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<br /> 1T'. Trwr►9tar of!he Propaty or a Beneticlv inta�est in Aarrower. If�ll ar ay put of tha PropeRy or wy intdrest in it
<br /> t ie sald or tr�r_aferred(or if�beneficid iacoreat ia Borrower ie sold or tnwsferrod+uid Borrower ie not s tudunl person)without -�
<br /> � i.ender's prior written consent, Lender auy, at ite option, uire immodiau p�ymeat in fuq of all eume eecurod by thie
<br /> , Secudty Inatrument.Howover.thie optioa eh�Q�wt be exercieed�y L,ender if exerciee ie prohibited by federal I�w�e of the d�te
<br /> of thie Security Inetrumeat.
<br /> t If Leader exerciaee thle optian,Leader ehall�ive Bonower noticu of�cceleration. Tbe notico ehsll provide a pedod af not
<br /> lese tb�a 30 daye from the date the aotice ie delivered or m�iled witlun which Borrower must pay �II euu� secured by this
<br /> m
<br /> � Sxurity Inetrument. Tf Borrower fi�le to pay thr,ae st�me prior to We eapirwtiou of thie period,Lender mty invoke my remediee
<br /> . :. S I rmitted b tlils Securit Iaetrume+rt wltlwut further aotice or damu�d oa Borrower. -
<br /> } � ls. Borrowa'e Ryi�{ht to Acirwtate. If Bocrowar mats ceriaia cooditioae, Borrower eiu�ll have tha ri�ht W 6ave
<br /> w h
<br /> enforcensent of thIe Security Insttumeat dleconttnued at ony tiaa prior to the earlier of: (a) S daye (or such otlwr perlod+u� -_
<br /> „w,,,�` applictble law auy specify for roinstatemeat) before eale of the Praperty purswnt to uiy power of e+ile contained in thla -
<br /> . -.�(jr Secunry Instruaxnt;or(b)entry of a jud�coent eaforciag tkie Sacuriry Instrumenc.Thoee condilloas ar�o tlu�t Borrower:(a)paye
<br /> I.eader all sume which then would be due under thie Socurity Inasrurneat u�d the Note as if no�ecelentioa h�d occurnd; (b) i�
<br /> cures any dafault of any othor coveaanta or a�emeate: (c)pxys dl expeaeea incumad in enforcia�thie Security Instntmeas. ,L,Y'
<br /> includin�.but aot limited to� re,�soaable attome�e' fees; and(d)takee such�cqon�e L,eader may rewronably reqmm W aasuro ,;�__-
<br /> ' that the lien of this Security L�strumeat,Lender e ri hte in the Property and Borrower'e obli ation to�y the suau uecured by �;r'-
<br /> this Security Inatrumant shall coutinue unchan��. Upon reinst�tement by Borrower. �ie Secunty Inahvmeat �ad tlw �;.-
<br /> ' obligations secure�d hereby shall ronuin fully effective�s�f no�cceleration h�d occurred. Howaver� this n�ht W roit�ttte xh�ll a'z''
<br /> . not apply in the c,�se of rccoleration under pxr��rsph 17. �r'"`-
<br /> " . 19. S�e of Note; Char�e ot Lam Servicer. Tha Nota or a partid intenat ia tbe Note (w�eWer with thie Security
<br /> �;��,
<br /> Iaetrument)mny be sold one or mom timea without prior notice to Borrower. A eale may result in a chaa�e in the eatlty(knowu �'.'`'_--
<br /> y a�the"Loen Sarvicer")thRt collxte moathlY psYmente due uader We Note and thie Security Inst:ument.Thero�Iw msy bo oae �:ti�
<br /> or more changes of the I.onn Sarvicer unrelated W a eale of the Note.If thore ix a ch�n�e of the L�n Servicer,Bonower wia ba �°
<br /> given written notico of the chs�nge in accordance wiW pnrnrngrAph 14 above And tpplicxble I�w.TIIO IIOhCE WIII BfYW fll0 L�1110�d _ �
<br /> nddreas of the new Loan Servicer and the Addresa to wiuch payments should be uade. Tha notice will aleo contuu �ny other _
<br /> informatioa required by applicAbla law.
