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<br /> � �2-vs-tss� DEED OF TRUST P°�° � : . .
<br /> Loan No 600833 (Contlnued) 97� 11044� =���-±��;�..-:�:_
<br /> ;�:.;���_ -
<br /> . .`.4�•:di�,•uae_r .
<br /> prxaede and ntunda of pnmlume)hom any tl1N or o1h�r dlspotlGon of tFN Prop�rty. �`�,:_
<br /> Prop�rfy. Th�wad"Prop�rty'medns cdl�nUvNy th�Rs�l PropKty�nd Ih�Personal Pr�perly. ._.: ,.
<br /> qNl prpputy. TM worde'1a�a�Prop�rty'ms�n IM proparty.Inl�nsts�nd rlyhlw d�sCribed abovo In Iho"Conveyenc�4r�d Ciranl'action. �.
<br /> RN�1�d Doeum�nb. TM werd�'fiNd�d Ooourt»nts"mdsn and Includ� withoul Ilmltatlon �il promissory nots�, cr�dll�prwrt►�nts,loan , `:
<br /> ,r:r
<br /> • docurrNnlss�wtw tr M r now or h�i►Ni Mn�xls Inq���culd�ln co MCHonnwith ItN�Ind�ebt�dMaol lrasl,and ail other Inslrum�nts,�prMrr�nh and ,,
<br /> �' •`;�nY..
<br /> liente. The wad'fi�nls"m�ans all prtsent and lulure rents,�wenutr�,Inooms,Isewe,roydtbs,profits,end oth�r bsneflls d�riwd hom lM - _
<br /> Prop�rty, , ' �`,��:..
<br /> „, .�,- TruitN. Th�wad'rruslM"mwns UNITED NEBRASKA BANK and�ny�ulsstllule or wcc�ssor lrust�es. �':i'J`�i,,,�-
<br /> �1:�n.•-—
<br /> -� TNitor. The wad Trusto�'means any and all psreons and enlltles�xecullnp Ihls De�d of Trust,lncludinp without tim8ntlon tll Trustas Mm�d ;:,��;-�_
<br /> - abov�. . ..':r•. :
<br /> �.y: ',t;:-
<br /> :.. :_�-
<br /> PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except as olherwise provitled in Ihis Deed of Trust,Trustor shall pay to Lender ali amounts secund by thb Doed
<br /> ' ol Trust as they bocoma due,and shali�trlctiy and In a timely mannK peAorm all of Trustor's oblipatlons under the Not�,thls Deed of Trust,and th�
<br /> Related Doauments. �
<br /> P088ESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Trustor tyrees ihat Trustor's possesslon and use of the Property shall ba poverned by
<br /> the followlnp provlslont: -
<br /> Poiaeulon md U�e. Untll the occurrence of an Event ot pefault,Trusta may (a)remaln I�possession and control of the Property, (b)use,
<br /> . operate or mcnape the Froperty,and (c)cdleci any Renb irorn the Property. - -
<br /> Duty to MalntNn. Trustor shnll mnintaln tha Property in tenantibb conditlon end promptiy perfam all repairs,replacements,and matntenance
<br /> � „ , ngCgssnry to preserve Its v81ue.
<br /> � Hu�rdoua Subst�nas. The terms"harardous waste,"'heT�rdous subsfante,""dlsposal,""release;and"threatened release,"as usod In thls
<br /> Doed of Trost,shaY haw the same mea��nflg as set fath In the Comprehonslva EnNronmentai Ra3ponse,Compensallon,end Uablilty Act of
<br /> 1980,as amended,42 U.S.C. Sectlan 9601,et seq.("CERCLA"),Ihe Superlund Amendmants and Reauthorizallon ACt of 1988,Pub.L.No.
<br /> gg..4gg("SARA"�,tha HRZardaus Materials Transporlation Act,49 U.S.C.Sectlon 1801,et seq.,the Resource Conservallon and Recovery Ac�� _
<br /> � 42 U.S.C. Seclion 6901,et seq.,or other appilcebie state or Federal laws,rules,or reputatlons adopted pursuant to any of the forspdnp, Ttw
<br /> terms"huardaus waste"and"he:ardous substance'shall also Include,withoul Ilmltation,petroleum and petroN+um by-produCts or eny heCtion
<br /> thereof and asbestos. Trustor represents anJ wurrants lo Lender Ihaf: (a)Durinq lhe period of Trustors ownershlp of the Properly,ihere hto
<br /> • � been no use,peneretlon,manufactura,storayo,treatment,disposal,release or ihreatened release o�any ha�ardous uaste or substance by eny _
<br /> person on,undex,about or irom the Property; (b)Tru�ta has no knowtedye of,or reason to beileve that there has been,axcept u previousiy •r.`.
