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"'1 . <br /> ,� ., ..� <br /> „� � .. <br /> 5�:� � „ � . . <br /> � . -,�w,..,,... .. _. . . ` ' � � . _. _ .. .. . ...,......,.r,L'°' � " .v�i.'iax'�c.s.a._- <br /> .. � . :.—���. <br /> DEED OF TRUST Pepe 6 ' .. .:.:�:-a�;w�;;' <br /> . Lo6n No9600833 (Continued) �� 1i,�1��l� ���r�' <br /> _ � .,, <br /> � �� Trust or undor Ilie terms of ihe Note not ihen repald,Including but�ot Ilmlted to accrued interest and lete chargos, (II)all other suma thon '-+ <br /> � secured hereby,snd (Iil)the remalnder, If any,to the person or persons lepally entllled thereto. _ <br /> � - <br /> (c) Trustee may In the manner provided by law po9tpone sale of all or any portlon of the Property. , <br /> Remedies Not Exeluslve. Trustee and Lender,end each of fhem,shall be entltbd to enforce payment and peAormance of any Indebtsdness -- <br /> or obllyatlons sacured by Ihfs Deed ol Trusi and to exerciso all rlphts and powers under this Deed of Trust,under the Note, under eny of Ihe , <br /> Related Dxumants,o► under eny other apreement or eny laws now ar hereatter In force;notwilhctandinq,9ome or all of suCh Indebtedness - <br /> end oblbations secured by thls Deed of Trust may now or hereatter be otherwise secured,whether by mortpape,dee+d of trust,pledqe,Ibn, -- <br /> I a,�lpnmant w ot�seiwlse. Neither lhe occeplance oi thts Daed ol Trust nor Il�anforcomont,whether by court actlon ur pursuant to the power of � - - <br /> sale or oth�r powers aontalned In thls Deed of Trust,shall preJud�e or In any manner eNecf Trustee's or Lendsr'6 riyht to re�llne upon or <br /> i enfores�ny olher seaurity now a hereafter heid by Trustee or Lender,It belnp aqreed that Truslee and Lender,qnd each of ihem,shall bs _ <br /> - entltied!o anface thb Deed of Trost and�ny other secudty now or hereafter held by Lender a Trustee In euch ader and manner ae they or _- __ <br /> � elther of fhem may In thelr absolute dlscretion determine. No remedy conferred upon or rAServed to Trustse or Lender,Is Intended to bs , ='"�� <br /> � exGusive of any other remedy In thls Oeed o(Trusf or by law providad ar permlited,but eaoh shail be cumu�aUw and shail be In addiGon to . �;�.�,-- <br /> every other remedy qlven In this Deed of Trust or now w hereatter ezistinp at Iaw a in equlty a by statute. Every power w remedy yfven by the �,�„�,:F'' <br /> � Note a any of th�Releted Dxuments to Trustoe w Lender or to whbh either of them may be otherwlse entitled, rtwy bs ex�rcised, _ Y— <br /> � concurrently or Independentiy,lrom tlme to time and as o8en as may be deemed e�edlent by Trusiee or Lender,and elther ot tham may -_:� <br /> pu:�ue InconslsteN remedles. Nothlnp In thls Deed of Trust shail be conetrued as prohlbitinq Lender hom seeking e deflclenay Judpmont _, <br /> ayalnsi the Trustor fo!he extent sur,h actlon Is permltted by lew. <br /> Reguest For Motice. Trustor,an behaif of Trustor and Lender,hereby requests fhat a copy of any Notice of Default and a copy of any NoUce � <br /> ' o}Sale under this Deed of Trust be malied to them ai the ad�resses set forth In the flrst parapraph of this Oeed of Trusl. <br /> � WMv�►; Electton o}Remedles. A walver by any parfy of a breach o}s pro�islon ot ihis Deed of Trust shail not conslltutH a waiver of or <br /> praJud�e the partys rlghis othenvise to demnnd strlct compllanCe wlth that provislon or any other provislon. Elecllon by Lender to pursue sny <br /> remedy provided in Ihis Daed of Trust,the Note,�n any Related Document,or provided by law shall not exclude pursult of any other remedy, <br /> and an eleclion to make expenditures or lo lake actlon lo perform an abllgatlon of Trustor undor Ihis Oeed of Trust atter fellure of Trusta to <br /> �� perform shall not a8ect Lender's ripht to decl�sre a default and to nxerclse any oi Its remedles. � <br /> Attomsyi'F�,es; Erpenset. II Lender Inslitutes any sult or acifon to eniorce any of the terms of Ihis Deed of Trust,Lender shell ba entitted to <br /> � recover such sum es the court may adJudge reasonable as atlorneys'fees at trlai and on any appeal. Whether or noi any court ectlon Is <br /> � Involved,all reasontble e�enses Incurred