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<br /> icoMicts wkh appibabla law, such confl�t shall not aHect other provlebne ol thle S�curky InatNment or tha Note whfah cnn be ...:_
<br /> I glven eNOCt wRhout ths conllbtinp provlslon. To thls end the provislono�� thls Securky Instru►nent and the Note are dealered to
<br /> jbo SYVaroqlo.
<br /> � 1 6.Borrower'� COpy.Bortower sh�ll bs plven on�conlormed copy of the Note tnd of this SecurKy Inatrument.
<br /> � 18. Hazardoua SubstOnCes. BO►tOwbf Bhp1i nOt Ctu6�0� p�rrnk th• presence,use,dtsposal, storepe, or relesse ot
<br /> I any Hanrdou� Sub�tancea on or fn ths Prop�rty. Borcow�r eh�ll nat do, nor elbw enyone olse to do, anythiny eHactlnq th� :�
<br /> Property Ihat Is h vbtatbn of any Envlronmentat Law. The prscedM��two 6entences shall not appy to the presencs, une, or (°_, �.-e
<br /> � � stotip�on th� Prop�rty of small quantRks of H�ardous Substancss Ihat aro yw�erolly recoynized lo bo npproprlute to nortnnl r•• :
<br /> rssld�ntYl un�e and to mrhtenance of the Propsrty. L�".
<br /> - I Bonower shall prompty gwe Lender wrhtRn not�e of any hvestqatbn, oiekn, demnnd, lawsuk or other aotbn by nny � _
<br /> powrnmwital or repulatory apency or prNate party InvoNhp ths Property and any Harerdous Substance or Envlronmental Law of �
<br /> i wh@h Borrowsr hes actual knowbdpe. If I3orrower leame, or Is notHkd by any povemmental or repuletory authorky, that any �y �
<br /> � removal or other remedlatbn ot eny Harerdous SubstanCes aHectinp the Property Is necessary,Borrower shall prompty uke all �� _ -
<br /> neeessery remedlni actlons L�accordance with Environmentai Law. M �
<br /> ' ! As used In thl� paregreph 16, "Heraroous Substancsa"ere those subatancet dethod es toxb or hazurdous subatnncss by � --"'
<br /> •��_
<br /> � Environmental law and the folbwinp substances: qaeoilne, kKOSene, othar ilemmabb or toxb pstrokum produats, toxb , �P_
<br /> ' � pestiaides and herbbldes, volatlle soNenta, mater'nis aontahhp aebestoa or formeldehyde,and radbeotive materkls. As uaed fn —
<br /> the parepraph 16, "Envkonmental Law" meana faderal Iaws end kws of the Jurisd�Ctbn where the Property Is located that relate
<br /> '• � to heakh, s8lety or envkonment8l protectbn. ,;:
<br /> �;
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendor turthor covenent and agree as folbws: __
<br /> 17.Aealgnment o4 REnte. Borrower uncondkbnelry assfpns end transters to Lender eu the rents and revenuos of the _
<br /> Property.Borrower authorizes Lender or Lenders agents to ooilect the rents and revenues Rnd hereby dkacts eaoh tenant of the
<br /> Praparcy to pty the rents to Lender or Lenders ayonts. However,prbr to Lenders notice to Bortower of Borcower's breeah ot
<br /> any covenant or apreement in the Securky Instrument, BoROwer shali collect nnd receNe tll rents and revenues of the Property
<br /> as uustae for the benefR of Lender and Borcower. Thls asslpnment of rents constftutes an absobte asslpnment and not an
<br /> � c asaqnment for addRbnal securfty ony.
<br /> If Lender pives not{ce of breach to Bortower. (a) ali rents received by Borrower shall be held by Bonower ns trustes for �_
<br /> • � benefit of Lendor ony, to be applied to the sums secured by the SeCUr'Ry Instrument; (b) Lender shell ba entiiied to collect and �'"
<br /> i, i r9ceNa ell of the rents of the Property; Bnd (c) each tenant of the Proparty shall pay all rents due and unpaid to Lender or —
<br /> � Lendere ayent on I.ender's wrkten demand to the tenant. -�
<br /> '� Borrower has not exeCUted any prbr asspnment ot the rente ano nas noi and wiii nui �,:��fo+'m any aCi!ha! e:ou:d Rr�`-ent �'
<br /> y ; Lender hom exerclsing Its riphts under this Paragraph 17.
