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<br /> == 1-4 FAIV�ILY RIDER --
<br /> :_.:.�� — Assignment of Rents 20028048
<br /> �=� •��� THIS I-4 FAMILY RIDER is mxdc this 1 1TH day of M �� •
<br /> _,.';-�'_'.,�.� und is incorporatcd into and shall be dcemed to amend and supplement the MorntgagE pBeJ of Trusi 99��urity
<br />=�;.r_n.�� Deed (thc "Securiry lnstrument") of thc same date given by the undcrsigncd (the "H��rrowcr"1 tu securc
<br /> �:=i�� Borrower's Notc to
<br />,r;-� The Equitable Huilding and Loan Associatian of 4ran� Island,
<br />--zA� Nebraska, A Federal Savings Bank tthc"I.xndcr")
<br /> = 4- of the same date and covering the Property described in the Security Instrument and located at:
<br /> °- 14U3 (iRAND ISLAND AV�, GRAND [SLAND, NEBRASKA 68803 -
<br />.����
<br />- �proixrty Addresi�
<br />-;.;�i�
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS.In addition to the covenants and a;reements made in the Security Instrument,
<br /> �� Borrower and I.ender further covenant And agrce as follows:
<br />:.;� Property described in the Security Instrumen[, the following items Are added ro the Property description. and shnll
<br />�r:���� nlso constitute the Property covcred by the Securiry Instrument: buiWing materials,upplianccs and�ocxis of evcry
<br />=�+s� naturc whatsoever now on c�rcafter Icxuted in, on, or used, or intended to bc used in connection with the
<br /> �:axa���
<br /> = Property, including, but not limited to, those for the purposes of supplying or distributing heating, coo mg.
<br /> v�_� electricity, gas, water, air anu iigt-�t, fr� pr.��:iaz astd exS!!2^U!!lSMISla a�parat�s. �c��rity and access control
<br /> -- apparatus, plumbing, bath tubs, water heaters, water closets, sinks, ranges, stoves, rcfrigerato�s, dishwashers,
<br /> _____ disposals, wushers, dryers, awnings, storm windows, storm doors, scrcens, blinds, shades, curtains and curtain
<br /> -- rods,attached mirrors,cabinets, panelling and attachcci flovr coverings naw on c�reafter attached to the Property,
<br /> nll of which, including replacements nnd additions thereto, sh�ll be deemed to be and remnin a part of the
<br />----- Propeny covcred by the Securiry Instrumcnt. All of the foregoing togethcr with the Property dcscribed in the
<br /> Sccurity Instrument(or thc le�.schold estutc if thc Sccurity Instrument is on u leasehold)are referrcd to in this 1-4
<br /> Family Rider and the Security Instrument as thc"Property."
<br /> B. USE OF PROP�RTY; COMPLIANCE WI1'H I,AW. Borrower shnll not seek, agree to or make a
<br />- � change in the use of the Property or its zoning classification, unless l.ender hus agreed in writing to the change.
<br /> Borrower shall comply wieh all laws, orJinances, regulations und requircments of any governmentttl body
<br /> �� upplicable to the Propercy.
<br /> -_- G SUBORDINATE LIENS.Except as permitted by fecleral law, Borrower shall not allow any Iten inferior
<br /> "��'� to the Security Instrument to be perfected against the Property�.vithout Lender's prior written permission.
<br /> '°`-`'''�'� p.RENT LOSS INSURANCE. 8ormwcr shaU maintain insurauic�aguinst rcnt loss in addition to the other
<br /> �"'-71°"�� h�uards for which insurance is rcyuirul by Uniform Covcnunt 5.
<br /> `9�� E."BORROW�It'S RIGHT TO REINSTATF." UI;LETED.Uniform Covenant l8 is delcted.
<br /> F. BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless I.ender and Borruwer otherwisc agrcc in writing, thc first
<br />'-�"T� sentence in Uniform Corenant 6 canceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property is deleted. All remaining
<br /> ���s covcnunts and agrecmcnts set forth in Unit'orm Covenant�shall remain in effect.
<br />;_.,;�i;ty.-� Form 3170 3/93
<br />_,��x-�- MULTISTA7E 1•4 FAMILY RIDER-Fennle MaelFreddle Meo Unitorm Inatrument
<br /> T
<br /> -���r:;' � VMP MORTGAGE FORMS�18001621�7Y91 C�, Pnntnd on Rocvdea Paper
<br /> '_`�r: �-67�nsoai.o�
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