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1. ' . . .�� .. _ ...:.rwr <br /> ' . ' '�f''l� -��_-`.i ':'Y.:_-��.�.._"_'_' <br /> � ...� '-.--'wta.'_n`__ r u, <br /> '--• �-- -- -• <br /> __�; -- ----- • a�!URicr_mm��r,�----�-----�.—_`— --- ----� - <br />...�. .... . <br /> T7 <br /> G1 F� � � •`i $� �• <br /> t� n � � r°++ � � � � <br /> c7 :�: � �,°� c-� � �, � a. <br /> � y; � �,,.. o ^n <br /> � � ' "'f '^ s �"� N <br /> � � � � <br /> .� n 3 rr- N � �+ <br /> � � <br /> � � z <br /> ' � n � wv � <br /> � � � � � � <br /> 97,��,Q�,75 DEED OF RECONVEYANCE _� <br /> TheindebtednesssecuredbytheDeedof'I4�ustezecutedby S�CTT C tSISSLER RND JILL M rSISSL�R. ,�� <br /> NUSBRND RNL SJIFe • r <br /> as�4uBtpr�tp Earl D AhlschwedE. Attorneu <br /> ae Trustee. for the benefit of The Equitable BuildinB and Loan Association of Grand Ielaad� NeUrasks, a Federal <br /> Savinge Bsnk, ea Beneficiary, dated JUNE 25. 1997 �ND JUV� 23 , 19 97 , and recorded in <br /> the of�'ice of the Rsgieter af Deede of �u�-� County�Nebraskx ae Document <br /> No. 95-10507B RND 95-105079 pr�$�g ----� ,Page '-'-° � <br /> has been paid,and the Beneficiary hes requested in writing that thie Deed of Rewnveyance be executed and deliv- <br /> ered as confirmed by its ondoreement below <br /> In consideration of such payment and in accordance with the requeat of the Beneficiary� the Truetee reconvoye to the <br /> pereon or persans entitle thereto all the right,title,intereat and claim acquired bq the Truetee pureuant to the Dedd <br /> of Ztust in the foAowing: <br /> LOT FOUR (4). IN BLOCtS GLEVEN (li) . i� RSHTQ� P_ACE, AN f LDI i ION TQ THE <br /> CITY OF G�AND ?S�AND� HALL COUNTY. NEBRRStSR. <br /> � <br /> Datsd: DECEMBER 16, 1997 <br /> Truetee <br /> Earl D. Ahlschwede. Attorney <br /> STATE OF NEBRA.SKA l <br /> courrrsr oF ���.� <br /> J ss <br /> The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on DECEMBER 16, 1997 _ <br /> by ��rl fl �hlcrhunda � mamhor nC thn tiabrasy° �+ ita A�r ❑ccnr���F_inn A8�'118�8. <br /> �jn�h[�l,a (�l. Ol�nv� �� <br /> Notary Public ��`��Niir�y <br />° P.,EQiJE�7C FOR��ONVEYANCE �4.arca�l� <br /> The Beneficiary requests the'I4�ustee to reconvey the real estat�de�scrib�d above ta tho person or persone enti- <br /> - tled there to. <br /> ? The Equitsble Buf d Loan sooi ion of G}rand Islpnd,Nebraeka,A Federal 6avinge Bank <br /> 8ucceas T Equi e Buildi g and Loan � v� rand Islsnd,Nebraska <br /> �, '� b,�� r r, (Title) <br /> Beneficiary ` 5 °•'� ��'" -�`- <br /> •t. '� ���: <br /> � ....s. __�.r'i: �t �O �� w� lY <br /> l�• t <br /> 1 '!i ww . v t i+ <br /> STATE OF NEBRA,SKA �t��A L..�� <br /> ss '' <br /> COUNTY OF .•a�_ � �i�d• •.•••..�•�ao•�, <br /> tra�5avin3� � <br /> 'rhe foregoing instrumont was acknowledged before me o„ OECEM6ER 16 , 19 97 , <br /> by „ �• . . -,.,,�, .�„L ; r�- (title) for The Equitable Buildins and Loan <br /> A�socistion of Grand Island,Nebraska,A Federal Savings Bank,a3 BeneScinry. <br /> I __ �I�.a a . D I S�h <br /> � iEIIEMI NpTMWy'��K N�r�q Notary I'ublic <br /> i BARBARA A.OL50N <br /> j MICwn� Od.2t,f89! <br /> .� <br /> i <br />