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<br /> - { TQGti"fHf:R WITH ull thc impruvcmcntti now on c�rc:iRcr crccted on thc property, and 11 c�i+c n�nt+,��ppurtcniuuc,, und
<br /> ��' tixtures nuw cin c�rcaftcr a purl uf Ihc property. All repincements und ndditian+ shidl alu� bc �uvu�d hy thiti Sccurity —
<br />_ . . � 7,� Instrument. AU��i'thc fi�reg��ing is rcferrcd tn in thi� Sccuricy Intitrumcnt us thc "Nmperty."
<br /> HORkOWER COVENAN"TS thut Hurruwcr is lawfully ,ci.rcd uf thc cstutc hcrchy cunvcycd anJ hu+ihc right to�rant and
<br /> convcy thc Pruperty and that thc Prupc��y iti uncncumh�r�d. �xccpt fnr cncumhrancG�� ul' rcc"rd flurr�»vcr wa►•r.mtti und will L
<br /> �� ;:'�';'�' dcfcnd gcncrally thc�itic a�thc Property u�ninst�dl rluims and dcmands, suh,jcct a�uny cncumhruncc�ut'rccnrd.
<br />.� .. THIS SECURI'CY INSTF2UM�N'i' cumhincs unif��rm cuvcnunts for nutiunal u�c and nan-unifurm cavcnantti with limitcd
<br /> . � ,�i vurintionti by jurisdirtiun to a�nstitutc n uniform+cruri�y instrumcnt covcring rcul pruperty.
<br />-"'#�:, •1. � UNIFORM COVENANTS.Hurrowcr un�l l.endcr rovcnunt und iigrcc us fuUo�vs:
<br /> 1. Puyment uf Princlpal und InMrest: Prcpuymcnt and I.ute (:hurges. 13un•uwcr shtdl prumptly pay whcn duc the
<br /> � principal of and intcrest on thc dcht�vid�ttced by thc Notc:ind any prcpuyment and Intc chargcti Juc uncicr�hc Nutc.
<br /> : , � 2. Funds fnr Tuxc!� anc9 Insurancc. Subjcct tc�applicublc luw or to u wriucn waivcr by IAndcr, Horrowcr shall pay to
<br />� � Lender un thc duy numthly payments ure due undcr thc Nutc, until the Notc is paid in fu:l, a sum("Funds"1 for: (u)ycarly wxes
<br /> • '��• ' and usscssments which muy attain prioriry avcr this Securiry Instrument us u lien on thc Yruperty: (b)ycurly Ieuschold paymcnts
<br /> or gmund rent�on thc Propeny,if uny; (c)ycarly hazard or property insurimcc premiums; (d) ycurly flood insurance premiums.
<br /> ���: � � if any: (c}ycarly mortgagc insuruncc prcmiums, if any; and(f� uny sumz payablc by Borrowcr to Lendcr, in accorduncc with
<br />- thc provisions of paragraph 8. in licu of thc payment of mortgugc insuruncc prcmiums.Thesc itcros arc callcd"Escrow Itcros."
<br /> - L.ender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in un amount not ro excecd the maxinwni amount a Icnder Far u fedcrally
<br />- � reluted mortgs�ge loan may reyuirc for Borrowcr's exrow acmunt under thc fcderal Rcul Estatc Settlemcnt Proccdurez Act of
<br /> ' 1974 as umcndcd from�ime to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er sey. ("RBSPA"). unlcss anothcr law that upplics to the Funds
<br />:�,..� ' �• sets a Icsser amount. ff so, C.cndcr muy, at any time, collect and hold Funds in un amount not to excceci the lesscr umount.
<br /> " Lender may estimate the umount��f Funds duc on thc basis of current datn and reusonable cxtimatcs of cxpendiwres of future
<br /> , Escrow Rcros or othcrwise in uccorduncc with Applicuble law.
