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.�' , ,... <br /> -� , � � � <br /> . .. ' . .. ' �.K: <br /> ,. . .. ' yF,• . 1 -.1. <br /> .. . .._.__..�— ... . ""_ ' ' ._' _ '_'_"' _' _.. _'�__'_"......... . . . . "__' _ ._. . . �. . .._:..�'__' __ .-__ <br /> ... . . _ _..... "" ._— '—'.__ ...._..._.. ... .. _ __ ., - :.�•. _ <br /> � /�J�' <br /> , � �. .r.�ttY�Wi• <br /> ,. � .. . .. •rr��.Aa.:::J. <br /> .. � �t� <br /> g'�� �iQ��56 , <br /> 5.HAU�rd ar PropRrty Ingurance. Borrowcr shal,c�P�cx�cndcd eovcragc" and eny othcr hazardsC i�c di 8 tloods ar " ,_ <br /> ,�, insurcd aga�nst loss by firc,hsuards tncludcd w�[hu� tt <br /> , fl��g�f°c nsaranccndcarrtcr�Pro�vidin�c sur�anc�shal t�e choscn by Borrowcr ubjcct tonl.e:dcrf g a pro�vul�wdhi hash 1 not ., <br /> requacs.Th ° , • <br /> be unrcasonably withhcld. If 'Oorrowcr fails to nta�ntain covcragc dcscribcd abovc, Lcndcr may, at L.cndcr's opdon, obtain <br /> coverage to protect I.endePs rights in the Property in accordance with ParagraPh 7• <br /> All insurancc policics fsr►d renewals shall be acccptable to Lender and shaU include a standar c��ndcr all pts of paid • <br /> have the dght to hold the policies and renewals. If L.ender requires,Borrower shall pramptly B ��`��.� .- - <br /> Y'��1�. <br /> prcmiums and rencwal nodccs.In the cvcnt of loss,Borrowcr shall givc prompt nodcc tn thc insurnnce ca�'�►cr and Lcndcr.Lcnder <br /> ' may makc proof of loss if not made prompdy by Borrower. lied to restoration or repair of the <br /> Unless Lender and Bonower othenvise agrce in wriang,insurance procecds shall be app <br /> ptop�rty damaged,if the restoradon or repair is cconomically fcasiblc w►d Lcndcr's sccurity is not lessened.If the restaration or <br /> repair is nat cconom{caUy feasible or Lende�r`sosccot th n�duew ith an�cxlcrss p�a'�d to Bro�er. T�f Borropwcr abandons the ', : <br /> �¢cured by this Security Tnstrument, wheth <br /> propany,or does not answer within 30 days a nodcc from Lcnder that the insurance carrier has offered to seule a claim,then . ..'c' <br /> I_cnder may collect the insurance proceeds.L.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore tne Propercy or to pay sums secw'ed <br /> k by this Security Insuumcnt,whether or not then due.The 30-day p�ri���on of 1 roceetis to p n palg hall not extend or postpone ,: � <br /> Unless Lcnder and Boaower othcnvise agrec in writing,any app' P <br /> the due date of the mo uul�bYm�der,f Bo owcr's ghtatohany�insura�►ce policiese d�prtoceeds resau ting from da�n ge�co tt►c ^ <br /> � 21 the PropertY is acq Y —_r�� . <br /> property pdor ta the acquisldan shall pass to 1-ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Securicy Insuument immedlately � <br /> prior to the acquisidon. Borrower's I.oan Application;Leaseholds. — _ <br /> �" 6,Occupancy,Presen'Ation,lVlaintenAnce and Pro4ection ot the Property; _ <br /> ' Borrower shall occupy,Gstablish,and use the Property as Boaower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of <br />- _ �}S c,��ri,I�crn�meni and shaU continue to occupy the Propeny as Borrower's principal residencc for at leas�o��nheld..