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_.� . � ' . __.� <br /> 11F:+.� . .. . - . ,r. . .:Yt.w��M�rii�a��-�_-� <br /> �.}- �.�_st.,� <br /> .!` s�'tYN� .�ir.,, . . -� - .� . . . . ' . .. , • - ' ._.v�r.�:..�_::::,.�.�1"----- <br />_ • -he��5�.`V.-;�:".. . : ':.7��fi.,�,rU, , ' � ' . . . . 1_f�.-tr�, s `� <br /> , . ff n ? ..'l.. i. ` ' � . . � .. �rt`.,r �---. . <br /> - � . . " . . . . �.��... <br /> . =v. <br /> t ' „��� ti��tlf' T... ..�e•via�N:y6Nn.yya4MV«:,�t�., . . . .._ . .. . ....m��nwit,r.w..-.-A.,�,.,_,..°^-. ��- <br /> . <br /> » ;. . . .,. . . . ' " .. . . �.... A . .�� <br /> .. • � � .. _ . .. . . . , _. <br /> � 2, Taxes. Trustor shail mch instaliment of all taxes antl special assessments of eveiy k�nd, now or hereafter � '.;: <br /> ' � tavied agninst the Trust Estate or any pat thereof, before delinquency, without notice or dernand. ���~ <br />- • 3. /nsu�incs �nd Repa/rs. Trustar shall maintain iire and extanded coverage insurance insurinp the Improvements =�`�- <br /> constituting part of the Trust Estate for suCh amounts and on such terms reasonably satisfactary to Benef(ciary. So long as the ' <br /> PrOperry is Secured by a first deed ot trust or mortpape, campliance with the insurance requirements of tha fir5t dcod of trust or� � '.'� <br /> ' ��""�� mortpaye �hall be suiflClent to satlsfy the requfrernent� of this paraqreph 3 relatinp to Insurence. y �a <br /> ,• ' �.:c• <br /> ! � ' Trustor shall promptly repalr and replace the Trust Estate ar any paK thsraot so that,excapt for ordlnary wear and tear, ���� <br /> ,k. the Trust�state shall not deteriorate. In no evont shalt the Trustor commit waste on ar ta the Trust Estate,or commlt, suffer or� <br /> r permit any act to be dane in or upon the Trust Estate In v(olation of any law,ordfnance or rnpulation. Trustor shall pay and promptlyr�"� _ <br /> ' dtscharpe at Trustor's cast and expense aIt Iiens,encumbrances and chargas leviad,imposed or assessed against the Trust Estat� <br /> j� or any part thereof. Q <br />'.� - <br />- • � 4. Astlanl Afl�eting Tiust Estats. Trustor shall appear Ir.and contest any actton or proceeding purporting to affec� <br /> the security hereof or the rights or powers of Beneficlary arTrustee,and shall pay alt costs and expenses,including cost of evtdence <br /> `' of tltle and attarneys' tees,fn any such action or proceadlnp In whlch Beneficiary or Trustee may appear. Ii Trustor fails to make <br /> �`� ' any paymant or to do any act as and In the manner provlded fn any of the Loan Instruments, Baneflciary and/or Trustee, each in <br />- " thetr own discrotion,without obllyatian so to do and w(thout notice to or demand upon Trustor en�without releasinq Trustor from <br /> any abllpation,may make or do the same in such mannor and to such extant as either may deom necessary to protect the security - <br /> ' hereof. Trustor shall, Immedlataly upon demand therefor by Beneffciary, pay all costs and expenses incurrad by Beneflciary (n <br /> connection with tha exerctse by Beneficfary ot the forepoing rights,including without Ilmitation costs of evldence of t(tle, court <br /> , costs,appraisals, survays and attorneys'fees. — <br /> 6. EmintM Comaln. If the Trust Estate, or any part thereof or interest therein, be taken or damaged by reason of <br />_. • any publlc fmprovement or condemnation proceeding, or(n any other manner Including deed in Iieu theteof►'Candemnation"), or <br />- . �:a� if Trustor recetves any notice or other informadon repardinp such proceedfng, Trustor shall give qrompt writren notice thereof ta <br /> � Benaflciary. Trustar shall be entltled to all compensation, awards and ather payments or retief thereaf and shall be entltled et its <br />-_• aption to commence, app�ar In and prosacute in its own name any action or proceedings. Trustor shall also be entftled to make <br /> - „ any compromise ar settlement in connectton with such takinp or damage. <br /> -� - —- <br /> ,..__ ,__ <br />-. . '"- "- - - 6. Appolnt�nent otsucc�ssor irusree. Boneficiary may, ir�m ii�tin iu iiri�a,by u w���w�� ����.� rer�axac:,YS a�� <br />- ' acknuwledped by Beneflciary, melled to Trustor and recorded In the County in which the Trust Estate Ia locatad and hy otherwfse <br />- complying with the provlsians oi the appllcable law of tha State of Nebraska substitute a Successor or successors to the Trustae <br /> ' named herein or acting hereunder. <br /> 7. Successo�a�ndAsalgns. This Second Deed af Trust applies to,tnures to the benef(t af and bfnds all parties hereto, <br />=� � thair heirs,lepatees,devisees,personal representailves,successors and assigns. The term"Beneficiary"shall mean the awner and <br />� � halder of any promissory note fllven to beneftciary, (whether or not named as Banafictary herefn�. — <br />�. . . . <br />'' ' ' 8. Msrger, Cvnsolldatlon, Ss/ss or Leasss. Trustor covenants that Trustor will not sell,lease or otherwise dlspose <br /> , � of any of the Trust Estate. In the evnnt that Trunar sells,Ieases or otherwisa dlsposes of any part of the Trust Estate,Beneficiary <br /> . �- • may at tts optlon declara the Indebtadness secured hereby fmmadlately due and payaole, whether ar not any default exists. <br /> _ '' ;',' _ ,.,, ;;. Benaflclary shall cansent to a transfer of the Trost Estate to a thlyd parry to the extent such third party meets the requirements — <br />- .�. containe�+ In, and assumes the oblfgatlons set forth En the First Deed oi Trust. The covenants contained herein shall run w(th the <br /> i�..�. Properry and shall remain in full forca and effect until the Indebtedness Is pafd in full. <br />-. . 9. EverKS vf DstaWt. Any of the tollowing events shall be deemed an event ot default hereunder. <br /> - - (al default shall be made(n the payment of the Indebtedness ar any other sum secured hereby when due; <br />��• .� <br /> +> ar `_ <br /> � (bl Trustor shall perform any act in bankruptcy; or — <br /> � (cl a court of competent jurisdlction shall enter an order,judgment or decree apprav(nq a pet(tian ffled agalnst <br />- . Trustor seeking any reorganizatfon, dissolutlon or Similar rellef under any present or future federal,state or other statute, _ <br /> law or regulatlon relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or other reliet for debtars, and such ordar, judpment or decroe shall <br />� remain unvacated and unstayed for an agg regate of sixty 1601 days(whether or not consecutive)from the first date of entry — <br />_ thereof; or any trustee,receiver or liquidator or 7rustar or of all or any pan ot the Trust EsiBte,or of any or all of the ° <br /> rayalties,revenues,rents, issues or prafits thereof, shall be appointed without the Consent ar aGquiescenCe of Trustor and <br /> such appointment shall remain unvacated and unstayed for an aggregate of sixty(60)days(whether or not consecutivel; <br /> . or <br /> _ .� • <br /> � <br /> . J Z <br /> --- <br /> _.. � . _._ _. � - <br /> . . - ---- : . --... ._ _.... F. <br /> __ _ - - - _. _ <br />