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Borrower shull kcep thc improvements now cxisting or hercaftcr crected on the � <br /> . , property intiured ugainst loss by fire, huzards included within thc term "extended coveragc" and uny other hawrds, including <br /> ,. .�a floais or floc�ding, for which i.ender requires insurance. This fnsurance�l�ull bc mainlainc�f in the anu�unts and f�r the periods � � <br /> _�i� that Le�ider require�. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender'� approvul y <br /> which shall not bc unrca�;onably withhcld. If Borrowcr fails to maintain covcrugc dcscribcd ahuvc, Lc�ndcr may. ut L.ciidet''s ' �• <br /> ��•�'� option, obtain covcrage to protcct L.cndcr's right+in thc Pr�perty in accorduncc with paragruph 7. _ <br /> � � All insuruncc policics �md rcnewuls shnll hc acecptublc to (Andcr und +hall inrludc u standard murtgugc rluusa i.�:ndcr w <br /> � shall huvc thc right to hold�hc pc�licics und renewals. If l.cndcr rcquires.Horrowcr shull prampdy givc tci l.cndcr ull rcccipt+of '"� <br /> puid prcmiumti and rencwal notices.In thc cvcitt of Ic�ss, liorruwcr+hall Eivc prumpt no�irc t��thc intiurancc currir►•und I.cndcr. � _, <br /> l.cndcr nr;y mukc prout'cil'lotis if not mudc promptly hy Borruwcr �D <br /> Unlctiti l.cnJcr and Bi�rrciwcr i,thcrwisc agrrc in writin�, insurancr prurcr�ls tifiall hc upplird tu rctitorutiun ur rcpair uf'thc � <br /> {'�•nperty dunta�!cd. if the Y�s►arali�m ur repair i+ccanumlculiy fcutiihlr ul�d l.cndcr',ticr�n•ity iti nut Ic,+cncd. II th�rctitoratiun ur <br /> rcpair is not cr�mumirally fc��+ihlc ur I.cndcr'ti>.rcuri�y wuidd hc Ic,ticnc�l. �hc in+ur;inrc prur�cd++hull h�� npplicd tn thc tiinns <br /> . � �� +c�urcd hy thi+ Scrurity Instriuncnl, whcthcr or nut thcn duc. witli �my excrtis paid In Nurruwcr. 11� Hurri�wcr ubundims thc <br /> � {' Pruprrty. ur durs not i+n.wcr within 3U Juyti a n�,ticc frum Lcndrr thin thc insurancc rarrier h,i�offcrcd tu sctUc a cluim, thcn <br /> _r �_ <br /> � l.,ender m�►y ci,llect the intiur,mce pruceeds. lAndcr rouy use thc pr�ueed� to repair ur reytore thr F'roper[y i�r ta pay su�us <br /> securcd hy this Sccurity Instrmnent,whcQier or nut then duc.Tlic 30-duy perinJ �vill begin whcn thc notice is given. <br /> Unletis Lcndcr and Him�owcr oth�rwisc ugrcc in wriling. any applicati�m of procccds tu princip.d shall not cxtcnd or _ <br /> ,� postpcmc thc duc datc of tlie monthly payme7ts refcrred to in para�raph� I and 2 ur changc the amount of the puymcnts. if <br /> under paragraph 21 the Pruperty iti acquireci by Lender, Burrc�wer'ti right to any insurance pcdicies and proceeds resulting from <br /> damage to thc Property prior to thc acyuisition shull puss tc�Lendcr tc�thc extent of the sums securcd by this Secw�ity [nstrumcnt - <br /> immediatcly priorto thc ucquisition. <br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservation,Mulntenance and Protection c�f the Propert}'; Borrower's Loan Applicutiun; I.easeholds. <br /> - r�. Borsoa�er shaU occupy,establish,and use the Property as Barrower's principal residence within sixry days after the execution of <br /> �� this Security Inscrument und shall continue to occu�y the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at Ieaxt one year after <br /> - __ .