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��.1 . <br /> � <br /> _'_ ^r�� _' -""_ ""_ __ <br /> "_�,���r ' . .�......_""��'�""�.�_����`�.�_" _ "_`_"___""._. .�"__' �.-_ "" . <br /> �L�d..__ . .. . . _ . . . ___ _ � .- <br /> - " " '"_ ____.-" __.�...__ __""'..__ ...._.._... . _ . __ _— __.__ - _ _- _ <br /> �• �i . . .. " .. . ��1/�� Y--. <br /> _� r ... . � .. �... . <br /> i. . . .. - .. .�,_ " <br /> ' l.: .: <br /> . - �.r <br /> i . . ' w; <br /> ' 5.Ha�.�rd or Property Insurance. Aorrowcr shall kecp the improvemcnts now exisung or hercaftcr erectcd on thc Property -`-_ <br /> • � ;nsured againsL toss by fuc,hazards includcd within thc tcrm "cxtcnJed covcragc" and any other ha•r��trds, inctuding ilooda ar <br /> '°� flooding,for which Lender requires Insurancc.'I7�is insurance shall be malntained i�the umounis and for the periods that Lcndcr ; <br /> requires.The insurance c.arrter Ptoviding the insurance shall be chosen by Bortawer subject to Lender's Approval whfctti shell not <br /> �"""�,�� Ue onreasonably withheld. If Hoaowcr fails to meintaln covcraRc describcd ebove, Lcnder may, at Lendcr's option, obtain (� <br /> coverage to protect L.ender's rights in the Propeny in accordance with ParaBraph�• ~ �:;�` <br /> All insurance pollcics and renewals shall bc acccptable to Lender end shall includc a stander C��ndcr all pts of paid ' <br /> 1 havc the right to hold the policics and renewals.If Lendcr rcquires,Borrower shall promptly g � �_ <br /> premiums and renewal nodces. In the cvent of loss,Boaower shall give prompt notice to tl�e insurance carrler and L.ender.l.cnder O = <br /> may make proof of loss if not madc prompdy by Borrower. __ <br /> Unlcss Lendcr and Borrowcr otherwise agree in wridng,insurancc Proce�d8 shall bc appUed to restoradon or repair of thc � <br /> properiy�n�aged,if the restoradon or repair is economically feasible and T.ender's securicy is not lessened.If the restoradon or N _ <br /> ` repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be applied co the sums� <br /> '' securcd by this gcc�uiry Instrument,whether ar not then due, with ax►y cxcess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons thc <br /> �; property,or does not answer witliin 30 days a nodce from Lender that the insurenae carricr has offcred w setUe a claim,then <br /> L.ender may collect the insurance proceeds•1-�nder may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property ar to pay sums sec►ued <br /> - ` riod wtll begin when tbie nodce is given. <br /> by this Security Insirument,whether or not then due.The 30-day p� ��aon of procceds to principal shaU not extend�r postpone <br /> �� Unless L.ender and Horrower othcrwisc agrce in writing,ai►y apP <br /> the due dace af the monthly payments refeaed to in paraBraPhs 1 and 2 or change the emount of the payments.If under paragraph <br /> �� 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Boreower's right to any it►surance Policies and proceeds resulting from damage to the <br /> p�periyr pdor to the acquisidon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately <br /> �. prior to the acquisidon. <br /> . 6.Occupxncy,Preserv�tion,MainteaAnce and Protection ot t6e Property; Borrower's LoAn Application;Leaseho{ds. <br /> Borrower shall oceupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrowe�sBp��P ij s p�ipalWresidence fo at leas�t on eyear after the <br />- - `�- d�Security Instrutnent and shall continue to occuPY the Property <br /> :. T-� <br /> ° date of occupancy, unless L.ender otherwise agrees �n wdti�►8. which consent shaii not be unrra�u�ia�1Y wiihhcld. aY an e�s <br /> � damage or impair the PcopertY. <br /> � extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Bonower s conuol.Borrower sh.aU not dest�oy, <br /> allow the Property to deterlorate. or commit waste on the Properry. Borrower shall be in default if �r►y forfeiture acdon or <br /> �� proceeding,whether civil or ariminal,is begun that in Lender's goad falth judgment could result in forfeituce of the Pcoperty or <br /> otherwise materiallY impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security int��esG Bonower may cure such a <br />� default and reinstate, es provided in pareBraPh 18,by causing the action or proceedjng to be dismissed with a ruling ihat,in <br /> L.ender's good faith determinadon.precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other materiai impairment of <br /> the Gen created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security inceresG Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower,during the <br /> loan application process.gave materially false or inaccurate informauon or statements to I.ender(or failed to provide Lender with <br /> any material information) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limtted co, representadons <br /> concerninB Bo�rower's occupancy of the Praperty as a principal residence.If this Securiry Instmment is on a leasehold.Boaower <br /> , ;� shall comply with all the provisions of the lease.If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property,the leasehold and the fee dde shall <br /> �; � not merge unless Lcnder agrccs co the mergcr in wripng. _ <br /> ' � 7.Protectton ot Lender's Itiqhts in the Property. If Borrower fails to perfomi the covenants and agrcements contsined in <br /> � T� th;s Sccority Instrument, or there is a legal procecding that may significandy affect I.cnder's rights in the Property (such as a � <br /> �, � p���g�b�{�p�y,probate,for condemnation or forfciture or to enforce luws or reguladons),then Lender may do and pay _ <br /> for whatcvcr is necessary co Protect the vttlue of the Propeny and Lender's rights in thc Property.Lcnder's acdonn mrcasonable <br /> � paying any sums secured by a lien whicli has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, pay g <br /> h 7,L.endcr <br /> , �='� auomcys' fees and entering an the Properry to make repairs. Although Lcnder may takc acdon under this paragrnp — <br /> �� does not have to do so. h 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower se�cured by this Security <br /> pny amounts disburscd by Lendcr undcr this panigrap <br /> InsuumenG Unless Bonower and Lcndcr agree to other temns of payment,these amounts shall bear it►tcrest from the datc of <br /> . disbursement at thc Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon noticc from Lcnder tc�Boaower requcsting paymen� <br /> 8.Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condiuon of making the loan secured by this Securiry <br /> Instrumcnt, Borrower shall pay thc premiums requircd co maintain the mongage insurance in effec� If, for any reason, the ,.., <br /> � mortgage insucance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to ;-�; <br /> obtaic►covernge substantially equivalent to the mongage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> cost to Bonowcr of the mongagc insurance prcviously in effect, from an altcmate mortgagc insurcr approvcd by Lcnder. If . <br /> substantially equivalent mongage insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay w Lender each month a sum equal to <br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapseci or ceased to <br /> be in effect. l.ender will accep� use And retain ehese payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mongage insurance. 1.-oss reserve <br /> Form 3028 Ol90 <br /> Pe o 901 8 Initlal�: <br /> __. � .��.._........ 9 <br /> �p11+•oi��n���.�..n..• r- <br /> �O I <br /> . -- . ._.. _ . _.. _ .. . <br /> .___ -- ._.. <br /> J . __ . . _..._.._ .. <br />