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<br /> , Y � � 2Q.Ewr►ta n1 D�buk• Esch oJ me lollowlny occurrencas shn!/consHtute en ev�nt ol de/euft hereundsr,fhsnlnrlbr es/hd in 'EvMt o1 �-
<br /> - ' Dd�u/t'l: F"'
<br /> �� r /yl Trustor ah�ll/s!/to p+Y when du��n y p�lnclpal,lntorast,o�pr/nclpsf�nd lnterest on tha Indebtednosa, -
<br /> • � lb)Any w�rnnty of Htls m�d�by Tiustor horeln sha/f be unMun,
<br /> fa)Tivatar ahsll/a11 to obr��v�o►��rloim sny o/the covsnanta,epre�msnta,o�condl�ns!n th/s D�od oi Tivat, ��on baha/f o/
<br /> .� (dJ Any i�pr�t�nt�Non or w+�n�nt msde by Truator on any f/nanc/al st�t�m�nts or re rts submltted ta B�neflc/ary by
<br /> - Tiusto�ahd/p�ov��i1s�or m�aHd/Y mislesd/ny,
<br /> , �•. • � !e/heato�ahal!twll to p�dorm o�o6servo�ny nl the covsnsnfa,condldons or eyreem�nts contdnsdln,or bind/np upon Trustar undsr anY .-
<br /> hulldlny/o�n aDram�nt,aicwlty�D��Bmsn4 In�n�pr��mmt,/inanclnp atsfemsnt,or�ny other epreemsnt,lnatrum�nt or document ._
<br /> . ;�;, nxscuted by Tiuetoi!n cunneoNon wJth the/oan evld�nced by the Note,
<br /> ' ^";'�r;�.�!( ' fJJ A truat��,rsosiva o�liquldator ol tho 7�ust P�oparty or o!Tiustor shs/l bo sppo/nted,or sny of the credltor�o/7rusta shall tlle s ��°
<br />- . M1.:_,,,,.�• p�tltlon In binkruptoY�psJnaf Tiu�fo�or 1or th��eorpinli+tlon of Tiuetor pu�au�nf to ths Fede�al 8rnk�upfoy Code,or an y slmllar low.
<br /> •�"��E wh�th�r 1�dN�1 or�t�t�,and lf such o�der or petition shill nof b�dlscharpad nr d/amissed wlthln thlrty(901 d�Ya dt��ths dete on
<br /> whlch tuch o�da o�paBtJon was/!/ed, Code or sn s/mllar law,/eder�l or et�te,or!f Tiusror ahs!/b�sdJudyed� _
<br />' � �s� S fD1 7iusmr ihall/Q�i p�titlon purawnt ro ths F�d�rd 8inkruptoy Y ' -
<br /> •'! a b�nkrupt,oi b�d�cl�rod lnaolv�nt,or sh�ll msk4�n aeslgnm�nt fo►the bsndlt o/credito►a,or ahsll admlt!n wildnp!ts Inab!l!ry to -
<br /> � pay!ta d�bta ea tAey bscoms duo,or shsll consent to the eppo/ntmsnt o/s rsce/vsr of all o�eny part ol the Tiust Pioperry, --
<br /> A (hl AnAI/udpm�nt lor ths psymsnt of money shrll be rendsrsd ayalnst Tru�tooal ha el�om or/r/omtthe ordsredshcree or p►oc sa upon bs �
<br /> t � d/scharp�d,wlthln thlrty/3W d�ys nfter ths entry thsrso�or shol!not app ,
<br /> whlch o�pursuanf to whlah ssld Judpmsnt wa�pientsd,bued,or snterad,and securs s atey ol exacutlon pandinp Juch ipp�+�
<br /> ' �.' /q Tiustor shill aell or convey ths Tiust Prap�rry,o�sny pirt thereof,oi any lntnsst thaieln,o�sha/l be d vested ol!ta dtls,oi�ny Intsns -
<br /> �;' thereln,!n any menner or way, whether volunt�rlly or lnvofuntully,without the wr/tten conaent of Beneflclary be/ny 11rot hsd snd
<br /> obt�ined,or —
<br /> � (j1 N Tiustar/�a coiporallon or psrtnsrshlp snd moie thsn/Jfty peresnt ISO%1 of rhe ahares or beneliclal lnterests!n such corporet on or
<br />. � p�itnnshlp,ss fh�cus maY bs,sbap bs hensfsn�d or convey�d,whoth�r voluntupy oilnvo/untar!/y,wlthout ths wdtten conatnt of
<br /> B�n�llclary belny flrst had end obtelned.
