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<br /> � Borrower may curn such e defeult and relnstate. es provlded In paragraph 18, by causing 4he acdon or proceeding to be �`���.�;y;�__
<br /> dlsmissed wflh a ruling that, In Lender'n good lnith determinetlon, precludes forleiture o1 the Oorrower's I�terest in the Property or o
<br /> � other material Impalrment ot ihe Iten croatod by lhls Security Instrumenl or lender's socurity Interest. Borrower ahall also be In
<br /> ' detAUlt If Borrower, during the loan eppiicetlon procoss, geve materlally felse or Ineccurate Inlormatlon or stutements to Lender(or ;,
<br /> + lelled to provlde Lender with any materlal fnlortnatton) in connectlon wilh the loan evldenced by the Note, Including, dut not �
<br /> Ilmlted to, reprosentatlons conceming Bonnwer's occupancy al the Property as a princlpal resldence. H thls Securlly �
<br /> i Instrument Is on n leasehold, Bortower shali comply wlth all the provislons ol the leaso. N Borrower acqulres fee title to the 1
<br /> , r Property,the teasehold and the tee tillo shell not merge unlesa Lender egrees to the merger in writing. •
<br /> 7. Protectinn of Lender'8 Rlghts In the Property.N Borrower ta�s to peAorm the covenants and agreements
<br /> •kcontfllned In thls Security instrumenl, or lhere Is a lepel procaedtng that may signl(Icantly a4fect Lender's rlflhts in the Property � ,
<br /> L (such ss a proceeding In bar.kruptcy, prubete,for condemnetlon or toAelture or to eniurce lawa or regulatlons), then Lender may ,:���.�
<br /> do end pay for whatever Is necessery to protecl tho value ot the Properry and Len der's rlghts In the Pro pe rt y. Lander's actions .Q
<br /> , may Include paying eny sums secured by a Ilen whlch has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying �,j
<br /> ,,;:r.++*"�'! reasanable attomeys'tees and enteriny on the Properry to meke ropalrs.Although Lendor may take ectlan under this paragraph � ;.%
<br /> . �•�` 7, Lender does not have to do so. � t".�•.
<br /> Any emounta dlsburaad by Lender under paragraph 7 shal! become addiqonal debt of Borrower secured by this Secudty ��-
<br /> Instrument. Unless Barrower and Lender agree to other tertns ot peyment, these amounts shall bcur Intorost from lhe date of ____ __
<br /> " disbursement at the Note rate end shall be payable,wlth Interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. —�-
<br /> 8. MOI'tgege Inaul'811C8. If Lender requlred mortgage Insurance as a conditlon of making the loan secured by thls �,�-
<br /> � Securlry Instrument, 9orrowor shall pay the premlums requlred to maintafn the mortgage Insurance In eNect. fl,tor any reason,the �°;_
<br /> m�rtgage Insurance coverage requlred by Lender lepses or ceases to be in eflect. Borrower shall pay the premiums requlred to �
<br /> ' �� obteln coverage substantlally equlvalent to the mortgage Insurence prevlousry in eftect, at a cost substantlally equivalent to the =
<br /> �� �. cost to Borrower of the mortgage Insurance prevlously in e(fect, irom an alternate mortgage insurer Approved by Lender. If _
<br /> � substantlally equlvalent mortgage insu�ance covc�rage is not avallable, Borrower shell pey to Lender each month e sum equal to f —
<br /> p onedweltlh of lhe yearly mortgage Insurance premlum beinp paid by Borrower when tl�e insurence coverage lapsed or ceasad to
<br /> 3�. be In ettect. Lender wlll accept, use and retaln these payments as a loss reserve In Iieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> � ;� payments may no longer be requlred, at ihe optlon of Lender, Ii mortgage Insurance coverage (In the amount and tor the period
<br /> }1. that Lender requlres) provided by an Insurer approved by Lender egain becomes avallable and Is obtained. Borrower ehall pay
<br /> the premlums requlred to malntaln mortgage insurance In eltect, or to provlde a loss reserve, until the roqulrement tor mortgage
<br /> ' insurance ends In accordance with any written agreement between 6orrower end Lender or applicable Iaw.
<br /> • •�: 9. Inspection. Lender or its agont mey meke reasonable entrfes upon and inspectlons of the Properly. Lender shell glve
<br /> Borrower notice et the tlme of or ptlor to an Inspectlon specifying reasonabla ceuse tor the Inspectlon.
<br /> 10. Condetrin8tlon.The proceeds ot any award or clalm tor dameges, direct or consequentlal, In connection with any
<br /> �, condemnatlon or other taking of any part of tha Property, or for conveyance In Ileu oi aondemnatlon, are hereby asslgned and
<br /> shaU be pald to Lender.
