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All replacements and additions shall nlso be cavered by this Security ;F <br /> Instrument.AU of thc foregoing is referred to in this Sccurity Instrumcnt as the"Properry." ; <br /> � BORROWER COVENANTS that Bonower is lawfully scised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and <br /> convey ttie Property and that tlie Propercy is unencumbered, except for encumbrunces of record. Borrower warrants and will i <br /> .,,�.,�� defend generally the tide to the Property agatnst all claims und demands, subject to anY encumbranees of rec�rd. ! <br />`z� THIS SHCURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for nationul usc nnd non-uniform covenants with limited <br />�9� variatiuns by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covzrino real propertY• — <br /> --- UNIPORM COVENAN7 S.Borrower and I.ender covennnt and agree as follows: <br />_-_ = 1. Payment of Principa! end Interest; Prepayment and Late Chs�rges. Borrower shall promptly puy wticn duc the <br />---� principal of nnd interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late chargcs due under the Note. <br /> -�-� 2. �nds for Tuxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or ta a written waiver by Lendcr, Bonowcr s earl`pa�teo <br /> --- L.cnder on the day monthly payrnenGS nre due under the Note, until the Note is paid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for: (u)y y , <br /> — and essessments which may attain prioriry over this Security Instn�ment as n lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehatd payments <br /> ---� or ground rents on the Propeny.if any:(c)Year1Y hazard or property insurw�ce premiums; (d)yearly flood insurance premiums, <br /> if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; and (� uny sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with ' <br /> `=-"� the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurancc premiums.These items nre called"Escrow Items." <br /> � � L.ender may, at any time. collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federully <br /> ''`----'� related mortgage loan may require for Borrawer's escrow account undcr the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedui�es Act of <br /> __,_;,,! 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.�. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless another law that npplies to the Funds <br />--°° sets a lesser amount. If so,I.endcr rnay, at nny time, collect and hold Funds in an amount nat to exceed the Icsser amount. ; <br /> -- Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable cstimates af expenditures of future <br /> �'v�--- Escrow Items or othenvise in accordance with applicable law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits ara insured by a federnl agency, inshumentality, or entiry <br /> � (including Lcnder, if Lender is sucli an institution)or in uny Federal Homc I.oan Bank.I.endcr shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> Eserow Items. I.ender may not charge Borrower for hoiding and uppiyi�ig ihc Funds,a.�r.aally anal;z�n�the e.ecrow account,or <br /> _ — vcrifying the Escrow items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds und applicable law permits Lender to rnakc such <br /> a charge. However, Lender may rcquirc Borrower to pay a one-timc charge for un independcnt real estate tax reporting se.rvice <br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless upplicabte IAw provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or <br /> -- � applicable IAw requires intcrest to be paid,Lendcr shall not be rcquired to pay Aorrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. <br /> �� 8orrowcr and Lendcr may agree in writing, however, that intere�t shall bc paid on the Funds. i.ender shull give to Borrower, <br /> without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits und debits to the Funds and the purpose for which ea►ch <br /> debit to the Funds was made,The Funds are plcdged us udditional sccurity for al!sums sccured by this Security Instrumont. <br /> if thc Funds hcld by Lcnder cxcecd thc amounts permitted to bc hcld by applicabtc law, Lender shull uccount to Borrower <br /> far the excess Funds in accordance with the requiremenls of applicable luw. [f the amounr,of the Funds held by Lender ut any <br /> --- timc is not sufficient to puy the Escrow Items when duc,Lendcr may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such cusc Borrower i <br /> shnll pay to Lender the amount nccessury to makc up the dcficicncy. Borrower shull muke up thc deficiency in no more than <br /> F twclve monthly payments,at Lendcr's solc Jiscretian. <br /> _ ' Upnn p:�yment in full of�11 sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shull promptly refund to Bonowcr any <br /> M� Punds hcld by L.endcr.If, under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property, L.ender, prior to the ucquisition or sale <br /> of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lender ut the time of acquisition or sale as u creciit against the sums secured by <br /> ` _ — this Sccuriry Instrumcnt. <br /> � 3.Applicatton of Payments.Unless applicablc law provides otlicrwise,all paymcnts rcccived by Lendcr undcr parugraphs <br /> 1 and 2 sliall be applied: first. to nny prepayment chnrges due under the Note; second, to nmounts payable under pariigraph 2; <br /> -- third,ta interest due:fourth,to principul due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> -- 4. Churges; Llens. Borrower sliall pay all taxes, assessmcnts, charges, fines and impositions nttributablc to thc Property <br />-�����-�� which may attuin priority over this Sccurity Instrument, and Icaschold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay <br />'��*ti� these obfigutions in the manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if no�paid in thnt manncr,Borrowcr shall pay them on time directly <br />:�F;�`, to dic person owcd payment. Borrower shnll promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amuunts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> - If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower st�all promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> • Borrower shull promptly discharge any lien whicli hati priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)abrees in <br /> writing to the puyment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Leuder, (b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> by, ar defends against enforcement of the licn in. Iegul proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforccmcnt of the lien; or(c) sccures from thc holder of thc licn an agrccment satisfactory tu Lendcr subordinating the lien ro <br /> this Securiry instrument. if i,ender dctcnnines that any purt��f the Propcny is subject to a licn which muy attain priurity over <br /> this Sccurity instrununt, Lcndcr muy givc Borrowcr a noticc idcntifying thc licn. Borrowcr shall satisfy thc licn or take one or <br /> morc of thc actions sct forth abovc within 10 days uf thc giving of noticc. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br />-t1`-'..._ Paua 2 0l U <br /> " ._...... .-K-:.r;-•a_:...,: ____ -.____'_a. rY.- _- <br /> 1 <br /> .____ ........--"^_,a-.,e,.-c:-_,e: . 't'�+�.��n`e�r��_.e.��- - . .. . . .. �.;9"'a�„h:::a�.t��+�c�r=� -- <br /> � . _ ..._. . _. <br />