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� <br /> .�rK,Y�: � .. . . <br /> _' ___._'_ �__'__...' '-___-._--- _ <br /> � . _ . - _ ._.. .._'_'___'�___....... __' '—___"_:"'_ . ..,... '—'_.._""__"__ - <br /> ,..-,.,..- <br /> - .�.... . . . . _ ..-,. y-.� . . . .�-_,..- .. . <br /> � . . .. •.����yM�... .� .. . .. . . '_ _' ' " , . . -4dr.. <br /> ' '�y <br /> - �.. �rq,.ni._«..�;�- <br /> 12-10-1997 DEED OF TRU�T Pa�e 2 � ' '��=_-..� <br /> �•�w iif��2t3 :.,..._;_�:: <br /> Loan No 600890 (Continued) � •}.'�= <br /> � proceeds and retunds of premlwns)hom I�ny sele or other dlspositlon ol tha Propsrty. ,-- <br /> Ptoperty. The word'Propertyr'means colloctively the Real Property and Ihe Peroonal Property. <br /> • ReM Property. The words"Re+al Property'mean lhe property,lnteresfs and rlphts descrlb�d abovn In Ihe"Conveyanc�and QnnP Kctlon. <br /> � RN�t�d Dutum�nt�. The words"Rellt�d DOCUmenta"mean�nd InClude wlthoul Ilmltatlon �II prc�mlaeory not�s,crodN �grNrtNnK, lan ' <br /> � apresments,environmental aflnements,puaranlles,saaudly aprs�ments,mortp�pes,deeds of trust,and dl ofher Insirum�nts,aprNrtNnts tnd <br /> � I dacuments,whether now or hereafter e�dsllny,executed In connecllon with the Indebtedness. „ <br /> Rtnta. The word'Aonts'mesns all present and future renta,rsvenues,Income,Issues,royallias,protits,and othar b�naNfe derivod kom Iha <br /> � Properfy. _ ' ---- <br /> �,, T�ustee. The wwd"1'rusise"means UNITED NEBRASKA BANK and eny substltute w successor truatees. ; <br /> � Trustor. The word"frustor"me8ns any ind nll persons ond entities executUp thls OtMd of Trust,Includinq wllhout Ilmltatlon all Truaton ns►nwd �� <br /> abovo. `' - <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUDINti TFIE ASSIONMENT OF RENTS AND TFIE SECURITY INTEREBT IN 7HE HENTS AND PERSONAL - <br /> PROPERTY,IS Q{VEN TO SECURE (1)PAYMENT QF THE INOEBYEDNESS AND (2)PERFORIYIANCE OF ANY AHD ALL OBLIOATIONS OF °- <br /> TRU370R UNDER THE NOTE,THE REL/►TED DOCUMENTS,AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS DEEO OF TRUST IS QIVEN AMO ACCEPTED — <br /> ON THE Ft)L:OWINQ TERMS: ' � � <br /> •� of Truist as haybecome d'ue,and�shell st�riclry and nIa t roetymannehperto�rm a I of Tr stor'8 obilpatlonstund�r�th�Not�thls N uO T UST�d�IM ��i_P <br /> .�!� <br /> Related Documenb. <br /> POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF TFIE PFiOPERTY. Trustor aprees that Trustor'e possesslon and use of the Property ahaA be yoverned by , ,��'�=:_ <br /> :";f,,: <br /> ' the(oliowing provlslons: � •i;�` <br /> Possssslon and Use. Until the xcurre�ce ot an Hvent ol Defflult,Trustor may (8)remtin in possesslon and eontrol o}the Prop�rty, (b)us�� : f"' <br /> operate or manape the Property,end (o)collect any Rents from lhe Property. �.�="_.. <br /> � Duty to Mdntdn. Trustor shall malnteln the Property In tenantabte condltion and promptly pertorm all repalrs,replacements,and maintanance - <br /> s necessary to preserve its valua. <br /> t Flaiardous Substencea. The terms�'hazardous wa51e,""ha�ardous substance,""dlsposai,""release;and 9hrefltened relesse'as used In this . • ____ <br /> r t Deed of Trust,sh&fl have the seme meanlnps as sel lo►th in the Comprehensive Environmentel Response,Compensatlon,tnd Llabllily ACt of -_—._ <br /> S 1980,as amended,42 U.S.C.Sectlon 9601.el seq.