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Trunor �nall aay each inJtatlment of atl taxes and special assessmenta of every klnd, naw ar hereaftet .-_,�;:=_ <br /> ., levied aqainat the Trust Estata or any aart tnereof, �efore deUnquancy, without nodce ar dRm�ntl. <br />- ' 3, l,ar„r��ci uid R�p�ws Trustor sha�l ma�ntain tiro and extenqed covenqe inturanca insuring Me Improvemema , ,�.;�:_'; <br /> cansticudng paR ot tt�e Trust Estate tor such amounts and an suah cermi ressanably sanstactory to Beneficiary. So Icnp as the� � <br />- r_a� ProparN i:saurad bv a ftrst deed of xust or martaaqe, compllance wim tt�e insunnc�requirements of the firsc deed of uust ary _ Y <br /> mortqaqe shalt be sufffcfenc to saasfy the requirementa of th�s paraqraph 3 relat�np to inaunnce. � <br /> 1'rustor shall prempUy repair and replace tha Trust Estate or any part thereut sa that,excepi for ordtnery wear and tear, .� -_ <br /> : � tt+e Trust Estate snaU nat detenorace. In no event cnall the Trustar commit waste cn ar to the Truar Estate,ar commit,suffer arQ =-__ <br /> perm�t any act:o be done in or upan tt�e Trust Estate in vtolarion of any law,artlinanca ar rnqulatlon. Trustcr shall pay and promptfy� <br /> ' ' discnerQe at Truscar's cosc and expenae all lien�, encumhrances and crarpes Ievied,impnsed ar assessad aflainac the Trust Esqt�i __ <br /> � cr any paR thereof. 0 <br /> 4. Act/orn AN�aa/ng Tiurt Estst�. Trustor shail appear in and cortte�t a�y action or proceedinp purponinq to aftect � - <br /> ., • the security hereaf ar the righta ar pawers at Bunaficfary or Truatee,and ah�ll pay all costs and expenssa,includinq cost of evidenc� _--- <br /> �'' of tfde and atromeys' faei. in any such action ar procaedtnq in which Baneftciary o�Trustee may appeu, it Trustor taila to m�lu <br />- �� • any payment ar to do any act as and in the m�nner pravfded in a�y ot thR Lo�n Insmunents,Benefitdary and/or TnuRee. etch in -- <br /> their own discre�ion, withaut abllgatton so to do and withaut natica to or demand upon Tn�stor a�d without releasinq Trustar trom _ <br /> any oblipation, may make nr do the same in such ma�ner and to sucn extent as eitt�er may deem necessary to prosect t�e securiry � <br /> ^ hereof. Tnutar shall. Immedtateiy upon demand therefer by 8eneftofary, pay aQ costs and expenaes incwred by 8eneficiary (n - <br /> •T� connectinn witN the exercise by Beneffciary of the fereqoing rights,including wirhaut Itmltation costs of avidence of tiUe, court -�, <br />- costs, appraisals. surveys and attomeys' fees. • . <br /> g, f.rn/n�nt Domdn. It the Trust Estate,ar any part thereof or irtcerest therein,be taken or damaqed by reason of = <br /> any publtC improvemenc or condemnation proceeding, or in any other manner includ(nq deed in lieu thereot ("Condemnauen"1, or _ <br /> if Trustor receives any notice or athnr iMormadon regartling such proaeeding. Trustar shall give prompt written no�ica thereot to <br /> � Beneftcfary. Trustor shall be entitled to all compensation, awards and other payments ar rel(et Lhereof and shall be entitled at its <br />-- oAnon ta cammenca. aoaear in ana arosecute in its own name any actian ar pracaedfngs. Trus2or shall also be entitled to make <br /> any compromise ar ser,;ement in c�nnec:ion wich s�c�taking or aamage. <br />+; �, <br /> � 6. Appoinrnrenr o!Succassor Tiusree. 8enericiarv mav, trom time to time, bv a wrirren instrument sxecuted and ��t�. <br />�• acxnawieCged 5y Beneftc:arY, madea :o Trustar ana �eccrdea �n ;nc�County in wnicn;ne i rust Estate�s locataa ana �y ocherwise R <br /> complymg with tne prov�sions of ,ne aoolicanle iaw of ine State or Neerasxa sucstituta a successar or succsssors'0 the TruStCe -_ <br />_;. . namea here,n or a�:�n4�ereunder. �._� <br /> " .' 7. Succssso�s and Assigns. This Second Destl af Trust aDplies to,inures ta the her.efit ot and binds all perties hereto. ___ <br />=_ " . their he�rs,legatees, dev�sees,pers�nal repres�ntatives,successars anct assigns. �he term'8eneficiary'shall mean tne owner and =-- <br />- � halder ot any promissary nota gwen to �eneficia�y, ;whetner or not nametl as 9eneticiary hereinl. fr� <br /> f. �-- <br /> - 8. M�rg�� Ccaso/ldir/on, Sa/�s a Leasst. Trustor covenants that Trustor will not selt, lease or atherwise dlsposa - <br />� • of any of che Trust Estate. In the avent:hat Trustor sells, leases ar otharwise d(sposes of any part of tne Trust Estate,Beneflciary <br />-_ .- �+may at its opdon declara the Indedtedness securetl hareby immedfately due and payable, whether ar not any default exists. <br /> - • .8enafiaiary sheil cnnsent to a transfer of ine Yrust Fstate to a tnird party to the exteni such third part/meets the requiremems <br /> ��` . Rontained in,and assumRS the obllgations set forth in the First Dead of Trust. The covenartts contained hnrein shall run with the �,. <br /> 4roperry and shall remain in full force and effect until the Indebtedness is paid in full. e� <br /> - � 4. Evsrrts of Odault. Any at the folfowing events shall be deemed an event af default hereunder. °'` <br /> ��- <br /> �� _ <br /> ' (n� default snaU be made in the payment af the Indebtedness or any ather sum secured hereby when due; �-�;; ' <br />— ' � or �..,�,.. <br /> E�� <br /> — r.��. Dl��" <br /> r-� <br /> ' .:, . (p� Trustor shall perfarm any act in bankruptcy; or <br />— (c! a court af CompeLent jurisdic5on shall enter an order,judgmertt or dCCree approving a oedtion filed against ,�;-=-_ <br /> T�vstnr saeking any reorganization, dlssdlution ar slmilar relief under any present ar future federal, state ar other siatute, --�:" <br />' � law or regulatian relating ta bankruptcy, insalvency or other reltef far debtors, and such order,judgment ar decree shall -_ <br /> remain unvacated and unstayed for an agpreqato of sixry(60)days Iwhether ar not cansecuavel trom the flrst date o4 enuyr = <br /> � thercof; or any trustee, receiver ar Iiqufdator ar Trustor or af all ar any part of the Tru�c Estate, ot ot any or all of the ` <br /> royalties,revenues, rents,issues or prof(ts theraof,shall be appcainted withaut the cansent or acquiescenCe ot Trustor and <br /> : � suCh appointment shalt remain unvaCatnd and unscayed for an agpregate of sixty(601 days(whether or not ConseCUtivel; <br /> � or <br /> 1 � <br /> � <br /> � Z <br /> .. i � :__ _ <br /> � .. --r-�^--; <br /> � <br /> e �1 _ _ <br />