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<br /> 17.'frunsfcr of thc Pru�xrty or ii Hcncficlul I�itco•est in i3nrrnwer. If ull or uny part of thc Properry or any intcrest in it ,..� i�,�
<br /> ��; i��uld ur trunsfcrred(or il'a hcncfiriul intcrest in Borrowcr is suld or transfcrrcd and Horrc�wcr is nut a nuturul persim)withi�ut `�,�.�,:,,-
<br /> Lcndcr'+ priur writtcn r�mscnl, (�:ndcr may, ut its uptiun, rcquirc immediatc paynunt in full cif�dl sums sccured by this
<br /> v� Sccurity Instrument.Hc�wevcr,tliis option shull nut he exercised hy l.ender i(exerci�e is prohihited by feJrral law u�ul'thc Jutc • �r�o:-.,;_;_
<br /> af this Scruriry Instrument. �d"`��
<br /> .....r��"r �'�;���-
<br /> • �� [f Lendcr excrciscs this nption. Lender shull givc Borr��wer noticc of accricration. The nutice shull providc a period of not .�.,.���;f;,
<br /> '""""' Irss than 30 duyti from thc Jatc thc noticc is dclivcred or mailcd within which Borrowcr must pay all sums sccurcd by this �?���-==_
<br /> � Securiry 1nst�umcnt.If Borrowcr fails to pay thcsc sums prior to thc cxpiration of this period, [.cndcr may invokc any remedics �:•.�—_
<br /> - � permittcd by this Security Intiirument withuut f'urther notice or dem.tnd on Bnrrower. �— K=-
<br /> l8. Bi�rro�ver's Right to Reinstate. If Bonawer meets certuin conditions, Borrowcr shall huve the right to have —"'��
<br /> t cnforccmcnt of this Sc4urity Instrumcnt discontinucd at uny timc prior to thc curlicr of: (a) 5 days (or such othcr perioJ us = _-- °
<br /> �� upplicublc law may specify (or reinstutement) before sale of' the Pro{x:rty pursuant to any power of tiale cantained in this ----
<br /> �° Security lnstrument;or (b)emry of a judgment enforcing this Sccuriry Intitrument.T'hose cunditions are that Borrower: (a)pays
<br /> «� I.enJer ull sumx which then would be due under this Securiry Instrument i►nd the Note ax if no accelerution had occurred; (b) —
<br /> a cure� uny defuult uf any other covenuntti or agreements; (c) pay, all expenses incurred in enforcing this Securiry Instrument,
<br /> including, but not limitcd to,reasonable attorneys' fees; und (d) takcs such action as Lendcr may rcasonably rcqutre to assure
<br /> ,�, that the lien of this Security 6ntrument. Lendcr's rights in thc Property und Borrower's obligation ta pay the sums secured by
<br /> � thi�: Security instrument shall continue unchangexf. Upon reinstutement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and tbe _ _
<br /> � obligationti,ecured hereby shall remain fully effective us if no accclerution had occurred. However, [his right to reinstate shull
<br /> not apply in thc casc of acccicration undcr paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Chauge of I.oan Servicer. The Note or a pnrtial interest in the Note (together with this Security _
<br /> ' ti lnstrument)muy be sold��ne or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known _-__
<br /> ,r� as the "Loan Serviccr") thut coUccts monthly payments due undcr thc Notc und this Secunty Instrument. Thcrc also may bc ane M
<br /> or morc changcs of thc Loan Scrvircr unrclutcd tu a salc of thc Notc. If therc is a rhangc of thc Lnan Scrviccr. Borrowcr will bc .�.:>-
<br /> giv;n written notice of the rhange in accordance with parUgruFh 14 ahove and applicable law. The notice will state the name and __
<br /> �� address of the new Loun Servicer and the address te�which payments shc�ulJ be mude. The notice will ulso contain any other `���
<br /> .� informutiim rcyuircd by applicablc luw.
