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<br /> G.ASSICNMEN•r or•i�h:AtiM ti, Upon Lcndcr's rcyucst, Burnawcr ahull ussign 1o7.�r►dcr all Icascs af thc -�a
<br />`'`'�`�`�� Property and all sccurity dcposi�g madc in cannccUon with Icascs of tho Property. Upon thc assignment,Lendcr _
<br /> shull havc thc right to modify,cxt�nd or t�rminatu thc cxisting Icas��s and ro exccutc ncw lcascs,in l..andcr's sola -
<br />.�. discrcdon.As usecl in this paragraph (l,thc word '9casc" shall mcan"sublcasc" if thc Sccurity Instrumcnt is an a •-
<br />°� lcaschold. .
<br /> '. Borrower absolutcly end uncandiuonally assigns and uansfcrs to Lcnder all the rents and revenucs("Rcnts")of thc .,:
<br /> ' " Property,regazdless of to whom the Rents of thc Property arc payablc. Borrowcr authorizes Lcndcr or L.cndcr's =
<br /> ' � • agents w collect thc Rents,and agrecs that cach tenant of thc Proparry shall pay thc Rcnts to Lendcr or I.endcr's ____
<br /> � � agcnts.Howcver�Borrower shall rccc:ivc thc Rents until(I)Lender has given Borrowcr noucc of default pursuant to
<br />��. ,. paragraph 21 of the Socurlty Instru�ncnt and(ii)Lender has given nodcc to the tcnant(s) that the Rents azc to be __ -
<br /> .l =
<br />� ' paid to Lendcr or LendePs agenG 'Ihis asslgnment of Rents consdwtcs an absolute assignment and not an _,.
<br /> nssignmcnt.for addidonal sccurity only, �`:��
<br /> '' ' If L.ender gives nodce of breaeh w Horrower:(i)all Rents received by Bonower shall be held by Boaower as
<br /> .� tivstec for thc benefit of Lcnder only.w bc applied to thc sums secured by the Securlty Instnimcnt;(u)L.cndcr shull �"''
<br /> - bc endded to collect and reccivc all of the Rcnts of the Property; (ui) Borrowcr agree5 that each tenant of thc '
<br />�± � Pro rty shall pay all Rents ducs and unpaid to Lender or I.cnder's agents upon L.ender's wriaen demand to thc �=-�
<br /> . ;, Pc
<br /> tcnant; (iv) unless applicable law providcs otherwise, all Rent� collected by Lendcr or I.ender's agents shall be �-:_
<br /> , applled Cust w the costs of taking con�ol of and managing the Properry and collecpng the Rents.including,but not �;`,�
<br /> - '� limited to,attorneys' fees,rcxeiver's fecs.premiums on rcceiver's bonds,repair and maintenance costs,insurance �_
<br /> premiums, ta�ces. assrssmcnts and ntl�er chargcs on thc Property, and thcn to the sums secured by the Sccurity ���
<br />' Instrument;(v)Lender,Lender's agents or eny judicially appointed receiver shnll be liable w account for only those �;
<br /> --� Rettts acwally received;and(vi)Lender shaU be entided to have a receiver appointed to telce possession of and .�,
<br /> munaQe the Pcoperty and collcct the Rents and profits dcrived from thc Property without uny showing as to the
<br /> --__--� inadequacy of the Properry as sccurity. _
<br /> If the Rents of the Property are not sufficient to cover the costs of taking control of and managing the �'
<br /> � Property a��d of coUecting the Rents any funds expended by Lender for such purposes shaU become indebtedness of =
<br /> • � Boaower bo Lcnder securcd by the Security Instrument pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7.
<br />