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_'�: . <br /> .� <br /> ...�, . <br /> •- '".yK� , ,. ' .. . _..:�1 ;�_���- <br /> �. ........ .. _.._ .._ . , . �. <br /> � . . -_ <br /> , • �2-�e—te97 DEED OF TRUST �7� 111�,:�2� Pape 6 - <br /> Loan No 50089A (Continued) '. - <br /> `� (C) pelivar ta Trustee a wdNen deClernlion of delault and tlemend for sale end e written natica of defflult pnd electlon to cause Truslor's ' - <br /> Int�rlst In 11w Prop�rty to bo told, wlUCh notice Trusteo shall cause la bo duly filpd fw recad�n Ihe epproprlate ottices ot tha County in .,- <br /> Iwhich lhe Propertyr Is localod;and = <br /> (d) With r�sp�cl to�II or any pert of Ihe Personal Properiy,Lender shatl havs�II the riphta end rsmedles of e secured party under Ihe - <br /> Nsbnske Unitwm Commerclal Code. - <br /> �oncbsuti by Pow�r ot SM�. I}L�nd�r N�cts ta fasclos�by unrcls�ol th�Powsr of SaN hsraln contalnsd,Lendor shnll notify Trust�s tnd = <br /> ahall dopo�l!with TrustM Ihl�D�sd of Trusl and the Nof�and euoh ncNpb�nd widence of�xpenditurea made end securad by thb Osed of <br /> , Trusl�1 Trugt9e mlly req�Ire. --- <br /> ,�„ � (�) Upon naipl of euah notky Nom Undu,Truslee dhall caus�lo b�recad�d,published and dellvered to Trustor euch Notira of CNault , <br /> •• • tnd Not��o}��N�e thsn raqulred by law and by this D�sd of Trust. Trust�s sh�ll,wlthout dsrrand on Trusta,attar such tim�as may <br /> ''' Ihen bs roqulnd by law and after recadatlan of such Notk:e of DefauH and afler Notla of Sab havinQ besn qiven aa requlred by law,sWl �t'- <br /> IM Prop�rty at the llme Rnd place of sab fixed by It In such Not�ce of Sele,elther as�whob,or In sepanta iots or parcNs a ibms as <br /> TrustM shall daem expedWnt,and in such order as It may datermine,at publ�auction to the hiphest blddar tor cash in kwfW money o( ;� <br /> ths Unitad S`.ates peyabb at the tirtw of sale. Trustee shall detiver to euah purcheser a purchnsers thereof Its pood and eufNcl�nl deod or �+ <br /> desds conwyinq the property so sdd,but wlthout eny covenant or wlrrenry,express or Implkd. The recltals In such deed of any metters <br /> Or faCts�F►�N b�canclustve proof of the truthfulness theroof. Any per;,on,inCludin�without Ilmitation Trustor,Trusteo, or Lender, mny ° - <br /> purohas��I such sab. <br /> (b) As may bs pKmltted by law,after deductinp all costs,fees and ezpenses of Trustee snd of thls Trust,Includinq costs ot eNdence of <br /> Iltle In conneatlon with sale,Trustee sha0 apply the proceetls ot sale to payment ot {i)�II sums expended under the terms ot thls Deed of <br /> Trust or under Ihe terms of the Note not then repeld,Includinp buf not Iimlled to axruad inlerest and Iale charpes, (II)all other sums Ihan <br /> secured hereby,tnd (III)the remainder,if eny,to the person or persons lepally entlMed th�reto. <br /> (o) Trustee may In the manner provided by law postpone sale of�II a a�y porllon of tF»Propaty. <br /> Remedlea Mot ExcluNve. Truste�and Lender,and each oP them,shnll 6e enlilled to enface pnyment nnd periamence of any indebtedness _ . <br /> or obNpatlons secured by thls Deed of Trust and to axorclse all riphis 8nd powers under this Deed of Trust,under the Nofe,under tny of the <br /> Retaled DaCUmonts,or under any olher flqreement or eny laws now or herealler In taCe;notwithstandinp,aome or ali of such Ind6btedness <br /> and oblipalians secured by this Doed of Trust may now or hereatter be otherwise secured,whother by mortgape, deed of trusl,pMdOe,Ilen, <br /> `� assl9nment or otherwlse. Nelther the acceptance o}thls Oaed of 7rust nor Its enforcement,whether by court actlon or pursuant to the power of <br /> aale a other powers contalned In thls Deed of Trust,sheu preJud�Ca or In any manner aBect Trustee's or Lender's riphl to nalim upon ot <br /> enface any other security now or han►afler held by Trustee or Lender,II belnp apraed that Trustes and Lender,and each of them,shaN be <br /> entltled to enforce thls Deed ot Trust and any olher security now w herearte�hatd by Lender or Trustee In such