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� �, , <br /> ._._.__ ---- - �- �-- _ <br /> G MY.. ,1 . .. . . ..�...nN.,qqqlfJ,l�rA1:w.r_ . •,i:n+N1�F/11Mw�rrA�Y�, __ <br /> .. .a.MiYi1��d�IfaN�w-...._., .... ., - .. . .. _' ' _ _ __. .. .. _ '. _ .�—". ..... kte. . _"—. <br /> . �.• _��f�� <br /> . 'L,�� _.._. <br /> ' . �/ ��0!t�� �����;cr.ri,_ <br /> COVENANTB � �.'��'-: <br /> .. .�Y.v <br /> 1. P�ym�nt�, Borrower nprenn to m�ke �II paYment� nn the lnoiN�d debt whm�ds°'to eny nmoumn Dorr we�odwne an theteo�ured debt � <br /> paym�nl� Lender receWos Irom Borrnwnr or for (3o1W i���N��I�„�?(,dr 1b�flyment ol ihn sncurod debt ocaue Inr nny ronean, It will <br /> I aKClinlve al Inteteot or prfnc�p��� secnnd tu Intero�t,end�ern�t•L�}�q�j1 � P ' <br /> not redur.e m eKCUt�xny echeduled payinnm untll the e 1�p�, �� k���'�'�' <br /> 1�1'u1'•,��J�: <br /> 2. Cl�ltn� Ap�ln�t TIH�•Borrower wfll p�V ell tsKa�, ea�lf�lmerm, nnd MM�ohua�s �ItrlUutabin 1�tlie property when due nnd wlll clnfend litlo . <br /> defe mee whlchfl8orrower mey�avn opalnst pe�tlespwhu i��pply Inbo�r a�r me9erlal�lo Imp ovn o�rYmnlntarin�tfrof�pf opni�yfleelpn eny nphts,clelrnn or <br /> " 3. Intur�nc�. �arrownr will keep the property Ineurod under term� acceptnble to LAnder at Borrower'e axpenoo and for Londer's henoflt.All • <br /> u�suranco policio�ci�ull Includo�ctnnAnr�i mnrtpepe clnuee In fnvar of LonJer.Londor wlll be named e�loae payoe or ee thn inourod on e�n eorth <br /> Insurenco pollay.Any inturance proceed�m�y be epplied,withln Lentler'�dlscretion, to e�tlier tlie re�toration or ropuir of tho domapod p p Y <br /> or to the eecured debt.If Lender requlre�martp�oe Insur�nce,Botrower spree�to malnt�in wch In�urancs for a�lonp ae Lendor requlres. . ��p,._� <br /> • %� <br /> ' i . <br /> i 4.Prop�rty Borrower will keep the property In pood c�nditfon and make eil repalrs reaconabiy nece��ery. <br /> }•'""'""� S 6. Expens��.9orrower egreea to pey eli Lender'�expen�ec, InciudlnQ roasonable attorneys'fees,if Borrower breake eny covenente In this deed ;�,;,;� <br /> ,. �•"''�" Z of trust�r In any obllpatlon eecurod by thle dsed o}trust.Bbrrower wlll pey these emounta to Lender es provided In Covenent 9 of thls deed ot �__ <br /> . �`:�T'.v' <br /> ii • � t�u8t� . .:.��..1__. <br /> + 8. Prlor S�curitY Int�n�ts.Uniess Borrower flrsY obtalns Landar'a written coneent, Borrower wlli not maka or permit any changes to any prlor , •,,,ti:�r.- <br /> seeurity Intereats. Borrower will per}orm all af Borrower'e obligatlone under eny prior mortgage, deed of trust or other security agreement, Y�;�u_ <br /> f Including Borrower's covenants to make payments when due. _____ <br /> ` 7.Aulpnm�nt of R�nt��nd Profits.Borrower aseigns to Lender the rente and profits oi the property.Unless Borrower end Lender have agreed " <br /> otherwise In writinp, Borrower mey collect and reteln the rente as long as Borrower is not in default. If Borrower defaults, Lender, Lender's �u�•=!_ <br /> •� agent, or a court appointed receiver maV teke poasesaion and manage the property and collect the rente. Any rents Lender collocts ahall be z-;,__, <br /> appliad first to the coets of managing the property, including court costs and ettornoys' fees, commissions to rental agents, and eny other �t i, <br /> ,. � necessary related exponses.Tho rematning amount of rente wfll then apply to payments on the secured debt as provfded in Covenant 1. ___ <br /> � 8.Leeeehdds•Condominiums;Pl�nn�d Untt D�v�lopmmte..Borrower agrees to comply with the provieions of eny lease if this deed of trust is on _ <br /> a leasohold. I{this deed of trust is on a unft in a condommium or a plenned unit dnvolopment. Bor�ower wili perform all of Borrowor's dutloc _ _ <br /> under tiitl Covenents,by-lews,or reguletions ot the condornlnlum or pianned unit development. ��.