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'� ,� J <br /> � t , � <br /> .' <br /> . , <br /> _ _.�. �������" _'____��_'_.^"'_—�_ �'�� �'_"_ � �� � .. _— _— <br /> ..,..p��T�-_" . , - . ._. . .__... _ _ _ �( _ . <br /> . . . . � ...�� �� � <br /> .1. . .... �.IhV1}•.-.r.'W1T�"��* �/�Ttl•.�.,.�. .. . . . ♦. rIV.IST ({l . ." <br /> l <br /> -iM�Yw.. .__. " '� . � . .. . ... � ��,����-� _ <br /> 4 <br /> • ����'Ti'Jn�_ <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower!s lawPully scl.sed oP the estate hcreby con��v�ed und-hasUth�c rlght to � .�.�i1'.: <br /> gran.t and canvey the Properry and that the Properry!s unencumbered,exci:pt for c;ncumbranccs uf record. Borrower � <br /> warrants and wili defend generally the dtle ta the Pr�perty agalnst ull clain�s and deman�s,subJect tu uny encumbrnnce.�; L <br /> of recotd. � � � ± <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unlform covenants tor national use and nan-uniform covennnts with k ' <br /> limtted varlations by jurlsdlcAon to constitute a uniform security lnstrumcnt e;ovcring real praperty. " '"��'h� <br /> ,:�}qsn: <br /> b:.�_ <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Sorrower and Lender covenant a�td agree ns fallows: '. " <br /> 1. Paymeut ot Prindptl,Intereat and Lto Charae. Bonower shall pay whsn due the principal of,and inecrc;st ,t�;l:,;;�;- ' <br /> -�� an,the debt evidenced by the�ote and late charges due under thc Note. -__ <br /> �� 2. Monthly Payment ot7�aia.lnsuranoe,aad Ot6er Chuaa. Borrower shall includc ia each mon[hly payment, ___ <br /> together with the princlpal and interest as set forth in the Note and any late charges,a sum For(a) taxes and spccial ,r�__--- <br /> assessments leWed or to be levied against the Properry,(b)leasehold payments or ground rents on the Praperty,and ��::_ <br /> (c) premiums for insurance rec]ulred under paragraph 4. In any year in which the Lender must pay a mortgage ��" <br /> insurance premium to the Secretary of Housing aad Urbaa Development ("Secretazy'),or in aay year ia which sucU E�.-�-° °° <br /> premium would have been required if Lender still held the SecurIty Instrument,each monthly payment shall also ___ <br /> . include either:(i)a sum for thc annual mortgage Insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary,or(ii)a �__,__ <br /> ' monthly charge instead of a mortgage insurance premium lf this Security Instrument is held by the Secretary,in a �+�v� <br /> • { reasonable amount ta b�determined by the Secretary. Except for the monthly charge by the Secretary,these items `��_ <br /> • • �' are called"Escrow Items' aad the sums paid ta Lender are called"Fscrow Funds." `�D <br /> - Lender may,at uny tlme,collect and hold atnounts fot Fticrow Items in an aggregate amount not to exceed the �_- <br /> mexLnum amount that may be required for Borrower's escrow account under the Real Estate Settlemeat Procedures '�.a <br /> Act of 1974,12 U.S.C.$2601 et seca.and implementing regulations,24 CFR Part 3500,as they may be amended&om �"�` <br /> � time to time("RFSPA'),except that the cushion or reserve permitted by RESPA for unanticipated disbursements or �:__ <br /> disbutsements before the Horrower's payments are available in the account may not be based on amounts due for the <br /> mortgege insurance premium. �� <br /> If the amounts held by Lendet for Fscrow Items exceed the amounts permitted to be held by RESPA,1.Gnder shall <br /> account to Horrower for tho excess fimds as required by RESPA If the amounts of funds held by Lender at any time i; <br /> ' are aot sufticient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may notify the gonower and require Bonower to make �- <br /> up the shortage as permltted by RESPA. � <br /> - � Thc Escrow Funds are pleciged as addItlonal security for all sums secured by this Securlry Iastrument. If Bonower �� <br />_ _ _ _.: .