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Q ..yy-� . <br /> !� , ' � m r.�� r�� ` �{ � rn � m "� 'a; . . <br /> ..}'. . <br /> , ; � •�� � � � � � � i '� j � Q � ' M C TJ�.�1'. <br /> s Q �' �Q j17 \ � `�� hr �t 2 F'a � ti <br /> i � n S �'� � ,,.�,.�-• <br /> � � � } Y' UJ �' � ,.�i; <br /> � � r a� '±,; Y�_., <br /> .� �� ;\\�,t�V � � v� � � ?"�".,—== <br /> � � f`� 1-'" x w -- <br /> � � Y <br /> G <br /> .�� � 1��� � V,v� w ! �,'�v.-_.�.: <br /> C <br /> �,,.�,,,,,�,� N �:_�..� <br /> . �—__.. <br /> .� � ----- --- --- ��,. _ <br /> Commerc !Federal Benk,P.O.8ox 1103,Conaumer l.o�ne,Omaha NE 88'!01.Brenoh phone number � <br /> .; " � <br /> c -----------------------------------------------------__ -�oen-��--Sb7i�3---- �_ <br /> ------ $p�ce�6ove this iins for rsewdinp dat�. _- <br /> � � Coinmerclal MORTGAGE - Collateral � !.= <br /> ; � Fed�ral BAnk 97- i���a b Real Estate M o r tg ag e � ,� <br /> � � - <br /> Meturity Dats Initial Interest R�ta <br /> *�• Nature o t In de b t s dnsa l o a n A m o u n t ��p5/05 1 1.�5 0 <br /> �a Consumer Loen 19,603.97 � <br /> �.� t. I�3�A �AD and RI(3�I11� tX�AD <br /> hereby give Comrt�ercial Faderal Benk,a Federel Savinps Bank('Commercial Foderel'),whoae address ia p.�• � 1103 <br /> ?� �Qj� I� 68101 a mortgepe,with power of saie,ot the tollowinp p�operty together with all improvement�now or <br /> hereafter ercetsd on the property,and ail easements,ri8hta and eppurtenences therato: <br /> ,. IAT C!� (_1�1 FRE�CM X.�tk� B�MgICN TD 'Ii� CITY OF C� <br /> � ISI,�ltD. 1�, OC�PY, I�t�• _ <br /> Ii more than one person aiena this Mortgage,the word'I'moana'vw.' <br /> ---_=-:-_-- <br />' Thls MortpaOo aacures a laan made Dy t:ommercfa��ederui nv�do����b': Az ,�th intereat at the ironai rats oi Z=-�� <br /> A note dated the eame date a�this Mortpspn in the emount of S 1��F °J7 <br /> ,. par annum,eontaina the terrn�tor repayment of that loan.If that note fa ever ehenped or replaced by e new note,it will be ascured by thit Mortpape. <br />" � I promise the followinp thiny�: <br /> 1. qll peyments on any note o:other debt aecured by this MortQays vvfil be paid whon due. - <br /> • � Z Mortpapo plus slny therrmortgspet liatad in pare a�r ph b8 6elow.The in uro ce compeny muat be�atfsfactary to Commercisb edsraj�e^dY thfe <br />- Commercfel Federal will be� nsmed inaured on the pol�cy. <br /> � 3. All taxea and aaaoaamenta on the property will be paid bofwe they become delinquent. <br /> • b. No waste will be committed on the property,and it will be kept in good ropair. <br /> ' „ 6. The properry will not be wld (including by land contrect).Ieaaed,and no interest m it will be asai0ned in any way. <br /> ' • 8. I own tho property troe end cleer ot any other mortgapea or encumbrances EXCEPT <br /> p�IAI, �IT <br />� � 7• No other mortgape or lien on the property will ever be allowed to be in default or be foreclosed. <br />' Ii eny oi theae promisea aro not kept,then Cammerciai Federa!can daclere ell of the debt immediateiy due and payabls without advance notioe. <br /> Exceptiona may be required by law.The intereat rate will increase to 18.0096 or eny leaser of the maximum rete eilowebla by law at that time,end thia <br /> ' mortpepe can be foreclosed in eccordence with applicable law.It tho debt ia eccelorated,then 1 alao assign eny rent or other income irom ths property to <br /> � Commercfal Federal. