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<br /> 13.Notices. AnY nouce to Bonowcr provided for in this Security Instrumcnt shall be g�en by dclivcring it or by ,:.` ^_.
<br /> mailing it by Cust class mail unlcss applicabl�law requires use of another method.Thc noria:shs�ll be d'ucctcd to thc _.�F,..._
<br /> Property Addmss or any other address Borrower designatcs by nouce co Lender.Any notice to Lender shaU be given by ,,�.,.- .
<br /> ,,,,'__
<br /> first class mail ta Lcnder's address stated hercin or any address Lender designutcs by noticc to Bonowcr.Any nopce _
<br /> provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be decmed to have t�,n given to Bonower or Lender when given as =� •
<br /> , provided in chis paragraph. ''�:��
<br /> 14.Governiag L�w; Severability.This Sccuriry Insaument shall bc govcrned by Federal law and the law of thc ��',�;_`
<br /> jurisdicdon in which the Property is lceated.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Inswment or the N±�Y___
<br /> vote conflicts with apPlicable law,such conflict shall not affcct othcr provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note _
<br /> :�::4_—
<br /> which can be given effect without Uie conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Secwity Instrument and _
<br /> thc Note are declaced to be severable. �;;u:`—
<br /> 15.Borrower's Copy.Boaower shall be Biven one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security InstrumenG %�.�___
<br /> 16. Haz�rdous Substances. Bosower shtill not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal.storage,or rcleasc of �y�!
<br /> r any Hazardous Substances on or in thc Property.Boaower shall not do,nor allow anyone clse to do,anythinB afPcctinS
<br /> �. the Property that is in violauon of sury EnvironmGntal Law. The preceding two sentenees shall not apply to the presence, �"".t?,�•,�
<br /> ase, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Ha•r.ardous Substances that are generally recognized to be '.r,,-4'
<br /> �, appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. `;'���'°'
<br /> �°••n
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy give Lender wriuen nouce of any invespgadon,claim,demand,lawsuit or other acuon by j �_�-
<br /> any govemmental or regulatory agency or puvate party invalving the Property and any Hazacdous Substance or ;,�:w-
<br /> � Environmental Law of which Borrower hs�.s actual knowledge. If Bonower leams.or is noaCied by any governmental or �.'- �•
<br />- - � regutawry auchoriiy. u�at a�y rmo:a2 at oshet semed'satiQn �f any Ha�ardous Substances affectinB the Ptoperty is ,� --
<br /> - ..
<br /> necessary,Bflrrower shall prompdy take aU necessary remedial acpons in accordance with Environmental Law. �
<br /> As used ln this ParaBraPh 16, "Harardous Substances" aze thosc substances definetl as toxic or hazardous —�-�
<br /> substances by Environmental Iaw and Ihe following substances:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or taxic petroleum �-- •�
<br /> products, coxic pesticides and herbicides, volatilc solvcnts. materials conteiu�ing asbescos or formaldehyde, and —" _
<br /> radioacuvc materials. As uscd in this paraBraph 16, "Environmental Law" mcans federal laws and laws of �he �,, ,.�
<br /> juristliction whcrc the Propeny is locatcd that rclatc to health,safety or environmental protecbon. -. _
<br /> ..
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Boaower and I.cnder further covcnant and agree as follows: �
<br /> '� 17.Asisignment ot Rents.Bonower uncanditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all thc rents and revenves of
<br /> �.
<br /> thc Property.Borro�vcr authorizes Lcndcr or I.endcr's agcnts to colla:t the rcnts and ccvenucs and hereby directs cach
<br /> � tenent of the Property co paY the rents to Lcnder or Lcnder's agents.However,prior to l.ender's notice to Borrower of !_
<br /> � Borrower's breach af any covenant or agreement in the Security Inswment.Boirower shall collect end receive all rents `
<br /> ' � C�.
<br /> and revenucs of thc Propeny as trustec for the beneCt of Lcader and Bonowcr.This assignmcnt of rents constitutes an
<br /> � � absolute assignment and not an assignment[ur addiuo►�el securiry only. - -
<br /> If Lender gives noticc of brcxh w Borrower: (a) all rents rcceivcd by Borrowcr shall be held by Borrowcr as
<br /> � trustcc for benefit of Lendcr only,to bc applicd to thc sums secured by the Security Inswment;(b) Lender shall be
<br /> enaded to col(ect end reccivc all of the rents of the Properry; and(c)each tenant of the Properry shull pay all rents due ___
<br /> � and unpaid to Lender or Lcnder's agcnt on I.endcr's written demand to the tenanG =
<br /> Bonower has not executul any prior assignment of the rents and has not and wi11�iot perforn any ect that would
<br /> pccvcnt Lendcr from exercising its rights under this paragraph 17. - --
<br /> Lcndcr shall not be rcquired tn enter upon,tnkc cantrol of or maintain the Property beforc or aftcr giving nodce of _____
<br /> I breaeh to Bonower. However,Lender or a jadicixlly appointect rec�iver may do so at any time there is a breach.Any -�"� -
<br /> 7��
<br /> applicapon of rents shall not curc or waivc any default or invalidate any othcr right or remedy of Lcndcr. '11�is ^'-.;, M, z��,_
<br /> � assignment of renis of the Property shall termmute when the debt s:cured by the Securiry Instrument is paid in full. .;s��:�� �'.�,
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