order and manner as thsy or <br /> olther of them may In thelr absoiute discretlon determine. No remedy conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender, Is Intanded to be <br /> �' exctuslve of any othar remedy In lhls Deed ot Trust or by law provlded or permitted, but each shall be cumulalive and shnll pe In addition to <br /> every other remedy qlven In thls Deed of Trust or now or herearier exlstiny ot law or In equlty or by statute. Every power or remedy piven by ihe <br /> Note a eny of lhe Related Documents to Trustee or Lender a to wh�h elther of them may be otherwise entitlud, may be exacised, <br /> '�" concurtenHy or Indep�ndently,hom tlrt►e to tirtw and as oflen es may be deemed expedient by 7rustee or Lendsr,and elther ot thsm may <br /> pursue Inconsisfent remedies. Nothlnp In this Oeed of Trust shali be con3trued ns prohlbltinp Lender from seekinp a deflcbnoy Judpmmt <br /> , ayalnst the Trusta to the extent such actlon Is permitted by law. � <br /> � R�►ywst Fa Notics. Trusta,on behnlf of Trustor and Lender,hereby requesb that a copy of any Notica of Defnult tnd a copy of�ny Nodc� <br /> ot SeN under this Deed of Trust be malled to them at Ihe addresses sel forth in Ihe Nrst ptrapnph of thls Daed of Truat. <br /> ' � WMv�r; El�ctlon ot RemWiea. A waiver by any party of a breach ot a provislon ot this Deed oi Trust shall not Conslituta a wliwr of a <br /> preJud�e the pa�ty'e rlphts othenvlse to demand strict aompllance with that provislon or tny oihar provlslon. Electlon by Lender to purstH�ny - <br /> �, � remady proWded In thls Deed of Trust,the Note,In any Related Document,or proWded by lew ahall not exclude pursuit of any oth�r rsmedy, -- <br /> and an efecllon to moke expendltures or to teke actlon to pertorm en obllgatlon of Trustor under thts Deetl of Trust after feliure of Trustor to <br /> - perform shell not aHeCt Lender's rlflht to declare e default and lo exerctse any o(ils remedles. -� <br /> Attorn�ya'Faea;F�peniea. If Lendsr Instllute9 any suit or action to enforce eny of the terms of thls Deed of Trust,Lender shall ba sn1i11ed to <br /> recover such sum as the court may adJudpe reasonable as ettornoys'toes al Mal and on any eppeal. Whelher or not sny court�ction Is — - <br /> Involved,all reasonable expenses Incurred by Lender whlch In Lender's opinlon ere necessary at any time for the proteCtlon of Its Intenst or Ih9 <br /> enforcement of It9 riqhts shall become a part ot the Indebtedness payabte on demand tnd bhall bear Interesl at thp Note r4ta hOm th�date 0� <br /> " expanditure untll repeld. Expenses covered by thls pareyraph Include,without Ilmitatlon, howevpr subJect to any Iimits under�ppllC�bN aw, <br /> Lender's attorneys'tees whelhsr a nol there Is a lawsult,Includind atlorneys'lees for bnnkruptcy proceedirps(Inciudinp aMorts to modify w __ <br /> � vecato nny automat�stay or InJunctlon),appeals and any entblpated post-Judpment cdlection seMces, the cost of s�archlnp ncads, <br /> obtalNnp tille reports(Inciudiny foreClosure reporls),surveyors'reports,eppralsal feeo,litle Insurancs,nnd(9es for the Trustes,to the Yxtent <br /> permllled by epplicable law. 7rustor elso wili pay any court costs,In addition to�II ofher sums proNded by law. — <br /> � RIphU of Trustee. Trustee shall heve all of the dphts and duties of Lender es set torth In this section. <br /> � POWEi1S AND OBLI�ATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The lollowlnq provislons retatirq to the powers and oblipntlons of Trustee are part of thh Deed of <br /> � TrusL ! <br /> Aow�ri of Truatee. In addltlon to all powers of Trustee arising as a matter �f law,Trustee 6hall havo the power to take the tdlowinp aCtions <br /> .