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT THIS CONSTITUTES A COLLATERAL REA�ent or nMeeRp np any coven nN herein,�h�Mortgaps mey beZ� <br /> (FOR S0.DAKOTA RESIDENTS ONLY). In the event of eny default in the meking of eny p y <br /> foreciosed by oction,or by edvertisement as provided by�tatute or the rulee of prectice relating thereto,and thie paregreph ahell be deemed ae euthoriZnp snd <br />- • � condtituting a power of eala aa mentioned in aaid etatute or rulea and any emendmont thereto,and may retain etntutory coata end ettomey tee�(SD,VYN,MN, <br /> � OK,end MI reaidenta only). <br /> Certain amounta can be paid by Commorcial Federel and added to tho dabt socured by thia Mortpape.Including any taxea or inaurence I have epreed to _ <br /> � ' pey but tail to,nny attorney feoe or court oxpansos Commerciol Fodaral pays ii it ia mado a perty et any lopal eation brought by someone else conceming the - <br /> � fo ec�o o th a mortp ge.If any i thase thx ga happen�ct oneth edd t ona'I doht vHlrl ccraol intereat1 t the eome rete s tho rest f the debt and must ba paid - `"°" <br /> � immedietely. ��=_. <br /> It this property is over condomnod undor the power of eminent domain or any eimilor mothod o1 taking proporty for public uae,any procaada of the tekiny �_���_ <br /> a:.:t-=.,. <br /> will be paid to Commercial Foderel up to the tull amount of the deht secured. fi�rr.�,y: <br /> Bwrower waivos ell ripht ot homostead exemption in tho propedy end futuro waivos ell riflhta of redomption,exemption,distributive ahere and dovuer '; `; _. <br /> Notlo�to Borrow�r(for Okl�hom• ro ); A w�r of�d�h�a bNn rant�d in thl�Mort ■ �. A ow�r of��I�m� low H+�Mort � •to t�k�th� ;�, <br /> mo a ro �n s� � w ou go n o cuu""tr Tn a reo osur�a on upon •au orrow�r un �r s e <br /> i 12/05/97 DII�➢�l OC�[tAD -. �;'. ' <br /> . Today's Dato Bonovwr'e Typed Nc+mo Borrowor"s iflnaturo <br /> � �� � E3orr r a ig in uro <br /> . . ._ _� <br /> Borrowor's Tvpod N�mo <br /> I 1934 :Y2��('M D4. C�2ArID I3LAI�ID. NE 68803 � <br /> � Horrowur'e Addrass � <br /> I � <br /> � STATF.OF I�R�SI�I 1 � <br /> i ) es. � <br /> � COUNN OF HAW� 1 n�� I <br /> �J� dn of , 19 97 ,hnfnrn rnn,n notary public in and for sn�d county, porsonally camo <br /> � -- <br /> DII�t I� 8� �� �D fo mo known to bo tho idant�cal person or parsone whoso <br /> _ nnmo is or ara nNixod to tho nbovo mortgago,nnd thoy,ho/sFia/lhoy eavarally ucknowlodpad tl+o smd instrumont ond tho oxocuuon thoroo(to ba thmr <br /> - voluntnry oct and dood. • • , �� �� <br /> - WI I fit55 my hnnd nnd notonol soal tho day nnd yonr lost vvrrtton nt�ova. ! \,.' � `�` �% , •` � ��— � <br /> � � ' r• <br /> My commission oxpiros: GENERAI Ik'ITAAY•St ' Stdnoturo � <br /> - NE-IN-WY-IL-SD-MI-AZ-MN-IA ''� .JENNIFER L v't�NDt' DN-1077 (07/9 7) � <br /> y �"' �:'"�lMComm.F.0.5�0�. ' '�"1 <br /> ....,�..:.r�-^,-._ ... <br /> Y I <br />