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<br /> 5, MalntonAnce Repalrs and Compliance with Laws. aorrowcr shall keep the Ptopeitf� k► 9ood condillon �nd rep�k; t
<br /> ��-•,i��-_—
<br /> ahalt prompty repelr. or rophce any knprovement which may be d�rtuigad or deatroyed; •haq not romova. demoNeh or substanUaGy siter any ._,_. __ ,
<br /> �����.t;:�:��;�-
<br /> ' al Ihe Improvements on Ihe Property; ehnN not commil,aufler or permlt�ny ect to be dona In or upon the propeRy In vlotatlnn ol any law, *-�-.-...-
<br /> ordinence, or reflulatlon; and ahaB pay end promplly dlscharqe �l Qorrower'e cosl and expenae all Ilene. encurnbrances and cherqoa lovled, .��`
<br /> , Irnposed or�asesscd apalnat Ihe Properly or sny psrt Ihaeof. •"•
<br /> 8, Eminont DAmatn. Lendw is hereby esslgned �11 compensetion,oiW erAsihereotgor loticorneyancenln`Ileuro�condhemnotion. ~.�.t',.•
<br /> � •Proeeeds') In conneetlon with candemn�llon or olher tsking or the Pr�perty P '_'�
<br /> '_,t.4�ya_
<br /> :,.i��r�..
<br /> Lender�hall be en�Uled at Its opllon to commence, oppear In and prosecute in ils own n�me any�ctlon or pro�rted^ol,lhe Property Ia so . .._
<br /> • entitled lo make �ny compramise or seltlement In connectlon with auch teking or denwqe, In llio ovent eeY P
<br /> � �. �q euch Proaeeds�alter deductinp therelrom�1 . n�:���
<br /> ,y��� taken or dnmaqed, Londer ahell hsva Ihe opllon,in ita eofe md �baolute dlecretlon, lo apply
<br /> ,.,,,,,,,w,�,,,� coste and expanaoa Incurred by Il In connecllon with auch Proceeds,upan nny Indebledneee aecured h o�uchde nditlona a Lmder�mwy ���`F
<br /> �
<br /> m�y determine, or to�pply all such Proceeda, aller such deducllone, to the rostwaUon oi ths Propnty�P �ts undar lhe Note,or curo �",�,,
<br /> � � dotermine. Any appllcaUon ol Procoeds to indeblednes� shrl not extend or poslpone the due dste al any P�ym . •�'��_____
<br /> � any dslault thereunder or hereunder. .-,'� ___v_
<br /> ' � 7. Performance by Lendel'. In tha evmt oi BoROwer's lalluro to perlorm any ol the covenenis hereMt or maka any p�yments ,.,���:
<br /> � required hereby,or il eny act (s taknn or legal proceednU commencad which materlatly�8ecls Lender'e Interest U the PropMy,Lender may In :;:_, �
<br /> Its own dlscretion, but wilhout obllgallon to do ao, and wllhout nollce lo or demand upon BoROwer�nd wilhout releasing Borrower Iram any c,;:�,�..,
<br /> ,� obligal!un, do any acl which the BoROwer has nflreM'bul Inlis to do nnd may atso do any other act il deema necesasry [o protecl the �,�
<br /> } secudly hereol. Borrower shali, Immedl�tely upon demand therelore by Lmder,pay lo Lender ap eosts md expenaes Incuned end aum� _
<br /> � � the Note,which shall be addedito the�indebtedne3s s cure dhereby.elender sh Ngnot fncur`�ny p sanal�ibNity beceusehol enythingt may = _
<br /> � do or omll to do hereunder.
<br /> � 8. Events ai Def�ult. The lolluwing sh:.tl constl�ule en event ot delault under thts Deed ol Trusl,
<br /> .,�. --
<br /> • (a) Fallure to pay any Installment ol principal or Inlereat or eny other sum secured heteby when due. or lailurn to psy when due�ny
<br /> � olher indebtedness ol Bortower to Lender;
<br /> t (b) A breach ol or defeult under eny provislon contained In the Note,this Deed o1 Truat, any doeument whlch securea lhe Note,
<br /> . � �nd any other eneumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> _ .__ tc� A wril ol execution or ettachment or eny slmllar procesa sh�N be ente�ed aflalnnt Borrowor whlch shnll become a Ilen on Ihe
<br /> PropeAy or eny portlon thereot or Interest thadn;
<br /> , (d) Thera shall be tiled by or agalnsl Uortower an action under any present or lulure lederol,stale or olher stetuts,Iaw or regulaUM —
<br />� Bortlower or�ol aA or any parl olcthe Propertyf or the rent�tiseues o�protita thebeof'or Borrower aha161innkeran 8eneral asatlpnment
<br /> ., lor the benetit ol creditors;
<br /> (o) The aulo, Ir+nsler, nselflnmenl, conveyance a lurther mcumbrance ol�b or any paA ol or any Interest In the Prope�ty. dther
<br /> , volunlariiy or involunlerlly,without Iho express written consent ot Lender.
