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<br /> ��=1'�:;�� . : ExHreir e '
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<br /> ..: `
<br />- "--���-�--� � MORTGAGE ADDENOUM ��� ����4�+ ;
<br /> --�-- �""��' The following are addenda to the Mortgage. Please chQCk the applfcat�le addendum. 7he R
<br /> addendum checked shall be incorporatad inta, and recorded with, the Mortgage. The ter;n'Mortgage'
<br />__;.�;�,�•,.,; shaU be deemed to Inciude'Deed of Trust,'if applfcable.
<br />_,��:Rl°.;,T
<br /> :;�q��:
<br /> ��r'' ,� :I(- THIS TAX-EX�MPT FINANCING RIDER is made thisl0thday ofDec� , 1997 and is
<br />_;�.,�': incorparated into and shaA be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Desd af Trus:or
<br />=�+:. �. Security Deed('Secur(ty InstrumenC)of the sane date given by the undersigned('Borrowe�)to secure
<br /> �.�. _� Borrower's Note('Note")to -
<br /> 'r .•:�+:�k:
<br /> -'`:-?.��"'� " Mountain West Financiai, Inc., A California Company
<br /> .l�L�i" .
<br />�, ,,�,�: �� ("Lende�')of the same d2te and cover;ng the property desc;fbsd fn the Securiiy Instrument ar.d loca,�
<br /> � ' a�
<br /> ':;,;:;;;
<br />-�'--~;:�'�`:
<br /> ;,.e::• r 424 North Taft, Grand 'Island, NE 68801
<br /> _:�=_� ' (?roperty AddressJ
<br /> .<, ��
<br /> a.�::�•.
<br /> �«::" ; "" In additfon to the covenants and aareements made in the Se�uriry Ins,rument,2orrawer and Lender
<br /> -' �' �' further covenant and agrae to amend Paragraph 9 of the Model Mor,gage Fortn, andtled"Grcur.ds for
<br />=;:%,i�i';;t,....;.
<br />--����,�.,•• :: .,�...�, Accalerat(on of DebY as by adding addlttonal grounds for ac�eleration as foliaws:
<br /> -<<..
<br /> :��`:"=�'.�;� Lender,or such of its successars or a�signs 2s may be separate instroment assume
<br /> =����="-�'� responsfbility for assurin�corn�liance by the Barower w(th the prov(sians of this?ax-cxempt Flnancing
<br /> --_-�� Rider, may requfre fmmedfate payment in fiull of all sums secured by this Security Instrument�:
<br /> -�91YSK-
<br />�.�IAJ��......�
<br />_-:_�{��,� (a) AII or Far�of the Property is said or otherwise trans`arred by 6orrcviar to a
<br /> ';-�� purchaser or other transferee: �
<br /> _ ,.,��. • .
<br /> �:�,.t��.
<br /> ����:.�.
<br />;-t�:� (I) Who cannot reasonably be expected to oc�upy the proper�y�s a
<br />_;��.��~- � principal Residence within a reasanable time atter the safe or 4-ansfer,all as provided in Sect�cn 143(c)
<br /> �`�::�:�'z=:� and(I)(2)af the Intsmal Revenue Code;or
<br /> -.-�:.��:��.^
<br />-__ � • (ii) 1NP�o has had a present ownership interest in a principal Residence
<br /> _�-��`'�`'���` during any part of thc three-year period endfng on the date cf the sale or transfer, aIl as previded In
<br /> Saction 943(d)and(i)(2)af the In;emal Revenue Code(except that'100 per�ent"shall be subs�tutsd fer
<br /> - '�?� '35 percent or mere"where the latter appears in Section 143(d)(1));or
<br />- :,r�-{��.�»-�
<br /> �•�lVf '~• ,
<br /> (iif) At an acquisitlan cost which is greater tha� 90 percent ef t`�e averaCe
<br /> �;�^��^ a ea purchase price(greater than 110 percen;for tarceted 2�ea Residences),all as provided in Secticn
<br /> 143(e)and(I)(2)of the lat�mal Revenue Cade;or
<br /> � (iv) Who has a gross farnify ,ncome in excess of the ap?ticable percent�ce �
<br /> ` of aapllcable median family income as provided in Settfon 143(�and(I)(2) of thP Intemal Revenue
<br /> Code; or .
<br /> �
<br /> 69
<br /> .1
<br /> . . ,. .
<br /> . ... .._.a...��..�
<br /> - . . . _ ...�,•ri��n�;a.«�,, ... - .. ------- - .....
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