<br /> � In the event of e totel taking of the Property, the proceecls shall be eppllod to the sums secured by this 3ecurity
<br /> -- Instrument, wnether or noi tnen Jun, w�iF ary sxca�� ps!d tc 9^rr^wer in the event of a aartlal taking of the Property In whlch
<br /> g _ the falr market velue of the Pmperly Immedietely be(oro the taking Is equel to or greater than the emount of the sums secured
<br /> S by thls Secudty Instrument Immedlateiy betore the taking, unless Bortower and Lender otherwlse agree in writing, the sums
<br /> _ � secured by thls Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multlplled by the following lractlon: (a) the
<br /> � totel amount ot the sums secu�ed Immediutely before the taking, divided by (b) the talr market value of the Property Immedlately �
<br />_ � before the teking.My balance shaU be pald to Sortower. In the event ot n partlal taking ot the Property In whlch the falr market
<br /> value o1 the Praperty Immedlately before the taking Is less then the amount of ihe sums secured Immedletely before the taking,
<br /> � unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless appllcable law otherwise provides, the proceeds shall be
<br /> q applled to the sums secured by thls Security Instrument whether or not the sums ere then due. �
<br /> , y� It the Property Is abandoned by Borrower, or I(, after notice by Lender to Borrower thet the cnndemnor oHera to meke en
<br /> - #� award or settle e clalm for domagea, Borrower falls to respond to Lender wlthin 30 days after the dete the notice fs glven,
<br /> � Lender Is authorized to callect and apply the proceeds, at its optlon. either to restoratlon ur repalr of the Property or to the _
<br /> sums secured by this Securily InsirumenL whether or not then dua.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenviso agree In writing, eny epplicatlon of proceeds to principal ahall not extend or
<br /> poatpone the due date of the monthly payments referrad to In paragrephs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Barrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Walver. Extenslon of the tlme for payment or �
<br /> modificatlon o1 amortlzatlon of tho sums socured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to ar,y :,uccessor In interest oi _
<br /> Borrower shnll not operate to release the Ilabillty of the origlnal Bortower or Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shall not
<br /> be requlrod to commence proceedings agalnst any successor In Interost or re(use to extend tlme tur payment or otherwlse �
<br /> modify amortizatlon ot the sums secured by ihis Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the origlnal Borcower or
<br /> Borrower's successors In Interest. Any tor6earance by Lender In exerclsing any right or remedy shall not qe a walver o} or _ -
<br /> � preclude the exerciso ot any right or remedy. _
<br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Llabtllty; Co-signers. The covenents and
<br /> agreements of thls Security�nstrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigna of Lender end Bortower, subJect tu the
<br /> � provislons of paragreph 17. Bortower's covenants and agreements shall be Jolnt and severai. My Borrower who co-slgns thls —
<br /> Securily Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)Is co-slgning thls Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey __
<br /> that Borrower's Interest In the Property under the terms of thls Security Instrument: (b) Is not personalh,� obllgated to pay the
<br /> ' s sums secured by thls Security Instrument: and (c) agrees that Lender and eny other Borrower may agree to extend, modity, _
<br /> :I forbear or meke eny accommodatiuns with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note wlthout that Borrower's . z--�
<br /> =t.,;.
<br /> , consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Ghar�es. If lhe loan secured by thfs Secudty Instrument is subject to o law which sets mexlmum loen s�- °-;
<br /> charges, und that luw Is (Inally Interpreted so thel the interest or other loan chergos collected or to be collected In connection .��t �
<br /> with the laan exceed the permilted Itmfts, then: (a) any such loen charge shell be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> the churge to the pettnittQd Ilmih and (b)eny sums already r,ollected lrom Borrower whlch oxceeded permitted Ilmfts will be �
<br /> relunded to BoROwer. Lender may ohoose to make this refund by reducing the principel owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> direct payment to Borrower. II a refund reduces prinr.ipnl. th� mduction wlll be trontrd �r: n pnrtial prepaymrnt without nny
<br /> prepeymenl chnrgo under lhe Nole. •
<br /> 14. NOtICes.Any notico to Bortower provided for In thls Security Instrument shnll be given by delivering It or by mailing it
<br /> � by tirsl class mall unless eppllcable law requlres use u1 another mothod. The notice shall be directed to the Properly Address ;
<br /> _. .. . .. . .. .,.__...__ �__�..__...., ti.. ....u..., e.. �o.,.�o. Anv nnHco to Lender shell be given by first cla5s mail to
<br /> � - ' or 4ny otner aoar�sn ovuv.va� ..��.y��o.�� w ••-••-- •- --••-- • - -
<br /> Lender's address staled herein oi any other addross Lender designates by notice to Borco�ver. Any notice provided tor In this
<br /> Security Insirument shall be deemed lo have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in thfs pnragraph. �
<br /> 15. Governing Law; Sov6�abllity. This Security Instrumenl shall be govemed by (ederel law and tha law of the
<br /> ! �urfsdicllon in whlch the Properry is located. In the event tha�any provislon or clausv ot this Securily Instrument or the Note
<br /> � contlicis wlth upplicable law. sucli conllict shall not aNecl other prowslons ot thi, Security Instiument or lhe Note which can be
<br /> given effect without Ihe conflictmg prowsion.To this end the provisions ol lhis Security Instrument and the Nole ure declared to
<br /> ' be soverable.
<br /> ; 16. Borrowvr's Copy.8orrower shall be given one conformed copy ot the Note und ot this Secunry insl�un�enl I"
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