by Lender wh�h In Lender's opinton are necessary at nny time for the proteotion of its Interest or th� ___ <br /> t ; enforcement o�Its dghts shall become a part oi the Indebtedness payable on demand end shall bear Interest at tha Note rete hom ths date of <br /> expenditure uMil repald. Expenses covered by this pereyreph Include,wlihout Ilmltatlon,however subJeat to any Ilmlts under eppllCable law, ,��',�`�: <br /> Lender's aRorneys'tees whetha�or not there Is a lawsult,Inciud�np attomeys'faes for bankruptcy proceedinps(Inciudlnp aHort!to modiry a . : = <br /> �� vscete any automalio stay or InJunctlon), appeals and any ant�lpsted post-Judgment coiiectian services, the cost of searching records, - _',_- <br /> abtalnlnp titie reporls tinciudlnq foreclosure reports),surveyors'reports,appralsal fees,tille Insurnnce,and tees for the Trustee,to the extent � <br /> • permlHed by appllcabie law. Trustor also wlll pay any court costs,In addltion to all olher suma provided by law. �_ - <br /> Rlpht�of Truatee.Trustee shall have all of the rlphts and dutles of Lender as set(orth In thls section. <br /> �' � POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The tollowing provislons reletiny to the powers and obligatlans o}Trustee are part of thls Deed of <br /> 7rusl. - <br /> Powers of Trustee, In addition to all pawers of Trustee nrislnp as a metter o!law,Trustee shall have 1he power to take the followinq ections <br /> with respect fo the Property upon the writlen request of lender and Trustor: (a)Joln In prepariny and fiuny a map or plat of the Real Property, <br /> Includlny lhe dedka�on of 6treets or other rights!o the publiC; (b)�oln In qrantinp any easement or Creatinfl any resMction on!he Real Property; <br /> and (c)Joln In any 8u�ordlnation or other eyroement atteotlnq thls Deed of Trust a the Interest of Lendor under this Deed of Trust. <br /> . Trutt�e. Trustoe shall meet all qualiflcations required tor Trustee under appl�abie law. In additlon fo the riphts and remedbs set torth above, <br /> with respect!o all a any pert of the Prop�rty,ihe Trustee shall have the rlyht fo foreciose by not�e and sale,and Lender shall have the rlyht to <br /> � loreclose by Judlclal loreclosure,In elther case In accordance with and to the tuil axtent provided by applksble iaw. -- <br /> Successor Truitee. Lender,et Lender's option,may trom time to tfrtw appolnt fl successor Truste�to any Trustee appolnled hersundor by en _ <br /> '" s� Instrument axecuted snd tcknowledped by Lender and recorded In the offlce uf the recader of HALL County Nsbraska. Ths Instrument shall - <br /> contain,In addltton to all olher mattero requlred by staie law,the names of the tlrlpinal Lender,Truatos,and Trustor,the book and papa(Or <br /> � computer system relerence)where thls Oeed o1 Trust is recorded,end the neme end address of the successa trustee,and the Instrument shall <br /> �, be executed and acknowledped by all the beneflclarles under the Daed of Trust or thelr SuCCessors In Interest. The suCCessor trustee,without <br /> convByAn!w ot the Property,shall succeed tA all the titte,power,and dutles conferred upon the Trustee In this Deed of Trust and by applic�bfa <br /> , �. Inw. Thls procedure for subsitlulion of lrustee shall qovern to the excluslon of all other provlslons lor suSstitution. <br /> � NOTICES 70 TRUSTOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Any notice under thls Deed of Trust shell be In w�itinq, may bs sont by tMsfacslmlN(unloss <br /> � otherwise roqulred by Iew), and shell be effective when actuauy dellvered,or when deposlted with a nationally recoynlzed overnlyht Courler, a,If _ ._ - <br /> malled,shall be deemed eHective when deposlled In the Unlfed States mafl Hrst class,certleed or replstered mail,postape prepald,dlrected io tM = ___- <br /> ? � addresses shown near the bepinnlnp of thls Deed of Trust. Any party may chanpe Its addreu for nolkds under this Deed ot Trust by plNnp famal �_� <br /> * wrftten noUce to the other pa�lies,speclfying that the purpose of the not�o Is to chanye the periys addross. All Coplss of not{ces of taeclosure hom �:_- <br /> ' the hdder of any Ilen wNah has prlaity over thlg Deod of Trust shail be sent to Lenders address,as shown near the bepinnlnfl o}this Deed of Trust. <br /> � For nolice purposes,Truslor ayrees lo keep Lender nnd Trustee Informed at all Nmes of Trustor'S Curtent address. �.