<br /> 9. RemedlBS; Accel8r8tlon Uqon De}8ult. In the evmt ol any Event of Oel�ult Lende�r may declare nit indebtednees
<br /> � socured hereby to be due and psyable nnd the same shell lhereupon become due and pnyable wllhout eny preaentmmt,demand,protest a
<br /> „ notice ol any klnd. Thareaiter Lender muy:
<br /> ' - �"- ?- Prop Ayato beaaoid and iva�N ioc eds PO bo dlsOldrS��E g�anted*h�nnner�prov ded In h f Nebnskt� Tmst 0 eds�Act�s inlereet In th� .�—__
<br /> - (b) EIINer In person or by agent, with or wilhout btlnc�inp any aclion or proceeding, or by a receNer�ert hereol,nylls own name
<br /> wilhout regard lo the adequecy oi it security, enler upon end teke poasesslon ot the PropeAy,or any p e
<br /> or in the name oi 7rustee, end do any ecls whlch It deems necessery or deslreble lo preame the��w hM��ndii(withror w`(lho'ut
<br />, � ot tho Propany, or paR lheroo{al Interest therdn, increase the Income thaetrom or protect thd secudly
<br /> •• tnking possesslon ol the Property, suo lor or otherwise coliect Ihe rents,Issues and prollts Ihereol,Including those pesl due�nd
<br /> ° I unpnld, and upply the eume, loss costa nnd expenses ol oporatlon and collecibn Induding ettomeyl'1eea, upon any Inde6ledneaa ��__
<br /> ; I secured hereby, oll In such order es Lender may dutemilno. The entedng upon end taking posaeselon of the Proporty, the r ^
<br /> " ' coliection of such ronts,Issuos und pro61s and tho app��ceUon Ihoreol ns alorasaid,shall not cure or wahrer any defnult or notice ot r:;.,��3
<br /> i � �i„":,.,� _
<br /> : i dalault heraunder or involidnlo any ncl done in rosponso lo such dolault or puraunnt to such notica of delault end, noiwithstandinfl -`�--_ -
<br /> tha conUnunnca In po�sasslon al the Propeny or tha coUecqon,reccipt and appllcaUon of rents, Issues or prolits,Truslee or Le��der ���...:�
<br /> � �hau bo entiqed to oxerciso overy dght provlded for In any ol tho Loan Inslrumonls or by law upon occurrence ol eny evenl ot ;_��•_`��
<br /> idelaull,inctuding tho dght to oxercl3e Iho power ot ealo; and ��-
<br /> � (c) Commence un actlon to toreeloso �hls Deed ol Trus! �a n mort�age, cppolnt a rocelver, or spucllically �nforee nny ol tho
<br />- � covennnts hareof:
<br /> ' No remedy herein conlarrad upon or roserved to 7mstae o1 Lender Is inlendod to be exciusivo ol any other remedy herein or by taw provWed
<br /> , or permlltod, but each shell ¢a cumulalfva, shall bo In ndditlon to evary other remedy c�Non hereunde�or now or hereatler existinfl al Iaw or
<br /> In oquily or by stntutv,nnd may bo¢xefe�setd concurcently, Independentiy or successlvQly.
<br /> , 10. T�ustoe. 7hu Trusteo muy reslqn el ony Ilma wilhoul eause, and Lender may al any tlme and without causcr appoint a j
<br /> j succassor or subslit�ta T�usloa. TrusleQ shotl nol bo Ilobin lor nny loso or damuqe untoss due to ectlonable ne411gonco or wlllful I
<br /> � misconduct, ond shall not bo royulrod to Inka nny actlon In connecllon with thn entorcement of lhts Deod ol 7rust unloss
<br /> � indemnlfied, In writlne�, lor aIl cosls, compensatlon or expenses which mny bo assoclnted therewilh. In additlon, Truslen may
<br /> � br,corne a purchaser nl nny salo ol the Properry Qudiclal or under the power ol sale qranted hereln);postpone lho sale ol ail or any
<br /> i portlon ol tho Propetly,as provlded by law; ar sell Ihe Ptoparty as a whole, or In separato pnrcels a lots.
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