<br /> i Lender Shail not be requked to enter upon,take controi of or mafntafn the Property belore or alter pNhp not�e of breaoh to ______ __
<br /> � Barower. However, Londer or a Judblalty eppolntod receNer may do so at any tkne there Is a breaoh. Any eppl�atbn of rente ��� ---
<br /> ? � shln not cure or waHe any defauft or Invalidate any other ripht or remedy of Lender. Thls asspnmen4 of rents o}the PropeRy �����
<br /> � shell terminate when the debt seCUred by the SeCUrity Instrument Is peld In fu�L �' � 'm`
<br /> -:'�_--
<br /> � 18. Foreclosure Procedure. If Lender requlrei Immedlste payment in tull under Pers�r�ph 9, �;;°
<br /> Lender mey Invoke the power of aale and eny other remedlea permitted by eppilcebte lew. �a
<br /> Lender aheli be entitled to collect all expenaea fncurred in purautng the remedles provided in _ -
<br /> thia Peregraph 18, tncluding, but not Itmited to, reeaonable ettorneya' teea and coata of title r_���-�--
<br /> ����
<br /> _�� evldence. ���
<br /> `' If the power of aale Is invoked, Trustee ahall record e notice ot deteult In eacf� county In �y
<br /> which eny part of the Property is tocated and ahall mall copies of auch notice In the mmner ���-
<br /> prescribed by eppliceble taw to Borrower end to the other peraons preicribed by appticeble Iew. __
<br /> �-- ��--
<br />_ i . After the time requlred by eppl(ceble taw, Truatee ahell qlve public notice of aale to the peraone ___-
<br /> and In the mann�r prescrtbe�d by epplicebte lew.Truetee, �ylthout demand on Borrower, ahall seti ___
<br /> i�% the Property at public euctlon to the higheat btdder et the time end plece �nd under the terma =�_o�-�
<br /> designeted in the notice of sele In one or moro parcela and In any arder Trustee determines. �,:���
<br /> Tru�tee may postpone aale of nll or any parcel of the Property by public ennouncement et the ��_.
<br />� ' tfine end place of any previously scheduled aale. Lender or Its deaignee mey purchase ihe �•��° '=—..�
<br />= Property at any aale. �.�y��
<br /> Upon receipt ot payment of the price bld, Trustee ahell deliver to the purchaser Trustee'a - ` �"''
<br /> :. �.,.:
<br /> deed conveyfng the Property. The recitals In the Truatee'a deed ahall be prima fecie evidence ot �
<br /> the Vuth of the statements mede therein. Truatee ahel� apply the proceeda of the aale in the .
<br /> toltowing order: (a) to ali costs and expenaea ot exercising the powe� of aale, end the aale, . `��-
<br /> - including the peyment of the Trugtee's fees actually Incurred, nat to exceed 3 °�
<br /> - of the prfncipal amount of the note at the tlme of the decleretion of defeult, end reasoneblo
<br /> attorneys' feea as permitteci by law; (b) to ell aums aecured by thts Security InaVument; end (c)
<br /> :� any excess to the pereon or persons legally entitied to It.
<br /> If the Lender's interest in thle Securlty InsVument ts held by the Secretary end the S�cretary
<br /> � requlres immed(ate payment In full undar Peregreph 9, the Secretary mey invoke the nonjudialel
<br /> power of sale provided In the Stngle Famfly Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994 �"AcY') (i2 U.S.C.
<br /> ' 3767 � seg.) by requeating e foreclosure camrniastoner designated under the Act to commence
<br /> ' � tnrPClosure end to sell the Pronertv aa provided in the Act. Nothing In the preceding sentenco
<br /> � shall deprive the Secretery of eny rights otherwise avaitable to a Lender under this Paragreph is r � - -
<br /> or applicabte law. �
<br /> i 19. Heconveyance. Upon pnyrr�ent of au sums secure0 by this Security Instrumem, Lender shall request Trustee to i
<br /> - reCOnvOy the Proporty and shall surrentlbr this Security Inst�ument end QII noted ovidencing d�bt seCUred by this SeCUrity
<br /> Inslrumant to Trustee. Trustee shall roconv�y the Property without wananty¢nd without chnrge tu the person or persOns legfllly
<br /> enlrtled to il.Such person or persons shall pey eny recordation co�ts. '
<br /> -� rsei�.�mu (nn�l rage�ot D -
<br /> _ � �
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<br /> � 67J
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