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<br /> � Q,ASSIGNMF:NT OF LEASRS. Upon Lcndcr's rcqucst,Borrowcr shall assign ta I.endcr aA Icascs of thc ;.�;
<br /> pnop�ny end all socurtty dcposits ma�Jc in connocdon with lcusca of thc Pcoperty. Upon ihc assignment,L.cndcr ,..`___
<br /> „"'�'""'`� shall havc the right w malify,cxtcnd or tcrminatc thc cxisung leases and to cxccute new lcascs,in 1-ender's solc :;.�
<br /> �`"°""�� discrcuon.As uscd in this paragraph(i. tha word "icusc"shali mean"sublease" if ihe Security Inswmcnt is on u _--
<br /> � Icaschold. •�_
<br /> Bonower absolutcly and uncondiaonally assjgns and tr�ar►sfers to Lender aA the rcnts�u►d revenucs("Rents")of thc
<br /> Property, regerdlcss of to whom the Rents of thc Properry are payable.Banower authodzes Lcnder or Lendcr's
<br /> agcnts to coAcct the Rents,and agree,9 that each tenant of thc Property shall pay che Rents co I.ender ar Lender's
<br /> agents.However,Borrowcr shall reccive thc Rcnts unti!(i)Lender h�s g��en Bonowet nodce of default pursuent tn
<br /> paragraph 21 of the Securlty Instrument end(ii)Lender has given nodce co the tenant(s)thut the Rents ere w be
<br /> paid w L.ender or Lendcr's agent 'fi�.s assignmcnt of Rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an __
<br /> assignment for addivanal sccwiry only.
<br /> If Lender gives notice of breach to Bonower.(i)all Rents received by Boaower shall be held by Borrower as _
<br /> trustee for the benefit of Lender only,to be applied to the sums secured bY the Security Instrument;(ii)Lender shall -_
<br /> be endded to wUect and receive aU of the Rents of the Property;(iii) Boaower agrees that each t�%nant of the _
<br /> Propercy shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to L.ender or Lender's agenu upon I.ender's written demand to the ` :r�-�
<br /> tenant; (iv) unless applicable law provides otherwise. all Rents collected by I.ender or Lender's agents shall be .4._
<br /> applled first to the costs of taking control of and managing the Property end collectin8 the Renta,v�cluding,but not ', .::::
<br /> limited to,attomeys' fees,rcceiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds, repair anJ maintenance costs,insurance
<br /> premiums, taxes,assessments and other charges on tt►c Property,and then to the siuns secured by the Security -
<br /> Instrument;(v)Lender.Lender's agents or any judicially appointecl receiver shall be liable ta nccount for only thosc
<br /> Rents actually receiveti; and(vi) I.ender shall be endded to have a receiver appoinced to take Pogsession of end
<br /> - -__-_-_ : - _ �p� ��d�Q�r �r R�n►.c and profits derived from the Property without any showing as to thc
<br /> manag�th �,
<br /> • inadequecy of the Property ag securiry•
<br /> " If the Rents of the Property are not sufCcient to cover the costs of taking control of and managing the �:
<br /> , Property and of collcxting the Rents any funds expended by Lender for such purposQS shall become indebtedness of �
<br /> ° gorrowcr to L.ender secured by the Security Instrumcnt pursuant tn Uniform Covcnant 7. f_
<br /> rior assi mcnt of thc Rcnts and hes '
<br /> Bonowcr rcprescnis and wanencs thnt Borrowcr has not cxccutcd any p 8�
<br /> not end will not perform any ect that would prcvcnt Lendcr feom cxcrcising i�s rights undcr this paragreAh• �:
<br /> " " Lender. or i.ender's agents or a judiciaUy appointed receiver,shall not be required w enter upon,take control ^
<br /> of or maintain thc 1'roperty bcforc or aftcr giving nodcc ot default co Boaowu. Howcvcr.Lcnder� or L.cndcr's _
<br /> agents or a judicially appointed receivec,maY do so at any dme when a default occurs.Any application of Rents
<br />- shall not curc:or waivc any ciefault or invalidatc any othcr right or rcmedy of Lcndcr.This avs�Bnment of Rcnts of _
<br /> . thc Property shull terminacc whcn aU thc sums sccured by thc Securiry Inswment arc paid in full.
<br /> I.CROSS•DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrower's default or brcach undcr any note or agrxment in
<br /> _ which Lender has an intcrr,st shall be a breach under the Securiry Instrument and Lender may invoke any of the =_
<br /> �� rcmcdics�.rmiued by the Sccurity Inswment -
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower acccp�s end agrees to the tem►s a�►d provisions containcd'u►this 1-4 Family
<br /> = Rider.
<br /> -�� _4- (Scal) � YL(.C�� �h.I/� (S�) _
<br />= g AM Z 3R '-Honowcr CONNIR J AMB OZ -Borower _
<br />- ' (SC31) �SCaI) --�
<br /> -Bottowcr •
<br /> " •Bortowcr . _
<br />_ '.�:r�`,
<br /> +��
<br /> �/ I .._rAi.-,._,
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<br /> - I �o•b7 teaon.o+ Pape 2 ot 2 Form 3170 3/93 .,.
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