�orf untess <br /> date of occupancy. unless L.ender otherwise agreea in wriung, which conaCUi �i�a�l nai �c ussres.Qnably • <br /> extenuadng circumstances exist which oe mY����on theSProperty. Borrower shall�be nadefault�if any forfciruue action or <br /> allow the Property to deteriorace. or <br /> proceecling,whether civil or criminal,ls be8un that in I.ender's gooci faith judgment could result in forfeiwre of the PropercY or <br /> ' otherwise materially impair the lien created b h�$�ti causing the action or p crroceedinB to be dismiBsed w'�th aeruling that, in �� <br /> � dcfault and reinsu►tc, as provided in psuagrap Y or other material Unpairmcnt of <br /> I.ender's good faith determinadon,precludes forfeiuue nf the Borrower's interest in the Property _ <br /> � the lien created by this Securiry Instrumeft�oscr o nne�r,'C��o�a on or statements to Lender(or�failed o prov'tderLeader wltle �� <br /> ' loan appu�uon proccss.gave matenallY -- -- <br /> '� any material informeti�n) in connecdon with ihe loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations _-__ <br /> .. - <br /> concerning Borrowcr's occupancy of the Property as a principal residcnce.If this Security Inswment is on a leasehold,Borrower _ <br /> . shall comply with all the provisions of the lease•If Bonower acquires fee tide to the Property,the leasehold and the fee dde shall - <br /> � not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writin8• �.r, <br /> t 7,Protection of Lender's Rights[n the Pruperty. If Borro�vcr fails to perforn►the covenants and agceements contained in - -_ <br /> � Instrument, or there is a legal proceed►n8 that may significandy affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a �z_,��. <br /> this Security robate,for condemnation or fodeitura or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender may do and pay �° <br /> . � proceeding in bankruPtcY�P " --- <br /> for w h a t e v e r i s n e ces s a ry to Protect the value of the Property and Lcnder's rights in ihe Pmperty.�°d��p Y i n g reasonable �_����� <br /> - � puying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrumen t, ap p e a r i S h��Z„ender — <br /> • su,omeys' fecs and entering on thc Property to makc repairs. Although Lender may take action under this paragrap .} <br /> does not have to do so. h 7 shall become addiuonal debt of Bonower secured by this Securiry � �,,�,,,�„�..: <br /> pny amounts disbursed by L.ender undcr this paragrap :,-..�;,y,ti��;r,��,;: <br /> InstrumenG Unless Borrowcr and Lcndcr agrcc to othcr tcrms of paymcnt,thesc amounts shall bear interest from ihc date of �' ` ;_ <br /> disbursement at thc Note rate and shall bc paYablc,with intcrest,upon noGcc from I.cnder to Bu�TOwer rcquesting paYmen� ,r � - <br /> � 8.Mortgage Insurance. If Lender mqu'ucd mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security- ���::�,�.f:�: <br /> Instrumcnt, Boaowcr shall pay the premiums rcquired to maintain thc mortgage insurnnce in cffcc�cf�cmi ms r�u'acd to ' ' �� . <br /> mortgage insurance coverage reyuard by l.endcr (apses or ceases to be in effcct,Borrower shall pay p �9 <br /> oblain coveragc substantiallY cquivalent to the mongage insurancc previously in effcct, at a cost substantially cquivalent to the t^ , <br /> cost to Borcower of ihe mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If y <br /> substantiallY equ►valent mortgagc insurancc coverage is not available,Bonower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to , <br /> 1 one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being pald by Bonower when the insurance coverage lapseci ur ceaseci to <br />-. � be in effcct. L.endcr�vill acccpt, usc and retain thesc payments as u loss reserve in lieu of mortgagc insurance. Loss rescrve <br /> Form 3028 9/00 <br /> � � iNUnli: <br /> - .AR�.o�f6lFlmv��i Ot Paye 3 01 0 <br />= i � . —. . r .:__.---_.-_ . <br /> I <br /> l <br /> ._ <br /> �1 .. ..._... _ .._. _. _ _.... - <br /> ._. _ . . ._. ...._._.. - . _.__... <br /> _ ._.._. ....____ <br />