��-___ - <br /> f,,..,-- <br /> b 4 MISCplANEOUS PROVISIONS. The lollowlnp miscellaneous provlslons are a part of thls Daed of Trust: � � — <br /> Amendmenta. This Deed of Trust,topether wllh any Related Documents,constllutes the enllre understandlny end aflreement of the parlles as ;;�.�,: ' <br /> ` to the maitors set(orth In Ihls Oeed ot Trust. No elleratlon of or emendmenl to ihfs Deed of Trust shall be elfeCtive unless given In wtilinp and �:� 1.. . • <br /> slpned by the party or perties sought to be cherged or bound by the allerallon or amendment. '�",�� <br /> Appllcable Lew. Thia Deed of Trust hes been deifverad to Lender and accepted by Lender in tpe fitste ot Nebr�ska. Thla Deed of Truit �'������� . � <br /> ahall be poverned by end conatrued In eccordance with the�aws of the State of Nebreske. :;:�;`�;•. <br /> Captlon Headln�e. Caplion headings In Ihls Deed of Trust are for convonlence purpose�only and are not to be used ta Interpret or deflne the •• �•• <br /> provlslcns of thls Deed of TrusL �� �'•"` <br /> Merper. There shell be no merper of Ihe Interest or ostele created by thls Deed of Trusl wlth any other Interest or ostate In the Property at any . <br /> time held by or for ihe benefit oi Lender fn eny capacity,wilhoul Ihe wrllten consenl of Lender. .. <br /> Multiple P�rtles. All obllpations of Trustor under Ihis Deed of Trust shall be Jolnl end several,and all references to Trustor shall mean each and � <br /> every Trustor, This means Ihat each of the parsons signing beiow Is responsible for pil obllqallor�s In thls Deed of Trust. <br /> _ � Severoblllty. If a court ot competent Jurisdlcllon finds any provislon of thls Deed oi Trust to be Invalid or unenforceable as to nny person or � <br /> 1 clrcumstence,such Hndlnq�hall not render that provislon invalid or unenforceabie es i0 any olher persons or clrcumstances. II tea61b18,eny <br /> such oftending provislon Shall bo deemed to be modified to be wlthln tho Iimlts of enforCeabtlity a valldity;however,If Ihe offending prOVislon � <br /> cannot be so modlNed, it shall be str�ken and ell other provislons of thls Deed of Trust In all other respects shall remeln velld and enforceable. <br /> . _ ._ . . ... i _ _..-- - - -- <br /> 1 Succeasora end Aaslyne. SUbJOCt to Ihe Ilmltation5 slptotl In thlS DeBC Ot TrUSt on Irnnsfer ot Irusrors interest,tms ueeo or irus�snan oa � - -- <br /> I b�nding upon and Inure to the benefit of ihe parties, their successors end essigns. If ownershlp of the Property becomes vested In a person <br /> , other than 1'rustor,Lender, withoul notiCe to Trustor, may deal with Tnistor's succassors wilh rplorunce to Ihis Deod ot Trust and tho <br /> � Indebtedness by way ol forbearence or extension wHhout releas�ng Trustor irom tho obligatlons of Ihis De9d of Trust or Iiebllity under iha ; <br /> � Indeblodness. � • <br /> � Tlme 18 of the Es3Ence.Timo is ot Ihe ussoncs in Ihe perfonnBnCe of ihls Deed of Trusl. i <br /> Welvera end ConBents. lender shall nol be deemed lo have wnlved any rlghls under Ihls Deed of Trust(or under the Related Documenis) � <br /> unless such walver fs En writing end slgned by Lender. No delsy or omisslon on the part of Lender In exerCising any right shan operete es a <br /> walvor o}suCh righl Or any other right. A wdlver by any pflrty o(a provislOn Of Ihls Deed Of TruSt sha!I not conslitule 9 wafvdr of or preJudiCe ih0 I <br /> parly's righl olhenvise fo demend striCt Compllance wilh Ihnl provislon or any other provlslon. No p�ior welver by Lender,nor any course ot � <br /> dealing botween Lender end Truslor, shall constilute a walver of any ol Lendor's rights or eny of Trustor's obligatlons es lo uny fulure � <br /> . IrensncUons. Whenever consent by Lender Is requlred In Ihis Doed o(Trust,lhe grenting of such consent by Lender In any Instance shull not <br /> - conslllute Continuing consent lo subsaquen� Instances where suCh consent Is required. <br /> . � <br /> �i , , • <br />