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� �� <br /> . , . r <br /> � - - - <br /> -'•�'�^-... . . .-- -- - --- .. - __ - . <br /> --.._.. - .. . . _--- ------ . ._ _. ...--� --- — -- - - - <br /> , ----��; .. . . _ <br /> ...__ . .. :_ � ,. - - <br /> . .,,,,�,,��. . .. �-'� - <br /> . , � , - -- <br /> .... � .� .��-r,y_� <br /> i <br /> , • J�'�' �1Q'U4� ::'n.�„�°,"-=_l.i�r�`— <br /> ..,_.e:,,...� <br /> �+i�;;.r:�:'�'. <br /> 14. DEFAULT.Trustor will be in defuult if nny parcy obligated mi the Securcd Debt falls to make payment when due,Trustor . � <br /> will be in default if s bre�ch occurc under the temw of this Secudry Instrument or Q11 enecr aryihatn8enefici yf nt anY .' <br /> purpose of creating,securing or guan�nt�nnor entit�a6lign�t�dton the Socured Uebt orYtt►at the prosp�ct of nny pnyment or � <br /> time ts insecure with tespdct to eny�c. Y . ., :; <br /> the value of the Pr�perty i9lmpAired ehall also conetttuto an cvent of default. „ <br /> , '� <br /> 15. REMEDIES ON DEFALTLT. In some instances, federal and state law will require Beneficiary to pravide Truetor with ,r .. <br /> notic:e of thti rigtu to cure or other notices end may establish time schedules for foreclosure actions. Sub'cc[ to these ,_ <br /> limitadons, if any, Beneftciary may accelcrate the Secured Debt and fora:lose thie Securiry instrunicnt �n a manner `t`V = , ��r:, <br /> � -�^` ` provided by law if Trustor is in default. :,;"��t ". - <br /> ary p P p z,• .;��r'..i��}, � <br /> ,+. Atru�iapely�dueBand payable�lafter giving notice�At�tre�qulre�,d by law supon�th eoccunen�of a�defaulthor�any imc ��.��s- . — <br /> the terms of the Secured Debt, �. ;s.;,,°�t. .'� <br /> thereafter. ]n additlon, Beaeficiary shall be entitled to all the remedies provlded by law, ;� ___ <br /> this Security Instrumr.nt and any related documents,including wlthout limitanon,the power to sell the PropenY• �j���yf���'=' <br /> If there is a default,Trustee ehall, in addition to any other permitted remedy, at the re quest of the Beneficiary, advertise .��*�3 <br /> and sell the Property es a whole or in d in eres pof Trusrop atlsuch time an place asSTn st�ee des�aa esTru tee shall give ������- <br /> � tttle fcee and clear of all right, title an <br /> notice of sale including the time, terms and place of sale and a description of the property to be sold as required by the �,�;'� <br /> applicable law in effect at the time of the proposed sale. • :{��� .= <br /> • Upon sale of the property and to the extent not prohibited by law,Tn►stee shall make and deliver a deed to the Property � r�, _. <br /> sold which conveys aUsolute title to the purcfiaser, and after first payiag all fees, charges end costs, shall ay to :;,�f;_ <br /> Beneficiary all moneys advanced for repairs, taxes, insuraace, liens, assessments and prior encumbra�ices and <br /> nterest i:; .,,�: <br /> thereon, and the principal and interest on the Secured Debt, paying the surplus, if any, ta Trustor, Benr:ficiary may ___ <br /> ptuchase the Property.The recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein. __- <br /> � All remedies are distinct,cumulative and not exclusive, and the Benet`iciary is entitled to all remedies provided at law or <br /> ,g� equity,whether or not expre�escley is due or is acceleiated oryafterefor�los tanP oceedingsmare tileds hall ln tywn titute a <br /> Secured Debt after the bal � <br /> �• waiver of Beneficiary's right to require complete cure of any existing default. By nat exerctsing any remedy on n as�cao,lr�s �j <br /> default,Beneficiary does not waive Beneficiary's risht to later consider the event a default iC it�antinues or happe <br /> + 16. EXPENSES; ADVANCES ON COVENAIVTS; ATTORNEYS' FEES; COLLECTION COSTS. Except when <br /> prohibited by law,Trustor agrees to pay all of Beneficiar�r's expenses if Trustor breaches any covenant in this Security <br /> Instmment.Trustor will also pay on demand any amount incuned by Beneficiary for insudn�,inspecting, reserving or <br /> otherwise protecting chellat t�heyhi hesBt interest rate n effect as provided�n thPe terms of he Secured�uebin�radoti of�e <br /> payment until paid in fu S <br /> to pa y, all costs and expenses incuned by Beneficiary in,collecting, enforcing.or protectin� Beneficiary's rishts and <br /> �• remedies under this Security Instrument. This amount may include, but is not limrted to, attorneys' fees. court coste, and <br /> other le�al expeases. This Security Instrument shall remain in effect until released. Trustor agrees to pay for any <br /> recordatton costs of such release. —��_,, <br /> � 1�. �rryIRpNR�1VTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this section, (1) Environniental Law ���— <br /> �1 r:.