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� . <br /> -�-. . - -- _ ..- ---- --- <br /> r,.,i±�?r►... -�-- . _ <br /> . . .... .. � _ <br /> a - <br /> V <br /> � I =- <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> . � • • 1 <br /> � g?- 110�08 �_ <br /> � Lcndcr far Escraw Itcros cxcccd�hAa►►If thc��ounu ot fundschcld by Lc dcr atnanY timc <br /> If thc amounts hcld by '- <br /> account to Horrower for the excess funds as re9uucd bY RESP _ <br /> _ are not sufCcient w pay�►��row Items whcn due,Lendcr may nodfy ihe Barrowcr and require Borrawcr to makc up • °�-- <br /> thc shortage as permitted by R�SPA. � <br /> The Escrow Funds are pledged as additio um�Bonawer s�accoun sha11 be c�edlted`"r��►y�c��remainir►B for 1 � <br /> � tenders to I..ender the fuU payment of nll such ' e insurance premium installment that Lender has not bec�om� _=-- <br /> all installment itcros (a), (b), ai►d (c)and any mortgAg refund eny sxc.css funds to Borrower. Immediately p _- <br /> + obligated to PaY to the Secretery,and Lendcr shall promptly - <br /> � a foreclosure sale of tha PmPertY or its acc�uisltion by I..ender,Borrower's account shall be credited with anY balance <br /> � remainin8 for all installments for items(a).(b),end(c)• hs 1 and 2 shall be aPPlled by Le�der as follows: ";�;;: <br /> 3,ppplkation ot Paymeats.All paymcnts undcr paraBreP •-- <br /> �,to ihe mortgage insurance premium to be paid bY Lender to the Secretary or to the monihly charge by the �__ <br /> Secretary instead of the monthly mortgagc insurance prcmium; ._.s+'=' <br /> ', �� � �y taxes�special assessmcnts, leasehold paymenGS or ground rents,and C�re,flood ar►d other hazard '_ <br /> ti, .�.� <br /> insurancc premiums,as requiredc ,,, ,.--- <br /> � y�,to intcrest due under the Note; �'�' <br /> ,�, ��,�o amort'vation of the principal of the Note;ar►d <br /> '�•:�'�,� <br /> �,w late charges due under the Note. �_;�i::_ <br /> 4.Ftre,Flood s�nd Otder HAZard Insurence.Borrower shall insure all improvemcnts a►the ProP�rt7'�Whcther ..��` <br /> � ';�Y°:.: <br /> now in axistence or subsequendy erected, against any hazerds. <br /> casualdes,and continpencies,including Cue,for which <br /> _ . . ,T. �'�"'� <br /> Lcndcr requaes insurancc•T�►�u's��`^'°h���4rAined in thc amounts and for the periods that Lender rcquues. <br /> ., e� Bonower shall also �s�`�1 ued by the Secretary.AU nsurnn�hall be c�►�w'itt►comp�es approved by�I.ender. __- <br /> �� loss by floods to�he cxte �L _�,�- <br /> Thc insurancc palicies and any renswels shall be held by Lcnder and shall include loss payable clauses in favor of,and � —_ <br /> ? make proof of loss if not <br /> � in a form acceptable w,I..ender. _ <br /> � � In the event of loss,Bonower shall givc Lender�n����s he eby nu���d a���0 m�e payment for --- <br /> `� madc prompdy by Borcowtr.Each insurance comPa�►Y �rt of tl►c insurance p�occ�ds msY __ <br /> � such loss dlre��a�aa�T�op�°�I.�B������a�u donc o�the indebtedness under the Nnte and this SecuritY <br /> � � app��by lied in ihe arder in paragraPh 3,and ihen to prepaymcnt of principal,or <br /> �.. <br /> Instrument,first w any delinquent amounts app An u�pon of the proceeds w the Pcincipal shall not exten <br /> �. (b)to the restoration or repair of the damaged ProPertY• y�Pp a h'l,or change the zunount of such <br /> �. or postpone thc due date of thc monthly payments which are refcncd to in PuraB� P lndebtedncss under the Notc <br /> r pa��ments.Any excesa insurance proceeds over an amount required to pay all outstanciin8� _. <br /> • „ * and this Sccuricy Insuumcnt shall be pa�d��e I s�►ment or othe�r transfc of tide to d�e Property that extinguishcs the .._ <br /> In Ihe event of foreclosure of this Scxurity '" - <br /> � indebtedness.aU right,tide and intecest of Borrower in and to insnrance policies in fo Bo�wer's Loan App catfon; �;; <br />, � S. Occupancy,Prese*vation,Maintenance and Yrotection of the Property; -- <br /> Bormwcr's principal resxdcncc within sixty days F_ <br />-� � i.easeholds. Borrower shall cecupy,cstf►blish,and use the Property as and shall �.: _ <br /> �; <br /> . after the executiun ohc���rtyy�Bonower(s principal r��sidence for attleast one years a[ter the date of o�upancy, _ <br /> ;, conanuc co oce PY `- <br /> unless Lcnder determincs that requirement will cause unduc hardship for Bonower,or unless ec�um�tanc�c,�s Bo�c� �`-^� <br /> cxist which are bcY <br /> ond Borrower's conuol.Bonower shall notify Lender of any extenuating �;,;_ <br /> shall not commit westc or destroy, damagc or substantially change the I'ropercY or allow Ihe Property to deterioratc, p�_ <br />- reasonable wear ar►d Gear exc�epted•1-�nder may inspect the Properry if the PcopertY�s vacant or abandoned or the loan is <br /> •I in defaul[. Lender muy take reas�nable acaon to protect and preserve such vacant or abandonecl ProixrtY• <br /> � i <br /> - I <br /> I + . <br /> �� P8009018 ,Ini�l{I{: <br /> � �4R(NE)isso4�.o� <br /> � <br /> - � <br /> ti <br /> ; <br /> '� —� __ _ _ __ <br />