} wilh respecl lo Ihe Property upon the w�itten request ot Lender and Trustor: (e)Joln In prepariny end fillnp a mep or plat of the Real Property, <br /> Includinp the ded�stlon of streets or other rlphts to the publlC; (b)Joln In prantinp any easement w Creatinp eny restriction on ths Real Property; <br /> and (c)Joln In any subordlnation or other aqreement aHectinp this Deed o}Trust or the Inferest oi Lender under thls Dend of Trust. —"- <br /> � T►uslee. Trusteg shall meet all qualllications requlred tor Trustee under eppllcnble law. In additlon to tho Nphts and remedles Set forth abOVe, - - <br /> wilh respect lo flll or any part uf lhe Property,ihe Ttuslee shall have the right to foreClose by notice and sale,and Lender ghall h�1ve!he ripht to <br /> loreclose by Judiclal foreciosure,In elther case in eccordance wlth and lo the(WI extent provided by appllCable law. r'r <br /> :�� <br /> Succ�asor Trustee. Lender,at Lender's option,may hom time to timo appolnl a successor Trustee to any Trustee eppolnted horeundx by tn :?�: <br /> Instrument executed and aCknowiedped by Lender and recorded In the offiCe of the recader ot HALL County, IVebraska. The Instrumem shell ""°w- <br /> � conteln,in edditlon to all other mattars requlred by state law,the names of the orfylnal Lender,Trustee,and Trustor,the book and pape(or ' ;::,-.- <br /> compuler system reference)where lhls Deed of 7rust Is recorded,and the name and address of the 6uccessor trustee,and thn Instrumonf shali � ' <br /> be executed and ecknowledqod by ell the beneBClaries under the Deed of Trusl or thelr succassors In Interest. The SucCersor trustoe,wlthout " <br /> conveyance ot thA�roperty,shall succeed to ail the title,power,nnd dutles conlerced upon the Trustee In thls Dced of Trust and by epplicable � � <br /> 18w. This procedure for substitutlon of truslee shall govern to the excluslon of all other provislons tor subsfitutlon. <br /> I NOTICES TO TRUSTOR AND OTHER PARTIE5. Any notice under thls Deod ot Trusl shall be In wrlting,may be sent by telefacslmile(unless <br /> I otherwise requlred by lavr),and shall be etteCtive when aclually delivered,or when doposligd wflh a naflonnlly recopnlzed overnlght couder,or,if : <br /> malled,shen be deomed ettective whon deposlted In Ihe Unlied States mell fIr51 C185s,certmed or refllstered mall,postege prepald,dlrected to the <br /> � addresses shown near the bcrginning of this Deed ot Trusl. Any party may Chflngn IIS addresS for notices under Ihls Deed of Trust by givinp formel <br /> { written notice lo Ihe other pnrties,specifying thel lhe purpose of the nolicp Is to change the pe�ty's address, All coples of nollces of foreclosure from <br /> � ihe holder ol any Ilen whlch hus priority over this Deed of Trust shflll be sonl to Lender's eddress,es shown near iho beglnning of thls Daed of Trust. <br /> � For nottce purposes,Trustor ngrees to keop Lender and Trusteg Informed al all Ilmes of TruStor's current address. . <br /> iMISCELLANEUUS PROVISIONS. The following miscetlnneous provislons nro a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> � AmendmRnts. Thls Oeed of Trust,togetner wlth any Releted Oocuments,cons6lutes the enlire understsnd:ng and aflreemenl of the partles as <br /> _ ' Io ihe matters sot t�rth In thls Deed of TrusL No alteraBon of or amendment to thls Deed oi Trust shall be eHOCtivA Unless glven In wdling end <br /> j signod by Iho parly or pgrties soupht to be Charged or bound by ihe 8lteratlon or amendme�t. <br /> - Annnel Reports. If tho ProDOhy Is usod for purposes olhor ihnn Truslor's resldence, Truslor shnil turnlsh to Londer,upnn request,a certilied � <br /> _ ! statemenl of net operflting Income rece�vod Irom ihe Property during Truslor's prevlous Nscai year In SuCh form 8nd detall fls Lendei Shall <br /> , i roqulre. "Nol oporpting incomo"shn�l mean all cush recelpts from ihe Proporiy loss all cesh pxpondiluros mado In connactlon wlth the operfltlon <br /> � ol Ihe Proporty. , <br /> Appilceble Lew. This Deed of Trust has been dellvered to Lender end eccepted by Lender In lhc State o9 Nobroska. This Dccd of Trust � <br /> aheli he Qoverned by end construed In eccordence wlth the laws ot lhe State of Nebraske. ` <br /> - Ception h4eedinps. Ception headings m this Daed of Trust are for convonipnca purposes only qnd ure nOl lo bo used l0 Inlorprol or dotine Ihe I <br /> � <br />