� <br /> means, without llmitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response.Compensation and Liability Act(CERCLA, 42 <br /> U.S.C. 9601 ei seq.), and all other federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances,court orders. attorney general <br /> �. opinions or interprenve letters concerning the public health,safety,welfaze,environment or a hazardous substance:and(2) <br /> ,,� Hazardous Substance means any toxic, radioactive or hazacdous material, waste, pollutant or contaminant which has __— <br /> � chazacteristics whlch render the substance dangerous or pntentially dangerous to the publi� health, safety, welfare or <br /> enviroument. The term includes, without limitatlon, any substances defined as "hazardous material." "toaic substances," <br /> �� "hazardous wasce"or"hazardaus substance"under any Environmental Law. <br /> Trustor rcpi�cuts,warrants ar.d agrees that; �.,.�_� <br /> :� A.Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in wi�iting, to Beneficlary, no Hazardous Substo.��.. is.,: .::il be <br /> located, stored or released on or in the PropeRy. This restnction does not apply to small quantities of Hazardous �,R_�� <br /> t Substances that are generally recognized to be ap ropnate for the normal use and maintenance of the Property. �__ <br /> � B.Except as prevtously disclosed and acknowledg�in writing to 9eneficiary,Trustor and every tenant have been, are, __ _ __ <br /> and shall remain in full compiiance with any applicable Environmentel Law. __ -_— <br /> C.Trustor shall immediately notify BeneficiarY if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance occurs on, '� <br /> � under or a b ou t t h e P r o p e rt y o r t h e r e i s a v iolatlon of an y Enviranmental Law conceming the Property. In such an - <br /> event,Trustor shall take all necessary remedial action in aceordance with any Environmental Law. !K _ <br /> D.Trustor shall immaiiately notify Beneficiary in writing as soon as Trusror has reason to believe there is any pending `'� ;,�`Y' <br /> or threatened investigat�on, c laim, or pro c e e d i n g r e l a t i n g t o t h e r e l e a s e or threatened release of any Hazardous ° "., ;;•. •. . <br /> Substance or the violation of any Envirorunental Law. S;; ~' . <br /> 18. CONDEMNATION. Trustor wiil bive Beneficiary prompt notice of any pendin&ur threatened nction,by private or public -,�,:;:� . <br /> entities to purchase or take any or all of the Property through condemnation, eminent domain. or any other means.Trustor • . . . <br /> authorius Beneficia�y to intervene tn Trustor's name in any of the above described actions or claims. Trustor assigus to <br /> I Beneficiary the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected�vith a condemnation or other taking of all or any <br /> i Instrumente'Th s�asslgtune t of p ocdeedsh s subject to�the tempis of any prior moi�tgagepoleed of wstV ecuri y x�reementioc <br /> other lien document. <br /> I 19. 1NSUR�lNCE.Trustor shall keep Property insured against loss by fire. flood,theft and other hazards and risks reasonably <br /> j associated with the Property due to its type and location This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the <br /> periods that Beneficiary requ�res. The insurance curier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Trustor subject to <br /> � Beneficiary's a�proval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Trustor fails to maintain the covcrage described <br /> � above, Benefi`�ary may�r aV Bnll nfi�icary's option, obtain coverage to protect Beneficiary's rights in the Property according <br /> - . - iu iiic i�ium...........�_.'....� -•----� -- -. -_-.___.:.-- - <br /> � All insurancepo licies and renewals shall be ai:ceptable to Beneticiary,and shall include a standarci "mortgage clause" and, � <br />. � where applicable, "loss payee clause," Trustor shall immediately notify Bcneticiary of cancellation or termmation of the <br /> insurance. Beneftciary shall have the right to hold the policies and r�newsils. If Beneticiary rcyuires, Trustor shall <br /> immediatcly give to Deneficiary all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. Upon loss, Trustor shall give <br /> . immediate notice to the insurance carricr and Beneficiary. Beneficiary may make proof of loss it noi madr immcdiately by <br /> � Trustor. <br /> , fpage 3 0141 <br /> (s�199a Benkois Systnm�,�nc.S�Cloud.MN 11 800 397 7J411 Fo�m RE 07 NE 12�23�98 , <br /> � • I <br />