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<br /> �-�� AP� 10950 LN� 1539217265 .
<br /> �,,,�„�. PLANNED UFIIT DEVELOPMENT RIDER 9�„�1452�
<br /> I��' THIS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT RIDER Is made thls 4th day of December, 1997 . --
<br /> and is Incorporated Into and ahall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage,Deed of Trust or
<br /> ecure ao�o er seNoie io�ry COLUMBUSx�FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK the undersigned (the "eorrower')to
<br /> (the
<br /> "Lender") of the same date and covering the Property described In the Securiry Instrument and located at: ?_
<br /> #2 SONJA DRIVE,DONIPHAN,NE 6a832 __
<br /> �Property Address] �-
<br /> '�he Properry includes, but is nat Ilmited to,a parcel of land improved with a dwelling, together with other �`�
<br /> [..
<br /> such parcels and certaln common areas and facilities,as described =_
<br /> D�EOS OFFICE AS DOCUMENT N0. 92-109502 �.�
<br /> In(the"Declaratlon'). The Praperty Is a part of a planned unit development known ao �
<br />. � AMICK 11CRES EAST
<br /> . �Name of Planned Unit Development]
<br /> _� (the"PUD"). The f'raperty also Includes Borrower's Interest in the homeowners associstlon or equivalent
<br /> � y uses benefis and proceeds of Borrower'srinte esd facllitles of the PUD(the"Ownere Association")and the
<br /> PUD COVENANTS. In addltion to the covenants and agreements made In the Security Instrument,
<br /> Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: _
<br /> A. PUD ObUgstions. Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obllgations under the PUD's
<br /> Constituant Documenxs. The"Conatituent Documents"are the: (i) Declaration;(II)articles of Incorporatlon,
<br /> �� trust Instrument ar any equlvalent document whlch creates the Owners Associadon;and(ili)any by-lawe or
<br /> other rules or regulatlons of the Qwners Associatlon. Borrower shall promptly pay,when due,all dues
<br /> and asaessments imposed pursuant to tiie Constituent Documents.
<br /> B. Hez�rd InsurAnce. So long as the Owners Associatlon maintalns, with a generally accepted
<br />�.. insurance carrier,a"master"or"blanket" policy Insuring the Property whlch is satisfactory to Lender and
<br /> ;,;..�:';�:;.,,, � , which provides insurance coverage In the amounts, for tha periads, and against the hazards Lender
<br /> .,,-�, -••. • requires,including fire and hazards In�luded wfthln the term"extended coverage,"then:
<br /> .;, t . �:,�. (I) Lender walves the provislon In Uniform Covenant 2 for the monthly payment to Lender of the
<br /> �' , yP�rly nremlum Instellments for hazard insurance on the Property;and �
<br />^s property��i Bdeemed'satsfled touthe extent hat the �requlredacotverage la p ovided byV he Ownehs
<br /> Assaciatlon policy,
<br /> - L Borrower shail give Lender prompt notice of any lapse in required hazard insurance coverage provid _
<br /> � by the master or blanket pallcy.
<br />�. _ � _ .,. In the event of a distrfbutlon of hazard Insurance proceeds In Ileu of restoratlon or repalr following a
<br /> ' ' Ioss to the Proporty, or to common areas and facillties of the PUD,any proceeds payable to Borrower are
<br /> hereby asslgned and shall be paid to Lender. Lender shall apply the proceeds to the sums secured by the
<br /> � � Securlty Instrument,with any excess pald to Borrower. _
<br /> C. Pus Assotclatlon malnta ns a publlc`'lablllty insukance policy accep abiebn form�a o'unt and extent ��
<br /> the Owne �-
<br /> � of coverage to Lendor. �'
<br /> ISC/CRII7**//0195/3150(0990)-L Page 1 of 2 ,
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