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<br /> • ' If Bonower pays Fuuds to Lendcr, th�Funds shall bc held in an ii�sdtudon the deposlts or accounts of which are insuxed : ,,r_.
<br />. . ur guar�uiteed by a xdera! or state ugency(lncludiug��uundf renGa�l-ender muy not�char8e fc�rlaoe h ldiugpancl apP Y��18�<<� ,.
<br /> pay naid taxes, ussestinients, insurauce premlums and g
<br /> � Fumta,w3alyzing said account or verlfyfng und coiupiling said assessnients w�d bips, unless Lender pays Borrower Interest ou .
<br /> Aie Funds a��d applicable law pemiit,ti Lencler to make sucb a cliarge. Burrower and l.cnder may agree lu wrldng at the aine of �.
<br /> execudon of d�ib DPed of Trust t�at iaterest on the Fu»ds slu�ll b�paid to iianower. unJ unless such agreement is made ur .�4
<br /> ' xpplicable law requlres such interest ta be paid, L.ender shall not he requlred to pay Borcower any interest or earninBs on e
<br /> �.;S;'�--
<br /> :•a , Funds. Lender shall give ta Barrower, widiaut cbarge,an ann�al accounting of die Funds showing credits and debits ro the .r�`:,�
<br /> f Funds and thc pucpose for which each deblt to tuc Fuuds was made.The Funds are�ledged us additional seeudty for die suuia L -'
<br /> ..:�+�v'"' :�,�,�--
<br /> � .,,.,,µ„� ' secursd by diis Deed of Trust. �_,;�_:...
<br /> � If the xmount of the Funds held by I.ender, together witli the future monthly instellments of Funds payable pd�or�to�e� _-
<br /> due dates af taxes, assessments,iusurance premiums and ground reats, shall exceed the amount requlred to pay ' �;�-
<br /> : assessments,insurance premlums and growid rents as they fall due,such excess shall be,at Borrower'y aptlou, eithcr prornpdy �..y.��._'�
<br /> ' repaid to Bonower or credited to Bonower on mandily iastallments of Funds. If the amount of theB�OWChs��l pay toeL.en er e=--
<br /> not bc sufficient to pay taxes, assessments,insurancc premiums aud ground rents as they fall due,
<br /> any amount necessaiy to make up the deficiecu;y in one or more payments as 1-encler may require��d to Bonower any Punds -_
<br /> Upon paycnent in full of all swns secured by tlus Deed of Trust, I.ender she11 prompdy ��r �I _—_
<br /> held by Lender.If under paragraph 17 hemof the Propecry is sold or the Property is othe�wise acquired by Lender, __
<br /> � -�---
<br /> apply,no later than immetliately prior to the sale of the P�operty or Its acqulsidon by I.eader, aay Funds held by I.ender at the --_
<br /> ��� dme of applicarion as a credit againsc the sums secured by tlils Deed of Tiust. -
<br /> " 3. Applicatton of Payments. Unless appllcable law pravides otherwise, all paymen�s received by I.rnder under the Note -_- --
<br /> �� � " " and paragraphs 1 aud 2 hereof shall be applied by I.ender first in payment of amounts payable to Leuder by Bonower under
<br /> � 1 ara h 2 hereo f, t hen to in[eres t p a y a b l e o n t h e N o t e,a n d t hen to the principal af the Note. �1
<br /> P b'�p
<br /> „� 4. Prior Mort�aQes and Deeds of Trust; CharQes, Uea9. Borrower shall perfotm a11 of Bonower's o b ligadons un e r -.�^
<br /> . any mortgage, deed of trust or other securiry agreement �vith a lien w oi c�Poo�p�°,ae���Dee�ses ments and otheg -�--_
<br /> r•;�.� .
<br /> _._.Bo�rower's covenancs cu make payments when due. Borrower shall pay _.
<br /> •�• chtug��s, fines and inipositions attributable to the Property wuich may attain a priarity over this Deed of Trust, and leasehald ���:_
<br /> payri►ents or ground rents,if any. insured
<br /> 5. Hazard Insurance. Borrower shall keep the inlpxovements now exisdng or bereafter erected on the Praperty �
<br /> � againsc loss by fire,hazards iacluded within the term "extended coverage,"and sucu other Lazards as I.ender may require and in
<br /> . _�_ _ __._...����.flmounts and for such perlods as Leuder may require. , rQy��, T.ender; rovided, that
<br /> The insurance carrler providing the insurance st�all be chosen by B�iiowzr sutsj�.Lv sPP Y p
<br /> such approval shall not be unce,asonably withueld. All insurance polictes swd renewals thereof shall be in a form acceptable to
<br /> th
<br /> Lender and shall include a staadard mortgxge clause ia favor of and in a forai acceptable to 1.ender. Lencter shall have the rlghc
<br /> so hold ihe policies and renewals thereof,subject to the terws of auy martgase,deed of trnst or other securtry agreement with a
<br /> lien wtuch has priority ovcr this Deed of Trust.
