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<br /> � • Borrower may cure such a defauR end rolnstate, au provided In paragraph 18, by causing the actlon or proceeding to be . r�,:�.�_�u�.`
<br /> � diamissed with e ruling that,In Lender'n pood fqith detartnlnatlon, prociudes torieiture of the Borrower's INorest In lho Proporty or �`' � ��'
<br /> �.:•,...:
<br /> other materlal Impalrment ot the Ilen crealed by ihls �ecurity Instrumont or l.ender's securlty Interest. Borrower shall also be In �.
<br /> dotault i} Borrower, dudnp iho lonn applicatlon process, gavo meterlally f�iso or Inaccurete inlormt►tlon or statements to Lender (or
<br /> fallod to provide Lender with nny materfal Inlarmatlon) in oonnectlon wdh tho loan evidoncod by the Note, including. but not -
<br /> Iimlled to, ropresentetlons concornin{� 9orrower':, occupancy oi the Property ss a principal residence. If Ihls Socurity , �
<br /> Instrumont Is on a leasohold, Borrower shall comply with ell tho provisfons o1 tho leaso. II Borrower acqulros lee title to ths �
<br /> • Property,the loasohoid and tho loo title shail not merpo unless Lender agrees to the merper In writing. � _
<br /> 7. Protectlon of L�nd��'s Rlghte (tt the P►opN1'ty. II eorrower fefls to peAorm tho covenants and agreemonts I ,
<br /> ' � contalned In thls Socuriry Instrument, ar thore Is a Ingal proceeding that may slgNOcaNly a(iecl l.ender's rlgMs in iho Property
<br /> (such as a procecdlnF In bankruptcy, probate, for cnndemnetlon or forfelture or to enlorce Inws or regulations).then Lender may � "'`"
<br /> . do and pay lor whatover Is neces3ery to piotect the velue o1 the Property and Londer's rlghts in the Property. Lender's ectlons �
<br /> ,.„� = may Include peying any aums secured by e Ilon whlch has prioriry over this Security Instrument, appearing In court. paying �,� _
<br /> ' __,,,,s ; ransonable nttomeys'leeg and onterinq on the Proporty to make repalrs.Although Lender may teke ection under thls parngraph �
<br /> 7. Lender does not have to do so. Q -
<br /> Any amounts dlsbursed by Lender under paragreph 7 shail become fldditlonel debt ot Borrower securod by thls Security
<br /> � Instrument. Unless Borcower and Lendor agree ta other terms ot payment these amounts shall bear interest irom the date ol N
<br /> disbursement at the Note rate and shail be payable,with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting peyment.
<br /> 8. MOftgAg9 II1BU�811Q8. If Lender requlred mortgage fnsurance as a condltion of making the loan secured by lhis ._.,
<br /> Security Instrumont, Botrower shell pey ihe premiums requfred to mnintain Ihe mortgaga insursnce in effect. If, for any reason,the _
<br /> � mortgage Insurenco coverage requlred by Lender lapses or ceases to be in ettect. Borrower shall pay the premlums requlred to �.;;;•
<br /> obtaln coverege substantially equivalent to the mortgaga insurance prevlously in eflect, at e cost substantlally equivnlent to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage Inaurance previcusty In eHect, from an elternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. It
<br /> ' substentlally equNalent mortgage Insurance coversge Is not available, Borrower shell pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> one-twelfth ot the yeady mortgage Insurence promfum befng pald by Borrower when tt�e Insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> . be In eflect. Lender will accept, use end reteln these peymenis as a loss reserve In Ileu of mortgage Insuranco. Losa reserve -_
<br /> • payments may no longer be requlred, at the optlon oi Lender, Ii martgage Insurance coverege (In the amount and for tho period
<br /> thet Lender requires)provided by an Insurer approved by Lender again becomes aveilsble and is obtalned. Borrower shall pay
<br /> the premlums requlred to malntaln mortgage insurence In eBect, or to provide a loss reserve, until the requlrement for martgage ,.
<br /> � Inaurance ends In accordance wlth any written ayreement between Bort'ower and Lender or appllcable law. =
<br /> 9. IItSp6Ctlon.Lender or Its egent mey make reasonable eniries upon end inspectlons of tne Property. Lender shall gf•�e
<br /> r Borrower notice at the tlme of or prior to an inspectlon specliying reasonable ceuse for the inspection. �.
<br /> 10. Condemnation. The proceods of any award or clalm for damages, dlrect or consequentlal, in connectlon with eny
<br /> �' condemnation or other taking of eny part of the Property, or for conveyance In Ileu ot condemnation, ere hereby assigned and �
<br /> shell be pald to Lender. �`-=
<br /> . ;� In the event o( a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shap be applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess peid to Borrower. In the event of a partlal taking of the Properly in whlch
<br /> _ the falr market value of the Property Immedlately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured
<br /> by this Security Insimment Immedlately before the taking, unlesa Borrower and Lender othenvlse agree in wntmg, tne s�+ms
<br /> � secured by thls Securiry Instrument shell be reduced by the amount o1 the proceods multiplled by the tollowing fractlon: (a) the �.---- -
<br /> total amount of ihe sums secured Immedlately before the teking, divided by (b) the talr market value of the Property Immedlatey �_.