<br />'' � 17.A�����o�p�b�;Foncbiun, Upon ths occunence of sny fvent o1 Defeult,or�ny Nms thsisslter,Ben�l/clary m�y,at its opfion, �_
<br /> '' � dsc%ie�rll th�/ndebtadnssa ascursd hereby lmmedlstel y dus snd paysbls�nd the srme shall b�ar/nterest st the detsu/t rete,if sny,set/arlh in
<br />� the Note,or otherwlse s!the h/yhest rete permltted b y law,nnd,lrreap�ct/ve of whether Bene/!c%ry nxe�clsss seJd optlon,lt msy at!ts opHnn
<br /> �nd!n!ta sol�d/scrot/on, wlthout sny/urthar notice o�demsnd to or upon Tiustor,do on�or mors nf the fol/owiny: _
<br /> !eJ Bsnallclsry mAy enter upon,teke possesslon o%manayo and operste the Tivat Propsrty or iny pert thsrso%make npalrs and
<br />�a- aftorstlons end do any scts whlch Beneflclnry deems proper ta p�otact the sscurlty thereol,and either wlth o►wlthnut taklny _
<br /> possss�lan,in ifa own name,sus for or othenvlse co/lect and recslve rsnts,lasues snd praflts,!nc/udinp thoas past dus and unpiid,end
<br /> /nde'brodness ssc'ured hsreby end�n such orde ees BenefJc/sry msy dst rmldneD Upon requsst o/B nnl/cleryaTiu toicah/ esssmbi�nd B
<br />�'. '� shs//miks�vslf�b/s to Bsnellclary an y o7 the Tiust Propeity whlch hss been rsmoved. 7he enter/ny upon und tiklnp poss�sslon o/the
<br /> 7rust Plropsrty,lho colloctlon oJany renta,issues end prolits,and ths epp/lcsNon thereol es a/oresald,ahill not cuis or walvs s�y ddault
<br /> thsretofo�s oi therea/ter occurrinp,or eNect eny notice ol detsult or notics o1 sale hereundw o�invslldete eny ect done purouant to�r►Y
<br /> I—-------- �uch natft:. l:��Nlfho�an./ino Beneflclirv's continusncs!n posssaslon or rocalpt and applicallon of renta,lssues or proflts,B�ndlcliry shdl
<br />, 6s entltbd to exercls�every rlpht p�ovldsd/ur!n thls Dsed of Tiust or Dy!sw upon or aitnr tr�a occurrana�of an E�enr el nefwult,
<br /> lnc0ud/nQ ths ilyht to sxsrclss ths power o1 sa/e.Any ol ths acNons refened to Jn►h?s parsyriph msy bs faken by B�n�flclary�t such tlme
<br /> i-� . as BenHlclery miy d�term1ne wlthout nDard to the adequacy uf eny secudry for the/ndebtsdn�ss secured h�r�by.
<br />�,' i /bl Bensflciary shall,wlthout repsrd to ths adequecy ol any secwlty for the/nde6tedness secured he�oby,be andded to ths e�polntm�nt
<br /> of s�ecdvs�by iny court hsvinp ju�IsdlcNan,wJthout notice,to tAke possess/on of,p�otect end msnaye th�Tiust Aopsrty and opn�ts
<br /> ' " ths sam�end coileat the ients,lssues end prolifs therefiom.
<br />'- !cl Bsneflclary msy briny en y eodan!n an y court of competent/u�ladlcHon to foreclose thla Dsed ol Trust or enlorco sny of ths covsnanty
<br /> '' hNeol.
<br />;� fd)Bsne/!clary may eJect to cause fhe Tiust ProASrry or any part thereol lo be sold under the power of aals,end/n such evsnt,
<br /> B�ne/lclary oi Trusta�shsll ylve auch notice of de%u/t end notice of ss/e ss mey be then requlred by/sw. Theieslt�r,upon ths expinNon
<br />_, . of auch Nme�nd the plviny of such notfce of asfe as msy th�n be requ/red by lew,Tiustoe,st thQ tlmo snd plac�apscilJed by the no�Jce
<br /> of tale,ahs//ssll such Tiust Pioperry or en y p+����hs����PeciJled by B�ne/lclary,st publlc sucNon to ths hlyhsst blddsr fo�cash In l+w/u/
<br /> .. •,� .• monay of tho Unitod Stetos of Ame�lci.Upon recelpt of psym�nt o!ths p�lce bid,Tiustea sAall�pply fhe p►oc�eds!n the/o/%wlnp o�d�r.
<br /> "�:''' ' fl!to th�cost end expsnsss of sxeralslnp the power o/sale and of the ae/e,/nc/udinp but not/lmlted to, truatee s/�ss or not mors then
<br /> `±4 y'P"' ''�' d600.00 plus ons-haN of one percent o/the yross ss/s prlce,snd rsoaonebb sttomoy/eas,IliJ ro the/nde6tsdnwrs,end(ill)th�sxr.us,lf
<br />'=`" r` my to th�pe�aon or pwsons/spally snNNed therato.