<br /> � 20. Huzardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or rele�.,e of any °`��`�
<br /> � H:uardouti Substance� on or in the Property. Borrowcr shall not do, nor ullow anyone clse to do, anything affecting the —
<br /> Property that is in viulation ol'any Environmcntal Law. Thc prcccding two scntenreti shall not apply to thc presence, usc, or
<br /> __ _ __ _ ,�,.�,��o�nn thr PrnPrrty �if .m:dl yu:intities of HuiarJnus Suhstances that are eenerally recoeni•t.ed to bc appropriate to normal —� _
<br /> � residential uses and to rnaintcnance of thc Properry. —
<br /> ��' Borrowcr sh;�ll promptly givc Lender wriUcn notice uf'any investigution, claim, demand, luwsuit or other action by any
<br /> governmental or regul;�tory agency c�r privute party involving the Property and any Hu�arJous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> of'which 8on•c�wer hus uctual knowledge. If Borrower Iearns, or is ncriitied by arry governmental or regulutory authority, that
<br /> •, any removal or other remcdiaii��n of any Har.ardous Substanrc affecting thc Propeny is neccssury,Borrower+hall prompdy takc
<br /> all necrssary rcmcdial actionti in urrurdancc;with Environnuntal Law.
<br /> . As usrd in this puragraph 20, "Har.ardous Sub.tances" arc those subs�anccs JeCned ati toxic or huxarduus substunces by
<br /> . Enviranmcntal Law,ind thc fulluwing suhstunccs: Eusolinc, kcroscnc, othcr flnmmablc or toxic pctrolcum prcxlucts, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile xolvents, mutrriuls cimtaining a�hestu+or formaldehyde,and radiosctive materiuls. As useJ in
<br /> this para�raph 20, "Environmental Law" mcunti federal law+ anJ law, uf thc jurisdiction where the Pruperty is locatul that
<br /> rclatc ta hcalth,tiuf'cty c�r cnvironmcmal protcction.
<br /> NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS. Biirrower and Lendcr further a�vrnant und agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Acceferutlnn; Remedies. I.ender shall�i��e notice to I3orrmscr prlor tu ucceleration fullowing Burruwer's breach
<br /> - • of uny cuvenant ar a�;rcement in this Security Instrument (6ut not prior to ucceleration under puragruph 17 unless
<br />- upplicublc lu�v prmld��otner�vke). The notice shull sperify: (u)the default; (b)the action required to cure the dePaulh,
<br /> (c) u date, not Iess than 30 days from the dute the notice is�iven to Borrower, bv which the default must be cured; and
<br /> (d) thut fuilure to cure the defuult on or before the date sp�ri�ed in the notice muy result in acceleration of the sums
<br /> � secured by this Sccurity Instrument and sale of the Propert�•. The notice shall further inform Borrower nf the rlght to
<br /> • reinstute sifter uccelerution anai the ri�;ht to brin�! u court urtlon to assert the nomex(stence of A defuult or uny other
<br /> �,. defense nf I3orrua•er to accelerution und sule. If thr default is not cured on or before the date tipeci�ed in the noNce,
<br />. I.ender, ut its optlnn, may require immediute puyment in full of ell sums,ecured by thts Security Instrument without
<br /> � furthcr dcmand and rnuy� insoke the �x►wer of tixle and any other remedies permitted by applicablc laa�. I.endcr shall be
<br /> '' entiticd W collect all expenscs incurred in pur.;uin};the remedter provided in thfti pura�rt�ph 21, includln�;.but not limlted
<br /> to. reusonuble uttur►teys' fecs und costs of'tiNe evidence.
<br /> ' If the po��rr�if sale fs invoked. Trustee shull recard u nntice of default in euch county in �vhich uny part of the
<br /> Property is located und yhidl�nuU cnpies of such notice Bi N�e munner prescribed by� appl[cable Inw to Borrowcr i�nd to ==-_-
<br /> the other persons prescribed by npplicuble li��v.Af'ter the time required by�applieuble lii«•, 'I'rutitee shull�ive public notice ����:-`
<br /> of sule to the persnns und in the my�nner prescribed by i�pplicuble luw.Trustce. �vithout demand on Bc►rro�ecr, shull sell :����—
<br /> • the Prn ert at ublir uuctiun to the hi�hcyt bid�cr:�t the titnr and lace and wider tl�e terms desf nuted in t�e notice of 'f'`"`
<br /> p Y p �, P R . �:i�;�,
<br /> sale in one or more parcels und ii�um• urder'I'rustce determines. Trustce nwy postpone sale c►f'ull or uny purcel of the �•�^•°-
<br /> Yropert}• by public unnnuucement ut the tlme and pli�ce of'uny previausl�• scheduled sale. Lender or its desf�nee may ' �`-
<br /> purchase the YropeM�� ut unp sule. ,
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
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