<br /> �`t• The Funds shall bc held in un institution wliose dcposit5 urc insurcd by a fedcral agency, instrumentality. or entity
<br /> � \�_� , (including Lender,if Lendcr is such an institution)or in any Fedcral Home L.oun Bank. l..endcr shull apply thc Funds�o pay thc
<br />�=.' � Escrow Items. Lendcr may not churge Borrower for holding and�ipplying the Funds, unnuully�nulyzing the cscraw account, or
<br /> . verifying the Escraw Items,unless L.ender puys Bono�ver interest on the Funds and upplicablc luw permits Lender tc�►nake such
<br />_�fi ' a churfic. Howevcr. L.endcr may rcquirc Borrower to pAy a onc-timc cha�gc for an indepcndent rcal estatc tux reporting tiervicc
<br /> "•'�` �. '•1 uscd by Lender in connection with this loan, unless appiicubie iuw pruvidc, Uti�e�wi�c. L'n�e;s an .;r�er.ient �s n?n�t' �r
<br /> - applicable law requires interest to bc paid,Lendcr shall not bc required to pay Borrower any intcrest or earnin�s on thc Funds.
<br /> _� „ � Borrowcr and Lender muy agree in writing, howevcr,thnt in[crest shatl bc puid on the Funds. I.ender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> � _ . �' without chnrgc, an annual accounting of thc Funds, showing crcdits and dcbits w thc Funds and thc purposc for which cach
<br /> debit to the Funds was made. Tlie Funds are pledged as additional security for sll sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> ;�;;' _ If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applics�ble law. Lender shall account to Borrower
<br /> �':'=':��'� for the excess Funds in accordsuce with the reyuirements�f applicablc law. If the amount of the Funds held by [.ender at any
<br /> • time is not sufficicnt m pay the 6scrow Items when due, C.endcr may so n�>tify Barrower in writing,and,in such case BoROwer
<br /> " shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary to muke up the deficiency, I3orrower shall inake up the deficiency in no moi�e than
<br /> �.� - .<,;;, twelve monthly paymcnts,at Lender's solc discrction.
<br /> ��'��-�- ' Upon puyment in full of ull sums securcd 'oy this Sccurity Instrument, Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> .,:�._,�:+--•.,•:
<br /> '�y.z . Funds held by I.ender.If,under paragraph 21,I..�:nder shall acquire or sell the Property, Lender,prior to the ncquisition or snle
<br /> -. �-*`r���{� � of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lcnder at thc timc of acquisition or snlc as u credit asainst the sums secured by
<br /> --:'?���"`.`: '��. ~ this Security Instcumcnt.
<br /> . .�'��� 3.Application of PaymenGs. Unless applicable law proviJes otherwisc, all payments reccived by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> .�. ��� �� 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prcpuyment charges duc under the Note; sccond, ro umounts payuble undcr paragraph 2;
<br /> _ third,to interest due:fourth, w principal due:and last, ta any late chnrges due under the Note.
<br /> � S4 4. Churges: I.lens. Borrowcr shull p�y all taxes, assessments,charge�, fines and impositions attributsblc ro the Praperty
<br /> - which may attain priority over this Security instrument, and leasehold paymcnts or ground rents, if any. Burrower shall pay
<br /> .; :..,;� thesc obligutions in the manner provided in paragn�ph 2,or if not paid in that nutnner.Bormwer shall pay dum on time directly
<br /> , • ` to thc per�on owcd payment. Borrower shull promptly furnish to Lcndcr all notices of a►nounts to bc paid under this paragi�aph.
<br /> _ , �.. If Borrower m�ikes these payments Jirertly, B��rcower shall promptly furnish to Lcnder reccipts evidencing the puyments.
<br /> f Borrower thall promptly dischurge any lien which has priurity over this Security In.nvment unless Borrower: (a)agrees in
<br /> writing ro the paymem oF thc��bligation securcd by the lien in a manner arceptablc to I.endrr;(b)contests in gooci faith the lien
<br /> � by, or dcfends aguinst cnforccment of thc licn ii�. Icgal proccedings which in thc L,endcr's �pinion operatc to prcvcnt thc
<br /> •• i cnf'orrcmcnt of thc lien: or(c)scrures from�hc hulJcr of thc licn an agrcemcnt satisfactory to I.endcr sub�rdinating the licn to
<br /> this Security Insvumcnt. If l.ender drtermines that any part of thc Pruperty iti subjett ro a lien which may attain priority ovcr
<br /> , this Security Instrument. L.cnJcr may �ivc }3orruwcr a nuticc idcntil'ying thc licn. Burrowcr shall satisfy tlic lien or takc imc or
<br /> �' morc of thc urtirnis sct fimh ahovc within 10 Jays oF the giving of nu�irc•
<br /> ' Form 3028 9190
<br /> Ponn 7 0l G
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