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Legal Description of Real Property upon which the mobile home is affixed (wheels, towing hitches and running gear are <br />removed and it is permanently attached to a foundation or other support system): <br />Real property in the City of GRAND ISLAND, County of Hall, State of Nebraska, described as follows: <br />LOT ONE (1), SCHIMMER ACRES SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Commonly known as: 4444 S 60TH RD, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 <br />APN #: 400410958 <br />TOGETHER WITH A MULTIWIDE MANUFACTURED HOME, which is permanently affixed and attached <br />to the land and is part of the Real Property and which, by intention of the parties, shall constitute a part of the <br />realty and shall pass with it: <br />Year /Make: 2003 /PATRIOT HOMES, INC. <br />Model: VA116N <br />L X W: 56 X 26 <br />VIN #s: CV3668ABIN <br />201308930 <br />TLc mobile home owner mast have an ownership interest in this zeal property for cancellation of the Certificate of Iitle to occur. Owneiship <br />interest is defined as the simple interest in real estate or an interest as the lessee under a lease of the real property that has a torn that continues for <br />at least twenty (20) years after the recording of this Affidavit <br />2 0 <br />Affidavit of Af atue For a Mobile Home With a Nebraska Cedificate of Tide 7/2012 <br />