<br />- In the event of loss,Borrower shall give protupt notice to the lnsurance camer and Lender.Lender may malce proof of loss
<br /> ' if not uiade promptly by Bonower.
<br /> � If the Property i,abandoned by Borrower,or if Horrower fails to respond to I.ender within 30 dayy from the date notice is
<br /> mailed by Lender to Bonower that the insurance carrier offers to setde a claun for insurance benefits, Lender is authorized to
<br /> collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's opdon either to restoradon or repdr of the Property or to the sums secured
<br /> � by this Dced of Trust.
<br /> 6.Preservation and MAlntenAnce of Property;Le�seholcls; Condomintum�t Planned Unit Developmentei• onower
<br /> '�` � shafl keep the Property in goal repair ancl shall not commit waste or permlt imPairn►ent or deterloradon of the Property and
<br /> � shall comply with tlie provisions of any lease if this Deed af Tcusi i� en»�e��^?d• If this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a �_
<br /> - condomintum or a planned unit development, Borrower shall perform all of Bonower's obligadons under the declaradon or
<br /> � � covenants creadng or governing the condominium or planned unit development, the by-laws and reguladons of tlie
<br /> coudorulnium or planued unit developraent,and constituent documents.
<br /> 7.Protectton of I.ectder's Security If Bonower fails to perform the covenunts and asreements contuined in tltis Deed of
<br /> ~ � � Trust, or if auy action or proceeding is commenced wi►icL materially affeces I.ender's interest in the Property, then Lender, at
<br />" • Lender's opdon, upon notice to Bonower, raay make such appearances, disburse such sums, including reasonable attorneqs' `
<br /> fees, and take sucli aetion as is necessary to protect Lender's iuterest. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a conclidon of
<br /> , y making die loan secured by tLis Deed of Trust, Bonower sh�ll pay the premiums required to maintain such insurance in effect -
<br /> ' , undl such dme as the requirement for sucli insurance ternunates in accorclance with Borrower's and Lender's writteu agreement `-J
<br />• ' ' I or appiicable law. h 7� �� interest thereon, at the P7ote rate, shall become -F��-
<br /> _ - l Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuaut to this paragrap . ,
<br /> � adclidonal indebtedness of Horrower secured by this Deeci of Trust. Unless Barrower and Lender agree to otlier terms of C-Y'
<br /> �ayment, such amounts shall be payable upon notice fro�u Ixnder to Bonower requesung payment thereof. Nothing contained
<br /> in this paragraph 7 sball require Lender to incur any expeuse or take any action hereunder. rovided
<br /> 8, Inspectlon.I.ender may make or cause to be rnade reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, p
<br />- that Ixuder svall give Bunower notice prior to any such inspecdon specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Leuder's
<br /> � inrerest iu the Property.
<br /> � 9. Condemnat�on. Tl�e proceeds of any award or daim for damages, direct or consequendal, in connecdon with any �
<br /> candenmatiou or other taking of Qie Property,or part thereof,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnadon,are hereby assignecl l
<br /> _ � .....� ..�.�u�.,U��t m t�nder.suhiecc to the terms of any mortgage,deed of tcust or odier security agreement with a lien which i
<br />_ � � ................_ r_—•- --� . _ _.
<br /> lias priority over this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 10.Borrower Not Released; Farbearance By Lender Not u Wa[ver. Extension of the time for paynieut or modification
<br /> ,,i of amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Tn�st grxuted by Lxnder w ajiy successor iu interest of Borrower st�all not
<br /> � oper�►re to re leas e,i n a n y m�u u i e r,d i e l i a b i li ty uf die ori gixul Borrower and Borrower's successurs in interest. I.ender shall not
<br />' be r�equired to commenee proceedings against such �uccessor ur refuse ro extei�J time for payment or o t herwise nw di f y
<br /> ' �unnrtizadon of the sutus secured by diis Deed of Trust by reaso�i uf xny demuiJ made by die original Borrower xnd
<br /> i Dorro�ver's successurs in inter�st. Any forbearxnce by Lctider in exercising any right or remedy Itereunder, or otherwise
<br /> � aftioTded by applicxble law,slial!not be a�vxiver af or preclude[I►e ex�n:ise of anu such right ur remedy� porm 3628 �
<br /> �
<br /> � vepe 7 0l a � .
<br /> I
<br />