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<br /> !��!�t 1I,���`.� _ . .a....'_' .._'—.r.
<br /> - ti ,-/ t+�i.:�,i�'�'htc's�i�-��-�.,�t:.ary�'_�i�,t��. �,�— .'- -
<br /> �.. _ "aa..`..• ..,._ .._�- _-
<br /> ._�;�W��, .v� ��r�.� (�.-•-
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<br /> .__�� `
<br /> -------� , .� ��• . �r-r�co�n�o 9� 1�5U5�3
<br /> �-----_ . ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RIDER ...
<br />—f- ���� ' �` '97—:�.ifl�63 � of .��•�d k
<br />_ _� "_�„a� THIS ASSICaNNENT OF RENT9 RIDER a rrwd�uid�ut�d thls�..._ y �_
<br /> R;Ra, ,iy�� haArpor�t�d hto �nd �haN W dMrt�d to �d �d 4UPPh�tk�r nhrc�tla o�s t�OBortowK",�to tocun Bo�rtoww� hdM�l�d��� W
<br /> -��—'�"_'—"_�� in�uum�m•, o� cn� sarrw d�t� pM�n bY.t,��n u��%SKA BANK
<br /> _MQ-.n"?�� h�rNnaR�r n}wrrd tn as th�'Not�",to� , h�„�ri�r rN�rtb to�s lh� 'L�ndK'� of th� eam� dat�Und oowrhq th� —
<br />--�.vr�»r�� prop�rty Wicrb�d fn tn�S�ourky Instrum�r►t and loc�t�d at: �
<br /> .�il..rMS�:•-
<br /> ND N-----�6d601 (wov«�y�a�n�.)
<br /> ��.rr�
<br /> � WITNESSE'TH: shoufd oonstltut��ddkional NcurkY
<br /> �-:�dtc:�!
<br />_-""'==',h,:� WHEpEpg,Borrow�r and Und�r htw �qrMd thot my r�nts and proflts atG�wtabM to th�pra
<br /> �:T�� to th�UndK tor th�paym�nt ot th�Not�;
<br /> � °-�.s��� Inetrum�nt thtM b�omend�d haraby iu�d doemod to hcMld�th�toMowinp P�ovNbnt: - -
<br />=.=„_n�� NOW,THEFlEFQF���t It�Qr�ad that th�S�curky
<br />-- =�"'i"'a� �, �y�nm9nt of Rents and Lende. °°^•°' r���tion R{nht�. Bortowar haebY ebsolutey and uncondRbnaW 6bbfQ05 SN f6�1t6, {ssa�s
<br />���:�*flA•�� and profits ol th�propaty to BMiaticia�'. Lp^d�shaA have tha rlyht,Pow�and tu�Qted thxoonhw�h otrnwRhout takhp poss�ssbn ol��
<br /> �::-_:�� to aolwct th�nnts, Istu�s and profkr ot ths prop�rtY Md uf�ny p�rwnal proputY
<br /> '�^"��� prop�ty �N�tod h�roby. Lander, howrwr, hK�by aons�►ts to Bonnw�� colf�clbn and ntvntbn of auch ronts,issuea�nd prafMa as th�y
<br />--��"'�;� accru� and becorrN payabN, so bnp as Bonower le not, at sur.h th'►a� h d�huk wkh wsp�ct to payrtw�t of any IncMbt�dn�s��acund —
<br /> �-�:.�,`��
<br /> °,�--:,�� hK�by,or in th�pwfortnanca o}any�p��►�nt horeund�.
<br />�--+*�i+�"� �
<br /> � 2. �oo� of ReceHer. It�ny w�nt o}d�fwk h nsp�at to th�3�curly In�Wrn�nt shaM haw d io��w��f f�tuu�U a —
<br /> ,-`ry'�' .
