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<br /> G.ASSIGNMF.NT QF LEASES. Upon Lcndcr's requcst, Borrower shull assign to Lcndcr all lcascs of thc � ;�:�
<br /> Propcny s�nd all scc:urity dcposits madc in ccnnccdon wlth lcases of thc Property. Upon thc assignment,Lendcr
<br /> • shaU have thc right w modify,extend or tcrminate the existing leases and to cxecutc new leascs,in Lender's solc ----
<br /> .`�� discretion.As used in this paragraph G,the word "lease"shall mean "subleuse" if the Security Instrument is on a
<br /> • lcasehold.
<br /> � Bo�rower absolutcly end uncondltlonally assigns and transfers to I.ender�II thc rents and revenucs("Rcnts")of ihe
<br /> Propeny, regardless of to whom the Rcnts of thc Properry aze payablc. Iiorrower authorizes L.endcr or Lendcr's
<br /> .. � agenu to collect ihe Rents,and agrees that cach tenent of thc Property shall pay thc Rents to Lcndcr nr I.ender's ,1�`
<br /> � agcnts.However,Bonowcr shall rcccivo thc Rentc undl(i)Lender has glven Borrowcr natice of default pursuant to =
<br /> paragraph 21 of the Security Instrument and(ii)L.cnder has given noticc to thc tenant(s) that the Rents are to bc
<br /> , � paid m Lcnder or I..cnder's agen� This assignment of Rents consdtutes an absolutc assi�nmcnt and not an
<br /> • assignment for addidonal sccuxity only. '" -
<br /> � • If Lender gives notice of breach to Burrower: (i)all Rents received Ly Bonower shall be held hy Borrower as
<br /> trustcc for the benetit of Lcrder only,to bc applied to thc sums secured by the Security Instrumcnt;(ti)Lendcr shull "
<br /> ' be enaQed to coltect and reccive all of tho Rents of the Property; (ui) Borrower egrees that each tenant of thc
<br /> Propeny shaU pay all Rents duc and unpaid to Lender or L,endcr's agents upon I.cndcr's wrluen dcmand w thc
<br /> tenant; (iv) unless applIcable luw provides otherwise, all Rents coUected by Lender or Lender's agents sh�ll be
<br /> appUed first to die costs of taking control of und managing the Property and wUecdng the Rents,includIng,but not �'-`
<br /> " limited to,attomeys' fees,receiver's Fecs,premiums on receiver's bonds,repair and maintenance costs, insurance —
<br /> premiums, taacs. assessments and other chArges on the Property,end then to �he sums.�ecured by the Seciuity
<br /> � Instrument;(v)I.endcr,Lender's agents or any judicially uppolnced receiver shall be liable to eccount for only those
<br /> - -___-- �:�nt� acA;$iiy ccu:ivui; and (vij iendcr sfieu be enutied to have a rccclver appointed co take possession of and
<br /> manage thc Propt:rty and callect thc Rents and profits derived from the Property without any showing as to the
<br />= inadequacy of the Property as securlty.
<br /> • If the Rents of the Property are not sufCcient to cover the costs of taking control of and managing the -
<br />_ , Property and of collecting Ihe Rents any funds expended by Lender for such purposes shall become indebteclness of -.
<br /> %• Borrowcr to Lcndcr securcd by the Sccuriry Instrumcnt pursuant to Uniform Covcnant 7. -
<br />; Borrower represents and warrants that Borcower has not cxccuted any prior assignment of the Rents and has
<br />_ not and will not pedorm any act ihat would prevent L.cndcr from cxcrsising its dghts under this paragraph. ��
<br /> , � Lcnder,or I..cndcr's a cnts or a'udiciall n �
<br />_ 8 J y ppointed reccivcr.shall not bc rcquired w enter upon,takc control �.
<br />_ of or maintain the Property before or after siving nodcc of default to Bonowcr. Howcver.Lender, or Lcnder's �Y:'
<br />- agents or a judiciNly appoincet!rcceiver,may do so at any ume whcn a default a:curs.Any application of Rents r�-
<br />_ shaU not curc or waive any default or invalidatc any othcr right or rcmedy of L.endcr.This assignment of Rents of "-
<br /> ' , thc Property shaq tcrminate whcn all the sums sccurcd by thc Secw7ty Instrument are paid in full. " '
<br />_ _ _, I.CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Bonower's default or breach undcr any note or agreement in ���~
<br /> ,�. .
<br /> which Lender has an intc;rest shall be a breach under the Security Instrument and Lender may invakG w�y of the �_
<br />- . remedies permiued by the 5ecuriry InslrumenG �--
<br /> . SY SIGNING BELAW,Borrowcr acccpts and agrces to thc tcrms and provisions contained in�his 1-4 Family
<br />'- Ridcr. �~ -
<br /> �`,_;
<br /> . . ���Y:�
<br /> � ��K:!.��,-
<br />_ " • ,. �-� (Scat) �-��5� Q7�s� (Scal) �'
<br /> •� DA I37 G R •Ronowcr CHERY G KARR ��.`-:�J
<br /> . -Bortowor ,y:,.;
<br /> (SCaI) 5 ' :_,
<br /> •Borrowcr -- �(SC81f , -
<br /> I YWQ'b� 19304�.01 Papa2o12 ` ., �
<br /> Form 3170 3/93
<br /> _ � ' I k k ' ' .
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