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�� .r <br /> �wRi� -'-- -_' ' ���• <br /> _. ... __- - _ _. _. . _.. .- - - ---- - --�-� -- - - - - <br /> _.. . .. .. <br /> ..-��.y�i��• - . �� .. �' � � . < 5 ..y 'F�-.. � . ' .�. . . �-' . _ <br /> __' � <br /> �•yy,, . . . •. " <br /> .. ., r,t':����a`�. _ .. ., .. _ .. , - . _ . <br /> � • 17. Traltsfer of the Property or b B'e a�fn�erest'nt HoeB vernlsBso d oWterensie reld and 6orrower is notr a n w al _ <br /> any Interest In it is sold or tranaferred (or it a s <br /> peraon)wilhout Lender's prlor wrttten con8lon hai�not be exotrclned�by Lnnder Ilmexerlci ePsyp ohibH dllby�federamluw aarofthe `� <br /> thls Securily Instrument. However. lhls op - <br /> dete ol thls Security Inatrument. : <br /> tl Lender exerr.ises thls optlon, Lender shall give Borrorrer notico ot accelerailon. The notice shalallP umse sec ueddby this � s„ <br /> less than 30 days trom the data the notice Is delivered or mailed wlthln whlch Borrower musl paY � <br /> Secudry Instrument. II Borrower falls to pay these sums pdor to the expireti�n of thls period. Lender may invoke any remedlea <br /> �� perrnitted by thls Securlty Instrument wlthout lurther notice or demand on Borrower. � <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to R81118t8te. �� Bi an etimceplor toflthe earliter of: B()05 daysH(ohsuchhotherhperod�as � - <br /> ; � entorcement ol thls Security Instrument discontinued Y � _A <br /> J appllcable Iaw mey sPec�N for relnstatement) before sale o1 ihe Property pursusnt to eny power of snlo contained in this Securiry � - <br /> a s Lender all <br /> -""' Inutrument; or(bj ontry af e Judgment enforcing this 3ecudty Instrument. Thoce conditlons are that Borrower. (e) P Y � <br /> °r' � sums whlch then would be due under thls 3ecurity Inatrumei�t and the Note as Ii no ecceleratlon hed occurred: �b) cures any — <br /> defeult ot eny other covenant or agreements; (c) ppys all expenses incurred In enforcing thls Security Instrument, including, but � , � <br /> �, . <br /> not Iimited to,reasonable attomeys'tees; snd(d) t$kes s�e a s8�o°oWer'seobliget�n to payb1her uums securedBhY this Security _ <br /> thls Secudty Instrument, Lender's dghts In tho Property � in the cese <br /> Instrument shall contlnue unchangad. Upon relnstatement by Borrower, lhia Securiry Instrument and the obligatlons secured _ <br /> hereby shall remaln lully effectNe as It no acceleration had occurred. However,this right to roinstate shall not app y <br /> of acceleretlon under paragraph 17. ertlal Interest In the Note (together Wi�h thls <br /> ` i9. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servlcer. Tho Note or a e p _ <br /> � Securiiy Inatrument)may be sold one or more times wAthmen s�due utnder the Noteeand thisBSecurity InstrumnntenTh8f8 tAI80 tT18 = <br /> (known as ihe "Loan Servicer') that collects monthly p y _ <br /> � bo one or more ehanges oi the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sale of the Noie. If there Is a chllcable lawe Thennotl e wlll =_ <br /> � � Bortewer wlll be given wdtten notice of the change In accordance with paragraph 14 above and app �_ <br /> state the name and address o1 the new Loan Servlcer and tho address to whlch payments should be made. The notice wW also <br /> contaln any other informatlon requlred by applicable law. <br /> l;.� 20. Hazardous Substences. Borrower shall not ceuse or Nermlt the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release ot - <br /> •�. , any Hazardous Substances on or In the Propetly. Eorrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else�o d o the presencec a e t oe = <br /> ,. � Property thet Is in violallon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences sholl not app y <br /> storage on lhe Property of small quantitles of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognizod to be approprlate to normal . <br /> ��'> reslde�tlal uses and to malntenance of the Properry. ^ <br /> Bortower shail �romptly give Lender written notice of any Investlgatlon, clalm, demand, lawsuit or other actlon by any <br /> � govemmentel or regulatory agency or private party involving the PropeRy and any Hezsrdous Substance or Envlronmental Law of <br /> whlch Borrower has