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<br /> Ip. Rclaatatcmcn� Borrawcr h�.s a right to be reinstuteci if L.endbr has requircd Im tutc p ymen ull � 'T-��-;.,�'
<br /> berause af Borrower's failure ta pay an ctmc�unt due under the Nute or thts Sc;curlty Instrument. Thlsdght applies ,, .�,,,,,y�.,,
<br /> cven after forcclosure proccedings arc instIarted. To retnstuts the Sccurity lnstrument,Borrowcr shall tend�r in a lump ' ��:c:.,.
<br /> sum all amounts requfr�d t�br1nR Borrower's account curtent includlag,to thc extent they:ire obllgadonsof Bflrrawer :!-:=`r=��_�
<br /> under tlfls Sc:cudry Instrument,foreclosure costs and re.asonablc and customury attorncys'fees and expenses properly � � `�J'4�`�'�
<br /> assoclaced with the foreclosure proceeding. Upon relnstatement by Barrower� thts Sccurlry Instrument and the .,::�}��;;�`e��r=,
<br /> abligatlons that it secures shall remaln in cffect as if L.ender dad not requlrcd immedlatc payment in full. However,
<br /> Lender is not requirecl t�permit relnsta�exnent iL•(i)Lc,nder has accepced retns[atement after the commencement of �� t: ����, .-
<br /> " � � foreclosure proceedings wlthin two years lnimedlately preceding the commencement of a cutrent foreclosure :°t!r°���4�`}'
<br /> �'�"�`'� ' procec:dlug, (i!)reinstatement wiU preclude foreclosure on dit�'crent grounds in the future,or(tIi)reinsmtement will ';� ��t � i=�
<br /> t.ea�•
<br /> � i adversely nffect ths prlority of the lien created by thls S�curlry Instrument. `?,', ,�•—
<br /> 1 1. B o x r a w�e r No t Re k a s a i; Fo r b e a r a n o e by I,cnder Not a WalNCr. Extenston of the time of payment or • :k`��;�'� ,�'b��'°�`
<br /> � modlficatlon of amortlzatlon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by L.ender to anysuccessor in -�={5�:�
<br /> �,�f��I-;__----
<br /> interest af Borrower shall not operate to releasc the liubility of the original Borrower or Borrowcr's suc.ccssars In a�--�--_
<br /> Interest. Lender shall not be required to cnrainence proceeciings agalnr>t any successor in interest or refuse to extead `•'��'�"��
<br /> time for payment or othetwlse modify amortization of thc sums se�.^urcd by this Security Instrument by reason of any ��
<br /> demand made by the orJginal�orrower or Borrower's successors in interes� Any forbearance by Lender in exercising " `�}
<br /> any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any rt�ht ar remedy. . - -
<br /> ' 12. Suooeasois and ps�ignz gound;Jolnt and SeNeral Ilabillty;Co Si�oera. The covenants and agrecments of this '`.,,;�!
<br /> Securlty Iastrument shaU bind and beneRt ths successors and assigns of I,ender and Borrower�sub ject to the provisions
<br /> , of paragraph 9(b).Bonowcr's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bonower who a�-signs th�s �+�
<br /> � , Securlty Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-slgning tbls Sccurity Instrument only to mortgage,grant --
<br /> and convey that Bonower's interest in tbe Property uader the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is noc personally "'�
<br /> � obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender aud any other Borrower may
<br /> agree to extend,modify,forbear or make any accommodations wIth regard to the terms of this Securlty Iastrument or -
<br /> the Note wIthout that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13. Notiocs. Any notice to Bonower provided for in this Securlry Instrument shall be given by dcUverlag it or
<br /> ,; by mailIng It by flrst class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to
<br /> the Property Address or any other address Bonower designates by notice to Lender.Aay notice to Lender shall be -
<br /> given by flrst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any adclress Lender designates by notice to Borr�wer.Any
<br /> notice provided for!n this Security Instrument shaQ Ue deemed to have been given to Bonower or Lenderwhen glven -
<br />-- as gro��isicd in thts pa:n�aNh.
