares of txxes. assessmenes, fntiunu�ce preniiums and ground rents, shuA eaceed the uniount required to pay said taxes. -
<br /> � assessments, fntiurat�c�Premiums and ground rent�as they fall due,such excess shail be, ut Borrower's option, elther pran�pdy _
<br /> tepaid to Borrower or creditecl to Bonower ou monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender shall �`��-
<br /> + , not be sufficient to pay taxes,assessments,insurance premiunis and ground rents as theY faU due, Barrower shall pay ta Lender __
<br /> :F any amount necessary to n�ake up the deficiency in one or more payments sis Lender may require. �:_
<br /> m
<br /> " `>' Upan payment in full af all sutns secured by this Deed of Trusc, Lender sl�all prompdy refund to Bunower��er s all `
<br /> held by Lender.If under paragcaph 17 hereof the Propeny is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender. �;�
<br /> ��, apply,no later thun inunediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisidon by Lender,any Fuuds held by Leuder at the �_`
<br /> �• time of applicaaon us a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. ���
<br /> ;4. 3.Appilwtion of Payme��te•Unless applicuble law provldes otherwise, a11 payments received by Lender under the Note
<br /> and paragrapps 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by l.ender first In payment of amounts payable ta l.ender by Borrower under �_
<br /> ��. pur�tgraph 2 hereof,then to interest payable on die Notc,and theu to the principal of the Note. _
<br /> � 4. Prior Mort�a�es and Deeds of Tr�st;CharQes; L teng. Borrower s h a l l p e r f o r m a ll of Borrower's obligatlons under
<br /> any mortgage, deed of tcust or othee security agreement with a llen which has prlority over this Deed of Tnut, inclucliag
<br /> � Borrower's covenants to mxke payments when due. Barrower shall pay or cause to be puid all taxes, assessments and other
<br /> charges, fines and imposiaons attributable to the Propecty which may actain a pdority over this Deed of Trust, und leasehold
<br /> �. payments or ground rents,if any.
<br /> ` 5, Hazard In9urance. Bonower suall keep the improvements now exisdag or hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br /> against loss by fire,hazards included witbia the tenn'extended coverage."and such othrr hazards as I.ender may require ancl in
<br /> � such amounts aud for such perlods as 1.ender may rrcluire.
<br />— - -� '1'he it�sutance uurir��ituvidln�ihc ituusance stsall b:chos"n hy Aonower subiect to approval by Lender;provided, that
<br /> �, such approval shall uot be unreasonably wldiheld. All insunince policies and renewals thereof shall be in a fomi acceptable to —
<br /> I,euder and shall include a stanclard mongage clause in favor of and in a forni acceptable ta Lender. Lender shall l�ave the right
<br /> � to liold the policies aud renewals thereaf,avbject to the temis of aay n�ortgage.deed of trust or other security agreement with a
<br /> � liea which has priodty uver tWs Deed of Trust.
<br /> . a Ia the event of loss,Bonower shall give prompt aotice to the insurance carrier and Lender. l.ender may malce praof of loss
<br /> , if not made promptly by Bonower.
<br /> If tl�e Propeny is abandonecl by Borrower,or if Bonower fails to respond to L.ender within 30 days from the date notice is
<br /> m�iled by 1.ender to Bonower that the insurance carrier offers ro settle a claira for insurance benefits. Lender is Auth�dzal to
<br />_ ' collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Leader's option either to resroradon ot repair of the Ptoperty or to the sums secured
<br />_ , by this Deed of Tntst.
<br />-" ' ' 6. Preservadon and Matntenance of Property; I.easeholtls; Condominlums; Planned lJn1t�evelopments. Bonower
<br />- • shall keep the Pcoperty In 800d repair and sball not eommit waste or pemilt impairment or deteriorudou of the Prop�rty ancl
<br /> - -- shaU conipiy wid�tltic �ruvisiun: of any lease i f t h{s Dee d o f Trus t i s o n a l e a s ehald. If this Deed of Trust is on s untt ia a _
<br /> condominium or a planned tuut development, Bonower shall perform all of Bonower's oUligadans under Ute declaradon or
<br />. . i coveaants creating or governing the condominium or planned unit developinent, the by-laws and regulations of the
<br /> " condominiuni or planned unit development,and comtituent documents.
<br /> 7.I'rotection of Lender's Security.If Boaower fails to perforni tlie covenants and agreements contained in diis Deed of �
<br /> . � Trust,or if any actian or proceeding is commenced which materlally affects Lender's interest in the Propeny, dien I.euder,at
<br /> Lender's oprion, upan nuttce to Bonower, may make such appearances,dlsburse such sutus. inc:luding reasonable attorneys'
<br /> :: fees,and take such action as is nec:essary to protect Lender's interest. If Lender required aiortgage insurance xs a conditlon of �
<br /> ' ti making the loan secured by this Deed of Trust, Bonower shull pay d�e premiums reyuired to maintain sucli insurance in effect
<br /> �� undl such titne as che cequiremeat for such insurance terminates in accordance wich Bonower's and Leader's written agreement
<br /> " # or applicable law. --
<br /> I Any amounts di�bursed by Ixnder pursnaut to diis paragraph 7, with interest thereon, at the Note rate, shall become _-
<br /> � �� � additional indebteJness of Borrower secured by this Deed of Trust. Unless Bonower and L.cnder agree to odier terms of �.
<br /> ' ' ; I payment, such a�uounts sh�ll be payable upcm notice from ixnder ro Bonower requesting payment thereof.Nothing conpuned �_"
<br /> in this paragrapli 7 shall require Lxnder to incur any expense or t�ke any action hereunder.
<br /> � 8, inspect[on. Ixnder may make or cause to be made re�wonable entries upon anJ ins�ections of the Property, provided
<br /> I thut Lender sl�all give Borrower ne�tice prior to any such i�upection specifying resuo�ss�ble cause dien:for related to Lender's
<br /> � i interest in the Prapeny.
<br /> 9. Condemnation. The prcx;eeds of any award ar claim for Jxmages, Jirect or co►ueyuential, in wnnection with xny
<br /> ' cnndemnation or other t�king of the Prnpeny,or part thereof,or ti�r conveyance in lieu of condemn:►tion, are hereby assigned
<br /> and shall Ue paid ro Lxnder, suhject tu die temis of dny mongage,deed of trust or odier security agreement with a lien which
<br /> � hxs priarity over this Deed ot'I rusc.
<br /> ]0. Borrower Not Released;Forbearunce By Lender Not a Waiver. Exten+ion of dte time for payment or modification �
<br /> � of:miortization of the sums secured by this DerJ of Trust grdnteci by Lender tu xny successor in interest of Bonower shall not
<br /> operate to release, in any manner,the liabiliry c�f the��rigitul Borrower and Burrower's successors in i►uerest. Lendcr shall not
<br /> . bk required tu wnw�ence proceedings against such successor cir refuse to extend time ti�r payment or c�therwise modify �
<br /> amortization of the �ums sec:ured by this Deed of Trust hy rexsm� of xny demand mxde by die original Bc�rrower xnd
<br /> Burce�wer's successors in interest. Any ti�rhearance fiy LenJer in exercising any right or reniedy hereunder, or otherwise
<br /> xftiirded by applicable law,shaU ni�t be a waivet c�f or preclude tlie exen:ise of any such tight ur remedy. Form 3828
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