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The torm 'Mortgage' shall be deemed to Includo'Deed o1 Trust,' II epplicable. ��'�: <br /> ��� � FHA, RECD end NUD AOUENDUM ONLY """ <br /> C...- <br /> :��'•'� THIB TAX-EXEMPT FINANCiNC�RIDER Is mada thfs 12th dey ot Done�nbor , 199T , nnd Is Incorporated �__ <br /> Into and shall be deemed to nmend and aupplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trunt or 3ecuriry Deed ("9ecurity Inetrument") 01 the aame date _ <br /> � given hy the undasigned ("Bonower') to secure eorrawer'e Note('Note")to T � Ove I�nd N�tlon�l Bank of Q►+�nd Island <br /> , 1 ("Lender') oi the eame date and covering the property described In the Securlty Instrument and located et: 108 E. 14th Str�st. <br /> � Or�nd Island NebrASk� 88801 <br /> � roperly ress) <br /> � In additlon to the covenants and agreemenis rnade in the Security Instrument, Borcower end Lender further covenent and egree to emend ` <br /> � Paragraph 8 07 ihe Model Mortgage Fortn, entitled "�rounds tor Acceleretion of DebY as by edding additfonal grounds for acceleintion as <br /> l-' <br /> �� follows: <br /> Lender, or such of Its successors ar assigns es may by separate instrument asaume responsibllity tor asauring compliance by the <br /> � Rortower wllh the pravisions of thla Tex-�xempt Financing Rider, may requlre Immediete pnyment In full of all sums secured by thls ` <br /> Seourity Instmment it: <br /> (a) All or part of the Property Is sold or otherwise trensterred by Bortower to a purchaser or other transferee: <br /> �� � (�) Who cannot reasonably be expected 40 occupy the property as a p�incipal resldence wlthin s reasonab►e time after the eaie or <br /> tranafer, all es provided In 3ection 143(a) and(I)(2) of the Intemd Revonue Code;or <br /> (II) Who has had e present ownership fnterest In a princlpal resldence during eny pert af the thre�-year perlod ending on the <br /> .� date of the eale or trenafer,ell as provlded In Sectlon 143(d) and (I)(2) of the Intemal Revenue Code (except that '100 percenY shall be <br /> subslituted tor "95 percent or more'where the latter eppears In Sectlon 143(d)(1))or <br /> - (III) At an acqulsitlon cost which Is grester than 90 percent of ihe averege erea purchase price (greater then 110 percent tor <br /> � targeted area residences), all as provided In Section 143(0)and @(2) of the Intemal Revenue Code: or <br /> (iv) Who has a grosa ismlly Income In excess oi the applicable percentege of appllcable medlan family income as provlded In <br /> • . ; Section 143(� and(I)(2)oi the Intemal Revenue Code; or <br /> (b) Borrower faps ta occupy the property described in the Security Inswment without prior written consent of Lender or its <br /> successors or esslgns descdbed at the beginning of this Tax•Exempt Financing Rldor, or <br /> _._:__� _ _�? Qnnower omits or misrepresents e fact thet Is matedal wlth respect to Iho provfslons of Sectlon 143 of the Intemel flevenue <br /> Code In an application for the loan secured by thls Securfty Inatrument. <br /> � Reforences are to the intemal Hevenue Code as amended end In eflect on ihe dete of IssuancA of bonds, the proceeds ot whlch <br />- will be used to Onance the Secu�iry Instrument and are deemod to include tne Implementing regutatlons. <br /> • BY 81aNIN0 BELOW,Borrower accepts and agrees to the tertns and pravisiona In this Tex•Exempt Flnancing Rider. <br />- � ��[A"�j�� (SEAL) <br /> : • o�� w��Mari� slazar <br /> s:.. ,; I--��s�14 ��. _ISEAI) <br /> eo«ow� aulina Salazar <br /> ❑ CONYENTIONAL MORTQAQE LOAN ADDENDUM ONLY <br /> THIS TAX•EXEMPT FINANCINO RIDER is mede lhls day ot _, and Is incorporated Into end <br /> .�. ' shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Security Deed(°Security Instrument') ot the same date given by <br /> - the undersigned("Borrower") to secure Borrower's Note ('Note") to <br /> ' , � ('Lender') of ihe samo date and covering the proparly described In the Security Instrument and located at: <br /> _ � � (Property AtltlrC�S] <br /> ; In additfon to►he covenants and agreements made In the Security Instrument, Bortower end Lender turther covanant and agree to amend <br /> " I Psragraph 17 of the Uniform Mortgage Fortn. entttled "Transfer oi lhe Property as e Beneliclal Interest In Bortower' as by adding additlonai <br /> — ' grounds for acceleretlon as tollow�: <br /> " Lender, or such oi fls successors or assigns es may be separele Inslrument assume respon�ibllity for assuring compllance by the <br /> • Borrower with the provlslons of thls Tax•Exempt Flnencfng Rider, may requlre Immediate payment In tull o} all sums secured by thfs <br /> Securlty Instrument il: <br /> (a) All or part of the Properly Is sold or othetw�se transterred by Borcower to a purchaser or other transteree; <br /> (q Who cannot reas�nably be expected to occupy the property as a princlpal resldence withln a reasoneble time etter the <br /> sale or transter,ell us provided in Seclion 143(c)end (i)(2)ot the Internai Revenue Code; or <br /> �� pi) Who has had n present ownersflip interest in a principai residence dunng any pn�i �i ii�a i�de�yra� pt��od e������y ���:�e <br /> _ � date oi the sale or tranater, all as provided in Saction 143(d) and (f)(2) of the Intemal Revenue Code (excepT that "100 percent" <br /> sha�be substituted tor "95 percent or more' where tho latter eppears fn Sectlon 143(d�(7); or <br /> i ; <br /> , (Iil) At an acquisitlon cost whlch Is greater then the maximum limfts established by the Nebraske Investment Finunce Authority , <br /> (the'Authority')in connectfon with its Program, pursuent to which Program thla Security Instrument Is tinanced; or � <br /> pv) Who hes e gross famfly fncome in excess ol the maximum Iimits established by the Authority In connection with :ts � <br /> Progrem;or <br /> � NIFA 2/9G I <br /> - �11/1577U0-7 rv,,..� �,.1 7 � <br /> . 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