<br /> 14. Ciov�ernina L�,Savenbility. This Securiry Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> �� �� jurisdiction in which the Property is IocatecI. In the event that any provision or clause of this Securi Iastrument or
<br /> ttte Note conflicts with appllcable law,such conflict shall no[affect other provtsions of thts Securtty Instrumcnt or the
<br /> '`; Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To tWs end the provtsions of this Securiry Insuument
<br /> �' and the Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> 1S. Borm�w�ePa Copy. Bonower shall be given one conformed cc�py of the Note and of this Security Instrument. _ --
<br /> 16. H�ardous Subetanoes. Bonowor shall not cause or permit the presencc,use,disposal,storage,or release of -
<br /> • any Ha�.ardous Substances oa or in the Property. $orrower shall not do, nor ullow anyone else to do. anything �-
<br /> affecting the Property that is in vtolation of any Eavironmental x.,aw. Ttee preceding two sentences shall not apply to �
<br /> the presence,use,or storage on the Property of small quantlttes of Hazardous Substances that are generallr recognized —
<br /> to be approprtatc to normal residential uses and to maIntenance of'the Proparty.
<br /> Bonower shall prompt(y gtve I,endcr written notic:e of any investigation,claim,demund, lawsuit or other actioa ?
<br /> by any governmental or regulatory agenry or private party involving the Property and any Ha�arcloac Snh�;t�n�p nr �. � ` . _
<br /> � , i:nvironmental Law of which Borrower 6as actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,�r is notiSed by any governmental ---
<br /> or regulatory authority,that any removal or other remedtatlon of any Hazardous Substances affecting the Property Is
<br /> ° necessary,Borrower shall pramptly take all necessar�remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 16,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardoussubstances
<br /> t by Environmental Law and the following substanr.es: gasollne�kerosene,other flammable or toxlc peuoleum products,
<br /> toxic pesticides and herbir,ides, voladle solvents, materials contatning asbestos or formaldehyde, and radloactive „''•°a��-
<br /> � � matertals. Ac used in this paragraph 16,"Envlronmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the urLsdictiun where — _— - _ ,.
<br /> Ithe Pmperty Is locatet!that relate to health,safety or environmenutl protection. i �P�
<br /> �..
<br /> I .:;a:, r :s:
<br /> 1 NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funhcr covenant and agree as follows: •�';;s `'•:
<br /> I 17. Assip�mcnt of Rcnts. Borrower unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the rents and revenues �- • �:`�
<br /> of the Property. Borrower authorizes Lender or I.ender's agents to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs ��.,,,u,. , �.
<br /> Jt7"�c,:".
<br /> : �;......r.;�;t�-:.
<br /> 1 cach tenant of the Property to pay the rents to L.ender or Lender's agcnts. However, prior to Lendcr's nottce to "'"' " �
<br /> :�.-.,.
<br /> , Borrower of Borrower's breach of any covenant or agrecment in the Securiry Instrument,Borrower shall collect and '''�;'z�:�';
<br /> rcccive all rents and revcnucs of the Property as trastec for the benert of L.ender and Borrower. This assignment of �` '
<br /> rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for additional securiry only. •
<br /> ; If Lc;nder gives notice of breach to Borrowcr: (a) all rcnts received by Borrower shall bc held by Borrower as
<br /> trustee for bene�t of I..ender only, to be applied to the sums secured by the Secur{ty Instrument; (b)I.ender shall be
<br /> i entit(cd to collec;t and recc:ive all of the rents of the Property; and (c)each tenant of the Property shall pay all rcnts
<br /> due and unpaid to Lendcr or Lender's agent on Lender's wdtt�n dem�nd ta the tenant. �
<br /> � Rnitnurrr hnc nn�.. ..�.,.i. __i___
<br /> , -----°-- -----..�.-;'x�.�.a=',y�,,,.,�assi��u„Cni oi inc ren►s ana nas not and will not perform any ac�ihat would r
<br /> � prevcnt Lcnder fi•om excrcising tts rights under this paragraph 17.
<br /> � Lc;ndcr shall not be r�:c;uired to entcr upon,takc control of or maintain thc Property bcforc nr after giving notice I �
<br /> of breach to B��rrowcr. Howevcr. Lendcr or a JudtciaUy appointcd rec:clver may do so at any tlme there is a breach. }
<br /> I
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