--� <br /> ' �� 9. Authodty of L�nd�r to Puform tar Borrown. If Borrowar fails to perform any of Borrower's dutlea under this deed of trust, Lendar mey = <br /> - perform the duties or cause them to be performed. Lender may slgn 0orrower's name or pey eny amount If necessary for performance. If eny — <br /> canstruction on the proporty is dlecontinued or not carrled on in a reasoneble manner,Lender mey do whntever le necessery to protect Lender's �';'::� <br /> { security interest in the property.This mey Include completing the conetructfon. <br /> s°:: <br /> ¢ � Lender's failure to perform will not preclutle Lender from exercising any of its other rights under the lew or this deed of trust. ��.. <br /> �(.? I —.�• <br /> Any amounts pafd by Lender to protect Lender's aecuriry interest will be secured by this deed of trust.Such emounts will be due an demand �,. <br /> and wfil bear intereat from the dete of the payment until pnid in full at the interest rate in effect on the secured debt. K_ <br /> -�� r;�:.-- <br /> 10. D�f�ult �nd Accdw�tlon. If Borrower talls to make eny peyment when due or breeks any covanants under this deed of trust or eny __ <br /> obligatlon secured by this deed of trust ar any prior mortpage or deed of trust,Lender may eccelera��ceble lewurity of the secured debt end <br /> demand immediate payment and may fnvoke the power of sale end any other remedies permitted by app <br /> - _-=�-� 17.Rar,ues!far NoMe�of Dsfsult.It Is hernby requested that copies of the notices of defeult and seie be sent to each person who is a perty ___ <br /> hereto, at the eddreea of each such person,as set torth here�n. <br /> 12.Powar of Sd�.If the Lender invokes the power of sale,tho Trustee shall flrst record In the office of the register of deeda of each county <br /> ,� wharein the trust property or aome part or parcel thereof is situated a notice of detault contelning the information required by lew.The Truatee <br /> ;� shell also mail copiea of the notice of defauit to the Borrower, to each person who Is a party hereto, and to other peraons as Psenc�L�bndanY <br /> �( applicable law. Not less then one month aftar the Trustee records the notice of default, or two months If the trust property Y <br /> y incarporatad city or viliage and ie ueed in farming operatlons carried on by the trustor,the Trustee shell pive public notice of sale to the pereona <br /> and in tha mannor prescribed by apppliceble law.Trustee, without demand on Borrower, ehali sell the property et public auction to the highest <br /> bidder. If required by the Ferm Homestoad Protection Act,1'rustee shell offer the property in two separete seles as requlred by appllcable law. <br /> Trustee may poetpone sele of ali or any percel of the property by public announcament et the tfine and plece of eny prevlously schedulad sele. <br /> Lender or its deelgnee mey purchese the property et any sale. <br /> Upon recelpt of paYmont of the price bfd,Truetoe shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the property.The recitiels contalned in <br /> Trustee's deed eheli be prime fecle evidlence of the truth of the statementa contained tlierein.Truetee shail apply the proceeda of the sale in the <br /> reins1taten�ent feose'lb)tolall�sumse6ecu ed by this�deed of�tu st,and(cllthet belance eif any,bto he persons le¢ally entfUed ta eceive�t,feea a�d <br /> 13.Fot�closun.At Lender'e option,thfs deed of trust mey be foreclosed in the manner provide by eppliceblo law for forecloaure of mortpeges �� <br /> - � on real property. <br /> � r� 1 14.Insp�otlon.Lender may anter the property to inepect it if Lender givea Borrower notice beforehand.The notice must state the raasoneble <br /> �'� � ceuse for Londer's fnapection. <br /> 16.Cond�mnation.Borrower assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connectod with a��ndemnation or other tA!