<br />_ � epp slsel/seseprsmium�n/or d��nsurenae,etromey fees end cou ttcosts,she//be end cnnstltutel/ndebt dnesstal cut�ed heaeby,rtct or t/tle fess,
<br /> -y.� 2d.Outlrr olTrtirtM• Tiusror eyrssa thst:
<br /> •� � rf 1 excspt/o�[he perforniance,uftsuch du't s end obllpetlons/as arehspeclflcalfy setl/orth he►enn and no lmpNed covenants orhobllpstlons/shs11
<br /> . ��� � bs lmpoacd upon 7�ustee,
<br /> Ibl No provlslon ol thls Deed ot Tiust shall requlre Tiustee to expend or dsk 1ts own funds,or otherwlse lncur any Ilnencisl obllyetJon!n tha
<br /> � � perlormance oi eny o/Jts duties hereunder or in tha exercfse of any ol!ts rlyhts or powers,
<br /> !cl Tiustee mey consuJt w/th sounsel of its own choos/ny and the edv/se of such counsel shall be IuJ/end complete euthorizatJon and
<br /> pro�ection Jn the respect ol en y action teken or suHered by!t he�eunder!n yond leith end rellence thereon,end
<br /> Id1 Trustee shell not be llab/e/or any ectlon teken b y/t!n paad lelth and reasonab/y hallavad by it ro be suthorlaed o►wlthln!ts discredon or
<br /> � rlyh►s o►powers con/ened upon It by this Deed o/Tiust
<br /> 28,S�.wrky AyrNmMt�nd Flxtur�fNlny. Thls Deed o!Tiust shall constltute a securlry egreement end Ilxture IlNnp under the prov/slons of the =
<br /> Nebnske Unitorm Commerc%I Codo wlth iespect to those/ixtures doscrlbed!n the preamblea hereol es constltuflny s pert ol the Tiust -.
<br /> Pioperty,togethar with el!other properfy o/Tiustor etther sfmilar or disslmllar fo the samo,now or hereafter/oceted a�or on the Tiust Proparty. _
<br /> 30.Futun Adv�nc�r.Upon request o/T�ustor Bonellcfary,at Beneliclary's option,prlor to/ull reconvoyance of the Trust Propeiry by Trus�se to i
<br /> Tiustor mey make luture advences to Trustor. Such/uture advances, wJth/nterest thoroon,sha!!be secured by tiris Deed of Tiust At rto Hme
<br /> shefl the principe/amount ol the lndebtedness s9cured by this Deed of Trust,not lncluding sums sdvenced to protect the securlty,exceed the
<br /> 7 totalsum ol 8 150 000.00 .Advonces o1 disbuisemonts made by Benollciary to protoct tho security,under the terms
<br /> hereof, whi/e dlsciatlonery,shell not be deemod to be optione!advances.
<br /> - 3f.R�cunv�y�na�•Upon payment ol nl!lndnbtodness socurod by this Desd of Tiust,Boneliclary shsR request 7rustee to reconvoy the Trust
<br /> _.__ P�onertV end sha!l suriender thls Deed of Trust and ell notes ev/denclnp lndobtedness secured Gy thls�D�e�d���A7nstS ch/aeison orunersonsasha//
<br /> � recnnvey the Tiust Fropeiry without worrenry ena wimoar c6er�r i�i�.a Na.sa.-,a,-F��a....•-„-••. -•••••- • �
<br /> pay all coats ol reco�dat/on,!f any.
<br /> 32.Substkut�TruitN. 8oneflclary,ot its option,may Irom time to time romovo Trustoo and nppoint e Successor Tiusteo to eny Trusfvo �
<br /> eppo/nted hoieundor by en lnstrumenr�ocordod in the county!n which this Deod ol T.•ust Js recorded. Without conveyence of tho Tiust Properfy,
<br /> � the Succ�ssoi Trusleri_!roll succood to aH titln,powor nnd dutios conlerrod upon Trustoo horein and by appliceble law. �
<br /> � 33.Mlrc�lfen�ous Rlphtr of B�fkl�ry. Bono/iciary may or nrty timo nnd/rum timo to rirno,without notice, consnnt to tho making of nny plot ol -
<br /> = i the Trust Pioporfy o�tho crestlon n/ony aasomont theroon or any covanants rastrlcting uso or occupancy theroof or agroe to alter or amond thv :
<br /> ' turms o/thls Dood ol Trust.Any persona!propoity romuining upon Nio Trust Proporty oftes�ho Trust Proporty has boon possessed o�occupied
<br /> � by Beno/ic/ury,its agant or ony pu�chosor followmy Tiustev's snle,foreclosure,or u»dQr rtny deed in iinn nl Trustoe's snlo or/oroclosuro,shal/
<br /> be conclusivoly prosumed to havo bnon eLondonod by Trustnr.
<br />: -a � Page 4 of 5
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