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I 5 3 9 2 1 7 2 6 5 '�� <br /> AII�InEUrance poticles and rene�vals shall be acceptable to Lencier arxl shsll Inalude a standard mortgago clause. — - <br /> � Lender shall have the rlght to hold the pollcles and renewals.If Lender requlres,Borrower shall promptly glve to Lender <br /> all recelpts of p�ld premlums and renewal notices.In the event of loss,Borrower shall glve prompt notice to the ��y-�- <br /> Insurance carrler and Lender.Lender may make proaf of toss ff not made promptly by Borrower. _�"''��'-- <br /> ��� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree In wrtting,Insurance proceeds shall be applfed to restoratfon or repair ':�,s�. <br /> of the Pruperty damaged,If the rostoratlon or repalr Is economlcally feaslble and Lender's securlty Is not lessened.If the �-�'�� <br /> restoratlon or repalr Is not economlcally feaslble or Lender's securlty would be lessened,the Insurance proceeds shall ��--_ <br /> .w. • <br /> be applled to the sums secured by thls Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due,wfth any excess pald to Borrower. ,,-r:�_- <br /> • If Borrower abandons the Property,or does not answer wlthin 30 days a notfce fram Lender that the Insurance carrler <br /> has offered to settle a clalm,then Lender may collect the Irssurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repalr _ <br /> �r restore the Properry orto pay sums secured by thls Securlry Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day perlod =- <br /> wlll begln when the notice Is glven. ' �' �•�� <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree In wrlting,any appllcatlon of proceeds to princlpal shall not extend or .,5��� <br /> ..�--- <br /> postpone tho due date�f the monthly payrnents referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the -_ <br /> payments. If under paragraph 21 the Property Is acqulred by Lender,t3orrower's rlght to any Insurance pollcles end _ _ <br /> � proceeds resulting from damage to the Property prlor to the acqulsltlon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums _ <br /> secured by this S$curlry Instrument Imm e d iate ly pr lor to t he acqu ls l t lon. :�Y�- <br /> e.Occupancy,Preaervatlon,Malntentnce end Protectlon of the Property;Borrower'e Loan Appllcatlon; ��° <br /> Leaaeholda. Borrower shall occupy,establlah, and use the Properry as Borrower's princlpal resldence�wlthln slxty days .��`� <br /> .� after the executlon of th(s Securlty Instrument and shall contlnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's princlpal _,s�.� <br /> rosldence for at least one year siter the date of occupanoy,u�iless Lender otherwlse agrees In wrlting,whlch consent _-- <br /> shall not be unreasonably wlthheld,or unless extenuating clrcumstances exlst which are beyond Borrower's control. <br /> � Borrower shall not destroy,damage or Impalr the Property,allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the _'a <br /> , , Property. Borrower shall be ln default If any forfelture actlon or proceeding,whether clvll or criminal,Is begun that In <br /> Lpnder's good fafth judgment could result In torfelture of the 1'roperty or otherwlse materlslly Impafr the Ilen created by �?;:, <br /> ._ �• t�,1�Securlty Instrument or Lender's security Intere&t.Borrower mey cure such a default and relnstatA,as provlded In �.f_�__ <br /> �, paragraph 18, by causing the aotlon or proceeding to be tllsmissed wrci�a ruiing ihai,iri Le3�ier's good talth <br /> determinatlon, prectudes fortefture of the Borrower s Interest In the Property or other materlal Impalrment of the Ilen <br /> ;. created bythls Securlty Instrument or Lender's securlty Interest.Borrower shall also be In default If Borrower,during the <br /> �,• loan appllcatlon process,gave materlally false or Inaccurata Informatlon or statements to Lender(or falled to provlde _ <br /> Lender wlth any materlal Informatlon)In connectlon w(th the loan evldenced by the Note,Includ(ng,but not Ilmlted to, <br /> ' representatlons concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a princlpal resldence.If thls Securlty Instrument Is � <br /> ��' on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply wlth ell the provlsfons of the lease. If Borrower acqulres fee tltle to the Property, o <br /> � � the leasehotd and the fee tftle shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger In wrlting. __ <br /> � 7.Protectlon of Lencler's Rlghts In the Property. If Borrower fails to pertorrn the covenants and agreements __ <br /> # contalned In thls Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceed(ng that may slgnlflcantly affect Lender's rights In the <br /> :�. Property(such es a proceeding In bankruptcy, probate,for condemnatlon or fortelture or to enforce taws or = <br /> � regulatlons),then Lender may do and pay for whatever Is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's <br /> rlghts In the Property.Lender's actlons may Include paying any sums secured by a Ilen which has prlority over thls <br /> ±, Securlty Instrument,appearing In court,paymg reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make <br /> j4; repalrs,Although Lender may take actlon under thls paragraph 7,Londer does not have to do so. <br /> - , '•��; Any amounts disburs�ci by Ler�ue�u���e�.hls p�ragrup::y�r�:!become additlonal debt of Borrower secured by �._—���_._.___ _ <br /> '� Int�est from the date of dlsbu sement ae the N ote at aand shal�be payable,t h Interes h upon notice froml ender to = _ <br /> '• Borrower requesting payment �:�--�-- <br /> 8.Martgage Insurance. If Lendar requlred mortgage Insurance as a condlt{on of making the toan secured by thls � _� <br /> Securfty Instrument,Borrower shall paythe premlums requlred to malntaln the mortgage Insurance In effect.If,for any <br /> reason,the mortgage Insurance coverage requlred by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the _ <br /> - . � premlums requlred to obtaln coverage substantlally equlvatent to the mortgage Insurance prevlously In effect,at a cost �:�;;�_ <br /> � � substantlalfy equtvalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage Insurance prevlously In effect,from an alternate v _ __�i---: <br /> mortgage Insurer approved by Lender.If subs2antlally equlvalent mortgage Insurance coverage Is not avallable, '� ,�.:-�.;, <br /> � Borrower shall pay to Lender each month asurn equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage Insurance premlum being '�.�'=• <br /> pald by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be In effect. Lender wlll accept,use�nd retaln these �.;;�:`;�r��;n��: <br /> payments as a loss reserve In Ileu of mortgage Insurance.Loss reserve payments may no lonqer be requlred,at the ; xa�',�;.. <br /> op t lo n o f L e n d o r, I f m o rt g a g e Ins urance covera ge(In the amount and for the periods that Lender requlres) provlded by '.y;°_'�"��' <br /> an Insurer approved by Lender agaln become�avallable and is obtalned. Borrower shall pay the premlums required to , <br /> - malntaln mortgage Insurance In effect,or to provlde a loss reserve,untll the requirement for mortgage Insurance ends <br /> In accordanae wlth any wrltten agreement between Borrower snd Lender or appllcable law. � <br /> _ 9. Inspeatlon. Lender or its agent may rnake reasonable entrfes upon and Inspectlons of the Properry. Lender <br /> - shall give Borrower notice at the tlme of or prlor to an Inspectlon specffying reasonabie cause for the Inspoctlon. <br /> NEBRASKA-SINGLH FAMILY••FNMA/FHLMC UNIFOHM tNSTRUMEN7 FORM 3028 9/30 <br /> ISC/CMDTNE//0792/3028(9•90)•L PAGE 3 OF 6 � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � _ _ -- __ ___ _ _ <br />