ectual knowledge. If Borcower learns, or Is notifled by eny governmental or regulatory authority, lhat any <br /> _ ��;�;�yai �. nther remedlatlon of any Hazardous Substence affecting Property is necessary, Borrower shell promptly tako all <br /> necessery romedlal actions In accordance with Environmentai• <br /> ! As used in this paragreph 20, "Hezardous Substances" are those substances deflned as toxic or hazardous substences by <br /> Environmentel Law and the following substanoes: gesoline, kerosene, other 1lammable or toxic petroleum producic, toxic <br /> pesticides and herblcides, voletlle solvents,materlals conlafning asbestos or formaldehyde, and radloactive materfals. As used In <br /> ,�' peragraph 20. 'Envlronmental Law' means federal laws end laws of the Jurfsdlctlon where the Property Is located that relate to <br /> • �' health,safety or emfronmontal protectlon. <br /> '� NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender lurther covenent and agree as fullows: <br /> �` 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleratlon <br /> "`' following Borrower's breach of eny covenant or agreement In this Security Instrume Thebnotice <br /> �+ prlor to acceleratfon under paragraph 17 unlesa epplicable law provldes otherwiae�. <br /> }:� shail specify: (a) the default; (b) the action requt�ed to by whlaht he default mu�st�bo�cu od;tand <br /> �;' 30 days from the date the notice Is given to Borrower, result in <br /> � '' (d) that fallure to cure the default on or betore the date specifled In the notice mey <br /> k acceleration of the sums secured by thls Security Instrument and sale af the Property. The notice <br /> ehall further Inform Borrower of the rlght to reinatate after acceleratinn and tha right to bring e __ _ <br /> �`� cou�t actlon to assert the non-eulttlR not cfu ed on o�r beforeythehdate specifiedf I nthe notice, <br /> � � ac c e l e r e t f o n a n d s a l a. I f t h e d e f a <br /> Lender at ite o�tlon may require immedlate qayrnont in fu l l o f a l t su m s s e c u r e d b y t h l s S e c u r i t y <br /> I n a t r u m ent without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedles <br /> �'; � ermitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitle d to co l lec t a l l mit d toa reasonablenattorneys' <br /> q <br /> i . the remedfes provided in this paragraph 21, including. but not <br /> � fees and costs of title evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Truateo shatl record a notice of defautt in each c:ounty n <br /> whfoh any part of the Property is located and shall mail coples of such notice in t"cable law. ` <br /> i prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by apq <br /> i <br /> After the tima required by applicable law, Trustee shall give public notice of sale to the persons ��� <br /> 1 and in the manner prvscribed by appliceble Iaw. Truatee, without demand on Borrower, ahall selt — <br /> ' the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and urnder the terms <br /> � desi�nated In the notice of sale in one or more parcels and In anY upd�r�nnouncement at tha <br /> � Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by p urchase the <br /> � <br /> I time and qlace of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may p � <br /> Property at any sale. <br /> I Upon recefpt of payment of the price bid, 7rustee ahall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's ' <br /> deed conveying the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of N <br /> _ _....0 d....�., tho nroceeds of the sale in the � <br /> '' the truth of the statements made tnerein. ��u�:QO �•.M.. --M�-, -- - • - <br /> �, following order. (a) to all costs and expenses of exercisfng the power of sale, and the sale, � <br /> , Including the qayment of the Trustee's fees actually fncurred, no�o of the prinhcipal amAUnt of the <br /> note at the time of the dectarution of default, and reasonabte attorney's foes as permitidd by law; � <br /> (b) to all sums securod by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons <br /> Iegally entitled to it. i <br /> ,�,,, , ,,. .: , <br /> ���-� '� <br /> I 111�,:M•�! I <br /> i <br /> •,I7'/ � <br /> .__.__ . ..._ _.__. <br /> ._.1__ .. . . .__ _ .___ .._ <br />