���g _ <br /> of ell or any part of the property.Such proceeds wili be applied as provided in Covonant i.This nssignment Is subJect to the terms of any p�lor <br /> � security epreement. <br /> ,. � _ <br /> ; 18.Wslvtr. By oxercising any remedy avaflable to Londer, Lender doea not give up any rights to later uae any other remedy.By not oxerGs ng =__ <br /> � any remedy upon Borrower's dofoult,Londer does not waive any right to later consider tho event a default if it happens agaln. _- <br /> � 17. Joint and S�v�r�l Llsbllity; Co•tlyn�n; Su¢couoro and As�ipns Bound. AII duties under this deed of trust ere �oint end several. Any <br /> ;� � Borrower who co-Bigns thls doed of trust but does not co-sign the underlying debt Instrumentls) does so only to grant ond convey that ' <br /> . Y S Borrower's intorest in the property to tho Trustee under tho terma oF this doed of trust.In additto�L such a 8orrower agrees that the Lendor end ,,.-- <br /> � dabt wiihout that Borrowerts�consent anduwithoutreleas n8 t a�t Borroweefrom t e terms of this doed of uust this deed of trust or the securad �`— <br /> The duties and benofits of this deed of truat shell bind and bonefit the successors and assigns of Lender ond Borrower. <br />' � 18.NoUes. Unless otherwiso roquired by law,any notice to Borrower shall be given by dolfvering it or by mailing It by certifiad mni�oddressed to <br /> h roport eddross or any other addross tl�at Borrowar has given to Lender. Bon�owor will give eny notice�oticotorLondertshelJl "'��°• <br /> Borrower at t e p Y si nated.An othe �`=--� '� <br /> • i meil to Lender's addross on page 1 of this doed of trust,or to any other address which Londor has de g Y ; , <br /> be sont to Lendor's eddress es stetod on page 1 of this deud of trust. ��:;.' <br /> - Any notfce shall be doamed to havo been givon to Borrownr or Lendor when glven in tho mannor statod above. <br />- 19.Tran�fer of the Prop�rty or e Beneflalel Inttnet In ths Borrow�r.If all or any pert of the proparty or any Interest in it Is sold or t�ansferrod <br /> without Londor's prfor wrftten consont. Lender may domund immedleto peyment oi tho socurod debt. Lendor may also deman�l IMmodinto <br /> I d mand1pioymenB/n�the�above situati ns if iiis prohibtod by federo�l lawras oi the daterof his deed�of trusLnsferrod. However, Lender mey not <br /> — � 20. Rsconveyence.Whon the oblfgation socurod by this deod of trust has boon pafd, and Lender has no furthor obiipation to mato Advancos <br /> under tho insirumonts or ogroomonts secured by this dood of trust, the Trustee sholl, upon written request by tho Lender,rvconvey the trust <br /> nhllnatinn�o sntsffedSBartoworshnlltpa yany ecordatfone's succos�or in intarost, the trust doed end the noto or othor ovidonce of the <br /> ' � 21.ySuccesaor Trustee. Londor, ut Londor's option, mny romova Trustno and appoint a succossur trustee by first, meiling o copy ot tno -"-- <br /> substitution of trustee os roquirod by applicoblo lew,nnd thon,by filing tho substitution of trustoo for rncord in the offico of tho registor of doods <br /> su co d to all tho power?duttoss authonty end titlo oft ho T ust e numed itn tha�lood oi trust ond oi any�suCCOSSOrVtrusteo.of tho property, shall <br /> _ i I <br /> ' lpege 2 0l 21 <br /> � BANKE�S Sv5TfM5.MC.St CLOUD.MN 66701 11 800 39 7 27d11 FONM OCP MTG NE G�79�J1 _ . . <br /> � 1 <br /> � . <br /> " _ _. <br /> �_ .. . _.... . ___. . <br />