<br /> — �s a matt�r of rqht u�d wRhout not�c�to Borrow�r or snYe^�cMMNp unda B�oWK`kdbtbn to tappoht��M�►�of tFw prop�AY�
<br /> -"r:`-'�"" th� fntK�st of th�BonowK th�r�h,shaN haw th�rlpht to appy to �nY couR hwh�iu
<br /> ----;;,�,�.,��� th�nof�u k sh�N muun�
<br /> °—�--- 3 HIOhLI4.P4ltlf�ll�lj In Cas�ol d�huk In ttN P�'/�'N^t of th��ald P��`oiont�in�d h1►h�`S�CUrky InsUum�nt� th�thY L�ndu� it�
<br />� ,��� or In th� cas�of hiiun to kNp or pxforn► IuiY of « a��a^t� ��a��
<br /> .�u�,-�a� succ��sors a uslpns, th�N b� u►d b h�nbY authorl�d md «npAw�d to �� �^�kol ths NoU� of th� Nfd Pn�^M� t�„
<br />__— doacr�d�nd to ooN�at lh�nntt thKMrom, md to�ppN th�D���s th�no��c t►M P�Y�^ t o11h�Cotp
<br /> � 4. AQ " �• " "� -•s I���� n Prof a. AM nnt� ooNlCbd by Lor►d�r Or tM nG�hMr �l�aN b� �PP�fltatotn0 ��s bOf1d1 M1d
<br /> -=__ _— of rtw�ay�rtMnt of tM p►oPK1Y �nd coMCtia+ ai �is� :w�d:s3� ba! n�� �Y�d to. nc�� NN� R��
<br />_;-�_-_ - nasonRbM Ntom�Y�s NK.end th�n to th� tums s�ound by th�3�ourlly InsUurn�nt.UndK�d th�neM�K��e�a�t0 �0°OL1�"�_'�
<br /> for thos�nnt�actw�N����• Intwrr�n►�haM�
<br /> '�� 6. c--••ruotbn o} Prov bns. E�ch of th�:o h�icoad�iu�kh N�ixtsW la ,w t�nd�h t wM�tn�n pro8 wb�MY hM�h af thM+Ne
<br /> � unMtis oth�rwfa �paoNbaly nqubd, ba cons
<br /> ooat�in�d sh�l1 b� d�torrnfnad bY � couR of aompobnt Jurbd{ctbn to b� a�o^��M�M� th� �� ��N a a���� �s thouph�uoh
<br /> ��� un�ntorcoabM provisbn w�n not part h�rwt or thK�of. �n oth�r�Pp��M
<br /> �__„���� m�nt of Fi�nt� FlW�r or by Y
<br /> �T,�, 6. F„ t�q�. ��p� es spacx�auy modifMd by ar inconsletant wAh thk Assfpn
<br />�=�*��`: rWar,au ot tho t�ma ond provisbns contein�d In th�Sacurit�r Inatrum�nt shaq conthue In tu�forc�uid Mf�ot.
<br /> -�;.:s�
<br /> �°". . IN WITNCSS WHEREOF�Bortowx has axocut�d this Assqnrtwnt of Rente Fi on th�dat�firet not�d abow.
<br /> ->-�7
<br /> `'�'➢'�'��� BorroMe Q p J BARTEK
<br />��c���.�
<br /> �.'-s 3i�' tlF�
<br /> - .,.���
<br /> _=�=F���
<br /> _ J
<br />--..i}r1Ti�uiivt� dOffOM
<br /> __-__.:�'�iS�
<br />—_�CAR".T�as�.
<br />_r:":��,� , STATE OF NEBRASKA � s�.
<br /> - - S•��
<br /> �� � '�`�` COUNTY OF HALL
<br /> ;; .,.
<br /> - ....` ' June 1997 , b�ton rrN,tha unclM'sqn�d,a NotuY I'ublb duN ao�s� �nd
<br /> p�sh�s 27th day ot
<br /> qualMied tor snid county,paroonally camo ANDREW J BARTEK AND CYNTHIA A BARTEK HUSBA D AND WIFE to
<br /> ,- ba tho Wont�al pareon(a) whosv nama(e) Islua subscr�bed to th� toropoinp
<br /> hatrumw►t, md helthaJthoy acknowl�dp�tha �xoeutbn thar6of
<br /> y to be hislherlthelr vohentary aot and deed. , NEBRASKA h said county,the
<br /> � . � Witnesa my h4nd and Notarinl i GRAND ISLAND
<br /> � date nforeseld. �� C�
<br /> ' �'`$yq
<br /> ,y�yi��yo� Nom�P�euc
<br /> r � ,� IL M . MC
<br /> _ G /� 9�_
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<br /> I My Comm�sslon expkes: AUGUST 12 20 ��PO�
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