<br /> , disclosed to end acknowledqed by Lender In wrillnp, (I)eny use,qeneratipn,manufaCture,Storaqe,treatment,dl5posa�,reiease,or thrwtened
<br /> t raaase of an hazerdous weste or substance on,under,ebout or hom ihe Properiy by any prlor owners or occupanis of the Property or (Y)any
<br /> � y —
<br /> eclual or threatened IitipaUon a claims of any kina oy any person rniatirW t'v such mal:c:r';snd (C)Eat�!'¢t eu�ravlously dlSClosed to 8n !
<br /> ecknowledqed by Lender In wriUnp, (q nelther Trustor nor �ny tenAnt,contractor,aqent or othnr authorized user of the Propsrty ah�N us�� � _
<br /> qenerate,menutaCture,store,treat,dfspose of,a release�ny haznrdous wasta or substance on,under,ebout or hom the Prope�ty tnd {N)�ny �_
<br /> � such aclivity shall be conducted In compllance wHh all appl�able ledsrei,state,and Iocai Inws,repula0ons and ordinances,Includinp without �._ _
<br /> � Ilmltatlon those laws,repulations,and ordinances descdbed above. Trustor auihorfzes Lender nnd Its ayenis to enler upon ihs Properly to —
<br /> �y make auah Inspectlons and tests,at Trustor's expense,as Lender may deem epproprlate to determine compll�nce of the PropKty with thls �•
<br /> section of the Deed of Trust. Any inspectlans or lests made by Lender shall be(or Londer's purposas only and shail not be construsd io aea�� �-_
<br /> • any respons�bllity or Ilablilty on the part of Lender lo Trustor a to Any other person. The representatlons and warranties contalned hsrdn are �!�_�-
<br /> b�sed on Trustor's due dlllyence In Investlyatinp the Property tor hazerdous weste end hatardous substences. Trustor hereby (a)rsls�ses and `ir —_
<br /> �, walves any tuture Cialms ayalnsl Lender for Indemnlry w contributlon In the event Trostor becomes Uabie tor cleanup or olhor costs undor any ' T
<br /> .y such Iflws,and (b)egrees to Indemnify and hold harmless Lender aqsinst eny and all Clalms, losses, Ilflbllities, damaqes, penalties, and Q -
<br /> � eupenses whlch Lender may dlrectiy or Indirecliy sustaln or suMer resultinq from a breach of this section of the Deed of Trust a as t �,�
<br /> a, consequence of any use,peneratlon,manufacture,storeqe,disposal, release or threatened release xcurrinq prtor to Trustor's ownerchlp a r•
<br /> ;;., inleresi In the Property,whether or not the same was or should have been known to Trustor. The provislons of thls sectlon of ihe Deed ol Trusl, !,-_
<br /> � !e� Includiny the oblipatlon to indemnify,shall survive the payment of the indebtedness and the satisfacllon and recanveyance ot the Ilen of lhls f.
<br /> �! Deed of Trust and shall not be affected by Lender's acqWsition of any Interest In the PropsAy,whether by forsclosura or otho�w:�,. ,_
<br /> �' Nulsance,Waste. Trustor shall not cause,conduct or permlt any nulsance nor commit,permit,or sufter any StAppinq of or waste on a to the �_••,^�----
<br /> � Proparty or any patlon of the Property. Without Ilmltinp the yenixallty of the foreyolnp,Trustor wlll not remove,or prnnt to any other party the
<br /> x
<br /> rpht to remove,any timber,minerals(Includlny oll end pas),sou,qravel or rock products wlthout the prlor writlen consent ot LartdAr. ��
<br /> � Removal of ImprOVements. Trustor shall not demolish or remove any Improvements from the Reai Property without fhe prlor written conseni
<br /> _ � of Lender. As a conditlon to Ihe removal of nny Improvements,Lander mey requlre Trustor to makA ananyements SatisfaCtory to IAnder fo
<br /> replace suCh Improvements wlth Improvements ot et leasl equal value.
<br /> I.ender's Ripht to lntEr. l.ander and Its agenls end representalives mey enter upon Ihe Real Property al all reasonable times to allend to _
<br /> � Lenders Intarests and to inspect the Property for purposes ot Truslor's compliance with lhe terms and condillons of Ihls Deed of Tn�st. ___
<br /> Compllance wlth Govemmental ReqWrsmente. Trustor shell promptly comply wlth ail laws,ordinencea,and reyulatlons,nov►a hereatter In -:•4,�;�
<br /> eHect,of all qovemmontal au�horltles appllcable to tho use or occupancy of Iha Property. Trustor may contest In good faith any such law, '�.�*:�.:—_--
<br /> � adinance,w repulatlon and wlthhold compllance durinp any prxeedinq,Including approp�nte appeais,so lonq as Trustor has notifled Lendsr . �
<br />— '� In writing prlor to do ing so an d s o l o n g a s,I n L e n d er's sole o pinlon,Londer's Interesls In the Property are not Jeopardl:ed. Lender may requlre • �.l ^ �;��:��-
<br /> :AaT,�.