<br /> ' 1A. Ha�ardotr� Substances. Borrower sh�ll aot cxuse or peraut the presence, use� dispos�l. sWrR�o,or nlease of�ny __
<br /> '� Hauudoue Substxnces on or in tha Property. Borrower ehall not do, nor allow Aayoae elae to do, anythin� �ffeetin� tl�e
<br /> "'� Ptoperty that ia in violatioa of aay Snviroarneatal Lw. The pracading two sentences shall not�pply to the preseace,use,or :,.�
<br /> stors�ge oa the Property of emall quantities of Ha�rdoue Substauces that ara geneally reco�niud W be appropri�te W uormal �:-_
<br /> ` residential uses and co maintenance of the Property. �
<br /> m
<br /> Bonowar shrll promptly give Lender writtea notice of�uuy investigxtion, cl�im. demind� lawsuit or othar tction by�ay E
<br />-� govemmental or regulatory ageacy or privnte party iavolving We Property and my H�rdous Substance or Bavironmeatal I.aw �_
<br /> ,� of which Borrower has 4ccual knowlad�o. If Borrower lexrna, or is nohfied by auy�ovarumeahl or r��tlatory�uWorlty. that �:-
<br /> —___ _ �� r,�ynt�r other remediation of aav Haz�rdoua Substance affecting tha Property is necessary,Bormwer shs11 promptlY take
<br /> �11 neces.gary remedial actioas in accordimca with Envimnmentnl I.aw.
<br /> • pe usad in Wis parAgrnph 20, "H�xrdous Substances" are those su�stances defined�s toxic or h�urdous eubet�ncea bY
<br /> Snvirouuiental Law aad tha followu�g eubatancea: gasolina, karosene. other fltmnuble or toxlc petroleum producte� ►oaic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,vol�tila solvents, materiale containing asbestos or forroaldel�ydo.u�d r�di�ctive m�tenale• Ae used in
<br /> this p4ragraph 20, "Havironmental Lw' meane federal laws and lawa of the juriediction whero the Propetty ie located that
<br /> " tolate to health,safety or envimnmentxl protaction.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COYBNANTS.Aorrower and L.endar further wvennnt and RQrc,e�a follows:
<br />- 21. Acceleradon;Remedies.Lender e1�11 Bive notice to Borrower pdor to aooderation folbwin�Borrower'e brac6
<br /> of any cove,u�nt or agreement in thL9 Security L►strument (but not prior to pcoderation undee par�r�Ph 17 tudeas
<br /> opplicable law provid�w othe�wise). The notice shwll speufy: (a) the defqult; (b) the�ction rdpulred to cue�e tl�e defaul�
<br /> � (c) a date,not less than 30 daya from the date the eotice is given to Borrower by wMlch tt�e ck�i�ult must be cured;and
<br /> � (d) thAt teilure to cure the default on or belore tbe date specified in tLe not�a may�reault in Aoodaxtion c�f f1�e suna
<br /> . socured by this Security Instruma►t and ea�e o[the Property. The nottce shall further Worm Bo�sewa al the ei�ht to
<br /> reinstxte after acaelemtion and the rlght to bri� � court oction to assert the non-exi�tenoe of a defadt or an� Mha'
<br /> '� defe�►se o[Borrowes to accdemtion and srk. If the default is not cured on or before tl�e dxte specjCed in the r�otke,
<br /> � ' Lender, at �ts opt�on,mayrequire immediate poyment in full o�P all sums secured by tfds SecuritY Instrunent w�thout
<br /> . fur3he��d�and and�nny invokr fF�e pnwer of Rale and Any otMer remedies peimitted by applicable b►w. Lender sltfll be _
<br /> er►titled to collect all expenses incurrtd in pwsuing the remedies prov[ded in th�paragraPh 21�ineluding.but noi iimii�xi
<br /> ;�� to, reASOnable ettorneys'fees arnd costs of tidc evidence. �_
<br /> � If the power of sale is invoked,Trustee shnll record a notice of def�Wt in wch county in waich an�p�rt ot the
<br />_• �• Property GS located and ahall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable I�w to Borrower pnd to ",;,
<br /> the other persor►s pre.scribed by ePPlicable law.After the time required by applicxble law.Truatce shall�i�a public notice ��-
<br /> ° of sale to the pencons and in the mqnnee perscribed by applicuble low. Trustee, wtthout drmand on Bon^owar,shdl edl �"-�
<br />_. � the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desipjnated in the notia ot --.-
<br /> . sale in one ur more parcels and in tiny order Trustce detPamines.Trt�stee may postpone sale of�11 or nny parod ot the �__`-
<br /> � • Property by public announcenent at the time and place of any pr�vioucly scheduled sale. Lender or its designce m�y !:
<br /> • . � purchase the Property at any sale. - -
<br /> .., �
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