<br /> • before the taking. Any balance shell be paid to Borrower. In the event of e partlal taking of the Property In whlch the lalr maricet
<br /> � value of the Property Immedlately before the taking Is less then the amount of the sums secured Immedlately betore the taking,
<br /> L unless Bortower and Lender otherwlse agree In wrtting or unless appucable taw otherwlse provides, the proceeds ohall be
<br /> Q epplled to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums ore then due.
<br /> it If the Property Is abandoned by Borrower, or If, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor otters to make an —
<br /> �' award or settle a clalm for dameges, Borrower teils to respond to Lender within 30 days aRer the date the notice Is given,
<br /> ''� Lender Is authorized to collect and epply the proceeds, at Its optlon, eliher to restoratlon or repeir of the f'roperty or to the
<br /> � sums secured by thls Security Instrument, whether or not then due. �i
<br /> � '• Unless Lender end Borrower otherwise egreo In writing, any application oi proceeds to principnl shell not extend or _ _
<br /> 4'. — _
<br /> �• postpone the due dete of the monthly payments re(e�red to In paragrephs 1 and 2 cr change the emount of such payments. s.
<br /> , 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extenslon ot the tlme for payment or ��=
<br /> ° modlflcation af amortizetlon of the sums secured hy thls Secudty Instrument granted by Lender to eny successor In Interest o1 f-°
<br /> " Borrower shall not operate to release the Ilability of the origlnal Borrower or Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shell not
<br /> be required to cornmence procoedings agelnst any successor In Interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise � ----
<br />< �' modlly amortizatlon oi the sums secured by this Ser,udty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the orig{nal Bortower or =
<br />_ � Barrower's successors in Interest. Any forbearence by Lender In exercising any right or remedy shall not be a walver of or -
<br /> �:
<br /> preclude the exerclse of eny dght or remedy. _
<br /> ' � 12. Suecessors and Assigns Bound; Jolnt and Several Liabllity; Co-signers. 7he covenanta und =---
<br /> ;' ; egreements oi this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and essfgns of Lender and 8on�ower, subJect to the _
<br /> - • provlslons of paragreph 17. Bortower's covenants end agreements sha�be �olnt end several. Any Borrower who co-slgns thls —
<br /> ' Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey �v�.u--�---
<br /> " ' lhat Borrower's interest In the Property under the tertns ot tnls Security InstrumenL (b) Is not personally obllgeted to pay the �.;,���,,,,,;;�
<br /> sums secured by thls Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agreo to extend, modily, '.fif�q:t�,+'Y--
<br /> forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms oi this Securiry Instniment or the Note without that Borrower's � �t��'=
<br /> . ,,.w..
<br /> consenL }�`.`
<br />- ,:;, �.y
<br /> '.Hr..•`�{R�'-
<br /> 13. Loan Cherges. Ii the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument Is subject to e law which sets maximum loan t"���
<br /> •"`.i:•:.=�
<br /> charges, and ihat :aw is linally �nterpreted so thal the fnterest or other loan charges collected or to be collectad In connectlon
<br /> _ i with the loan exceed the permitted Iimits, then: (a) any such loan cherge shnll be reduced by tha amount necessury to reduce
<br />__ ihe cherge to the pertnitted Iimit; end (b) any sums already eollected irom Borrower which exceeded permftted limits will be
<br /> relunded to Borto�ver. Lender mey choose tu make this rofund by reducing the principal owed unde� the Note or by making a
<br /> - direct payment to Borrower. If a refund roduces princlpal, the reductlon wlll be treated as a partlal prepayment without any
<br /> _ prepayment charge under the Note. , �
<br /> 14. NOtIGeB.Any notice to Borrower provided(or in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by meiling it
<br /> - by first cless mail unless appliceble law requlres use of another method. The nolice shall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> - or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> ' I an�lnr'c address stated herem or anv other �ddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided tor in thls
<br /> • Security Instrument shnli be deemad to have been given to Borrower or Lender when c�iven as provided In this paragrnph. - -
<br /> 15. Governing Law; Severabi8ty. This Security Instrumenl shall be governed by federal law and lhe law of the
<br /> jurisdictfon in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause o( this Secudty Instrument or the Note
<br /> contlicts with applicable luw. such con(Iict shall not aflect other provisions of this Security Inslrument or the Note which can be
<br /> given ef(ect without Ihe conflirting provisioe To this end the provisions ul this Security Insirument and the Note are declared to
<br /> be severable.
<br /> I
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one coniormed copy of ihe Nule and oi this Securily Insirument- �
<br /> �,�n,v,v, �� �.. � ,.,. � � �, -`/— -- - --- '
<br /> i
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