<br /> Trusta to post adequale secu�ity or a surety bond,reasonably satlsfactory to Lender,tu protect Lender's Interbst. r r , , ;�
<br /> � Dury b Protect. Trustor agrees nolther to abandon nor leave uneKended the Properiy. Trustor shall do ali other acts,In addltion to those acts � �'�'�,�,o�,,,t
<br /> � set forlh above In thls sectlon,which from lhe charecter and use of the Property are reasonably neCessary to protect and preserve the Properiy. �,,;.
<br /> I =,•.ic���,:--.
<br /> � DUE ON SALE-CONSHNT BY LENDER. Lender may,at Ils oplion,deClare Immedlately due and payable all sums seCUred by ihls D68d of Trust �;.,;
<br /> upon Ihe Sele or transler,wtlhoul the Lender's pdor wdlten consenl, oi all or eny pert of the Real Property,or eny interest In the Real Property. A .:.dtP'��:�'
<br /> � "salo a transfe�'means the conveyanco of Real Property or nny right,tllle or Interest thereln;whether lepa�,beneflclal a equltablo;whether voluntary '�•��,,,.
<br /> - ior involunlery;whether by outripht sale,deed,Instaliment sele contracl,land contract,contruct for deed,leasehold interest with a term preater than '
<br /> i Ihree(3)years,lease-optfon Contract,or by sele,assipnmonl, or iranster of any ben9�clal Interost In or to any land irust holdlny title to ihe Real
<br /> _ I tra sl�alsobncudestany change�n ownershlp of moelthanphnrentytfivetperconl(26%)ot thecoU g stockppartnershlp Interess Ioblimitedllablty
<br /> cornpeny Inleresls,as the ceso mny be.ol Truslor. However,tlds optlon shall not bo exerCised by Lender If suCh exercise Is prohiblted by!ederal
<br /> � lew a by Nebraska law.
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The followfng provisions relaling to the lexos end Ilens on the Property are a pa�t of thls Daed of Trust.
<br /> ....a�....n.......a.nrl�v fn Anlinnuanr.vl&11 iR7fU5.SDBCIHI 18XBS,assessments,Charges(inCludinp waler �
<br /> _ � P�i(I1E�ti. irUSiot sixtii yuy"rr1i8R d"u'o io..�................�.._. .'-- ., - . � . -,-_---- .
<br /> end sewer),fines and fmposflions levied agelnst or on aec0unt ol the Property,end shall pey when due all CI&Ims for wortc Gone on or ior
<br /> mterest of Lender�underthl,�Dt�ed o�Trusl�excep(or,h tentof texe5 flnd asssssmonts not d e end Iexicept as othepwise p oWded en thlstDeod
<br /> i ol Trust.
<br /> Rlpht To Contest. Trustor mey wilhhoid paymenl of any tax,essessment,or clnlm In connecllon wlth e good falth dlsputo over tlie obllp811on
<br /> 'i lo pay,so long es Lender's Inleresl In the ProAerty Is nol Jeopard�zed. If a Ilen arlses or Is filed as a result of nonpaymenl,Truslor shell wflhln
<br /> � liii:.��(5;;,u:�.:tter th�119n nrlses or,If t Il�n le hled,wlthln fittMn(t6)dsya aflw Truslor hns nolla ot th�filin9,s�curo lh�diaahtrq�of th�
<br /> — lien,or If requesle�by Lender, deposil wiih Lender cash a a suNictent corporate suroty bond or othor securi�y saUSfactory to Lender In an
<br /> Qmount sutficient to discharge the Ilen plus any costs and nhorneyS'fees or other chIIrqes that could accrue as a result of a toreClosure or sale
<br /> ' under the Ilen. in&ny contest,Trus�or shall doland ilSb�f end Lender end Shall salisfy any fldverse judgment before enforCement agalnst Ihe
<br /> Property. Trustor shall name Lender as en addlional abhgee under any sure�y bond furnished in the contest proceedings.
<br /> • , EvldenCe of Peyment. Truslor shall upon demund furnish lo Lendor salis�aCtory ewdance o�paYmenl of Ihe texes or assessmOnts end shall
<br /> -� I
<br /> � �
<br />