___. f �NRciPrc t�T c��ler the full pamtent of all such sutns.Bonower's account shaU be credlterd with the balance remaining o_ <br /> � for all installment items(a),(b).and(c)and aay mortgage insurance premium installment that Lender has not become __ <br /> � `"�' obligated to pay to the Secretary,and Lender shall promptly refund any excass funds to Honower. Immediately prior - <br /> to a foreclosure sale of the Properry or Its acquisition by Lender,Bonowcr's account s6a21 be creditetl with any balance <br />-, remaining for all installments for items (a), (b),and(c). - <br /> 3. Applkation o[Paym�nu. All payments under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applled by Lender ea follows: -_ <br /> - • FIRST•to the mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lendtr to the 5ecretary or to the moathly charge by the . <br /> ' Secretary Instead of the moathly mortgage insurance premium; � <br /> � SECOND,to any taxes,spectal assessments,leasehold paymeats or ground rents,and fire,Qood and other hazard <br /> c <br /> . � iusurance premiums,as required; �. <br /> �� THIRD,to interest due under the iVote; _ <br />� FOUR'Tf-I. to amortiT.adon of the principal of the Note;and - <br /> � FIFI'H,to latc charges due under the Notc. <br /> q, Fire,Flaod scd pthor Hs�ard Insuronae. Borrower shaU insure all improvemen�s on the Property,whether "=— <br />- - now in:;�is.c, ar suhscqac�i.�c::.ctcd,agai�:.::sf2y 4sz::�, casualties,ansi con!!*�gcr_cies,inclnding�re,fc�r wh+rh � _ <br /> = L,ender requires insurance. This insutance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lendcr =- <br /> • rcquires. Bonower shall also insurc all improvcments on the Properry,whether now in existence or subsequently = <br /> crected.against loss �y tloods to the extent re,qutred by the Secretary. All insurance shall be canied with companies _- <br /> approved by Lender. The insurance policies and any renewals shall be held by Lender and shall include loss payable _; <br /> clanses in favor of,and In a form acceptable to,Lender. c' _ <br /> { In the cvent of loss,Sormwer shall give I.ender immediate notice by mail. Lender may make proof of loss if not _-- <br /> made promptly by�arrower, Eech insurance company concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment =_ <br /> for such loss directly to Lender, instead of to Borrow�r and to Lender Jointly. All or any part of the insurance .._ <br /> - � proceecls may be applled by L,ender,at its opdon,either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and `"____ <br /> ' ..;p-_�: <br /> ' thls Security Instrument,first to any delinqucnt amounts applied In the order in paragruph 3,and then to prepaymeat ��?'._-� <br /> '� of rinci al,or b to the restoration or re air of the dama ed Pro er An a lica[fon of tlis roceeds to the °�a�='-,�-- <br />- .� p p O P S P tY• Y pP P - _ : <br /> principal shall not extend or postpane the due date of the monthly puyments which are referred to in paragraph 2,or `•`'=r: <br /> 1 change the amount of such payments. Any excess insurance proceeds over an amount required to pay all outstanding <br /> - indebtedness under the No�e and this Security Instrument shall be patd to the entity legally entitled chereto. <br /> In the event of fon:closure of this Security Instrument or other transfer of title to the Properry that extinguishes <br /> ° the indebtedness, all right,title and interest of Borrower in and to insurance poUcies in force shall pass to the �� <br /> . purchascr. <br /> � 5. Oocupancy. Prescrvatlon, Maintenanoe and ProtecUon of the Properly; Borrtrwer's Loan Appllcation; <br /> I.�caseholds. Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's princi�al residence�vithin sixty days <br /> � aftcr the cxecution of this Security Instrument(or within sixty days of a later sale or transfer nf the Property)and shall l <br /> j continue to occupy thc Property as Borrowcr's principal residcncc tor at Icast one ycar aftcr thc date of occupancy. - --"-- <br /> - � unlcss Lcndcr dctcrmines that reyuiremcnt will c�iusc unduc hardship for Borrowcr, or unle;ss extenuattng <br /> � circumstances exist which an bcyond Borrower's wntrot. Borrowcr shall notlfy Lendcr of ar.y extcnuating <br /> N13HRASKA-171A DHL:D UH'111US"1' � I <br /> IMcument lyuemx Ina(d00)bfY�lb: I�Bb*C 2 Ut�(t ! <br /> I <br /> . I <br /> � I <br /> � I <br />