__ _- rh�d:�t�nf occuQancy. unless Lender otherwise agrecs in writing, wliich contient shull not be unreasanably withhe►d, or�unless <br /> extenuating eircumstances exist which are beyond Bc�rrower's control. Bm•rower shall not destroy, uamage or i���pu;r it'�e <br />- Propenp, all��w the Properry to deteriorate, or commi� wastc un thc Prc�perty. Borrowcr shall be in dcfault if any forfeiture <br /> action ur proceeding, whether rivil or criminul, is begun thut in Lender's good faith jud�ment could result in forfeiture of the <br />' Property or otherwise mutcrially impair thc licn crcated by thix Security Instrument or I.ender's security intcrest. Horrowcr may <br /> cure such a default and provided in paragraph lR,by eausing the action or proceedittg to be dismisseci with a ruling <br /> - that, in L,cnder's good faith dctermination, precludes forf'eiture of the Borrowcr's intcretit in the Property or other material <br /> -. . irnpairment of the licn created by this Security Intitrwncnt or L.cnder's security interest. Borrower shuU also be in dcfault if <br />- ' Borrower, during thc loan applicatiun process, gave materially false cir inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or fuiled <br /> to provide Lcnder with any material infc�rmation)in connection with thc loxn cvidenced by the Note, including,but not lintited <br /> to.representatinns cancerning Borrower's occupancy of dic Properry uti u principal residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a <br /> leatiehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisiems of the Iease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property, the <br /> . Ieusehold and the fee title shall not merge unlcss Lender ugrccs to tac merger in writing. <br /> • � 7.Protectlan of Lender's Rl�hts in the Property. If Bi�rrower fails to perfonn the covcnunts and agrcxments contained in <br /> � this Security In�trument. ��r there is a Iegal proceeding that muy +ignificundy affect Lender's rights in the Propeny (such as a <br /> procccding in bunkruptcy, prohatc. ibr conJemnation ar forfciture ur tu cntbrcc Ixws or rcgulaticros), then L�:��.i..t �iia� do and <br />- pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Pmperty. Lender's nctions may <br /> _ includc paying any sums sccurr.d by :i licn which has priurity ovcr this Sccurity Inscrumcnt, appcaring in court, paying <br /> - 7', rcasnnahle attorncys' fees and entering cm thc Property to makc rcpairti. Although Lender may take ac[inn under this paragraph <br /> � 7,Lcndcr docs not havc to Jo sn. <br /> ' � " Any amounts disbuncd by LenJcr undcr this paragraph 7 shall hccomc additionUl dcbt of Borrower securui by this <br /> Sccurity Instrument. Unlcss Borrowcr and Lendcr agrce to othcr tcrms of paymcnt, thcsc�imounts shall bcar intcrest from thc <br /> � date af dishursenunt .0 thc Nc�tc rate anJ shall be payahle, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requescing <br /> � paymcnt. <br /> 8. Mort�tt�e Insurance. If Lcnder requireJ mungage insurancc as u cundition of muking the loan xccured by this Security <br /> Instrumcnt, Borrowcr shall pay thr prcmiunn requircd to maintain thr nwrtgagc insurancc in effcct, If, for any reuson, thc <br /> nu+rtgagc insurar.c��r�rvcra�e requircd by L.endcr lap�eti or ccascs to he in cl'f'ect. Borrower shall pay the premiutns required to <br /> uhtain ru��cragc�ubstuntially ryuivalrnt to thc mortgagc insur.tncc prcviuusly in cl'fcct, at a cost substantially cquivalent to thc <br /> � , ro�t to Bi�rr��wrr af thc mort�:�gc intiurancc prcvioutily in cl'fcct, 1'ram an altcrnatc mortgagc insurcr approvcd by Lendcr. if <br /> wb,tantially� cyuivalcnt mortgagc in�urancc rnvcragr is nut avail.ibl�, Hcirrowcr tihull pay t�� Lcndcr cach month a sum cyuul to <br /> onc-twcUth��f thc yrairly nu�rt�agc in�urmcr prcmium hcing paid by Bc�rro�vcr whrn thc insurancc rovcragc lapsed i�r eca�cd to <br /> he in elfrri.���ill acrept, ux and rrtain the�e paymrntti.i� a lu.� re+crve in lieu ul' mortgage insurancc. Lu�s reserve _ <br /> _ Form 3028 9190 <br /> Pau��3 ui O <br /> - � . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. � ' .: . . <br /> � <br /> p �._ <br />