("CERCLA',the 5uperfund Amendments an�Reauthoriution Act of 1088, Pub.L.No. <br /> gg-499('SARA"),the Hamrdous Matedels Transportatlon Act,d9 U.S.C.Sectlon 18Q1,et seq.,lhe Resoures Conservatlon and Fiecovsry Act, �.-.�:: <br /> �� 42 U.3.C.Seclion 6901,et seq.,or other applkable state or Federal laws,ruies,or repulatlons Qdopted pursuant to ony of the foropoinp. The =:_�.:• <br /> •�• terms"hazardous wnste"and"herardous subs4nce"shall nlso Include,wlthout Ilmitation,petroleum nnd petroleum by-prodtwls a any hactlon — " <br /> � ihereof nnd esbestos. Trustor represenls and warrants to Lender thet: (a)Duriny the period of Trustor'd ownership of ths Proporty,th�r�tua �� <br /> been no use,peneratlon,manufacture,atorape,treatmenl,disposal,r0iease w threatened reteiso pf any hazardous waste or eubstRnc�by�ny ��,.���� <br /> �lr , person on,under,about u}rom the Property; (b)Trustor has no knowiedpe of,or reason to belbvo that thar�haa been,sxcept as pr�viously _ <br /> disclosed to end�cknowkdQed by Lender in wdtiny, (I)nny use,peneratlon,manufactun,staap�,treatment,dlsposot,rae�se,or threaterMd _ <br /> release of any harerdous weste or subsltnce on,under,about a hom tha Property by any pria owners or ocaup�nts of the Qrop�rty or (ii)�ny _� <br /> _ actual or threatened Iitlqotlon or clalms of any klnd by any person reiating to such meSters;and (o)Except as pnvlously dlsclossd to md . ��i4�:=-- <br /> acknowiedged by Lander In wdtlnp, (q neUher Trustor n�r any tenam,contractor,ayeni or oihar auinorizad usw oi iiw Pri,riaiy etalt tr„s, • - - <br /> • penerate,manufacture,store,treat,dispose of,a release eny hazflrdous waste or substance on,under,about or hom the Propariy and (iq tnY ��,�_, <br /> such acllvity ehall be conducted In compllance with ell applicable federnl,state,and local taws,ropulatlons and adlnances,Inciudlny without y„�- <br /> ' Ilmltatlon those laws, repulations,and ordinances described above. Trustor authorizes Lender and Its epents to enter upon ths Property to <br /> make such InspecHons end tests,nt Trustor's expense,es Lender may deem epproprlate to determine compllunce ot the Property with thls �,�,k"� <br /> sectlon ot the De�d of Trust. Any Inspeclions a tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's purposes oNy and shau nnt be construod to crNb ,s <br /> any respon5lbllity a Ilablllty on the pa�l of Lender to Trustpr or to any other person. The representetlons end warrantles Contdned hwoln�a v= <br /> ' besed on Trustor's due diligenCe In Investlgatlnp the Property fa he7ardous waste and hazardous 6ubstences. Trusta Mraby (�)raws�s md �"° <br /> l: walves any Nlure clalms aqalnst Lender lor Indemniry or contdbuilon In the eveM Trustor beCOmes Ilabb tar cbinup or other costs undor�ny <br /> such laws, end (b) aqrees to Indemnly and hold harmless Lender eyainst any and nll clalms, losses,IlabWtiss,dartuiyes, psnaftks��nd <br /> �� expenses wh�h Lender may dlrectly a Indlrectiy sustaln or sulfer resultlna from a breaCh of this 6ecNOn of the D�ad of Trust or u a _ <br /> wnsequence of any use,peneration, menuteclure,storeqe, dlsposal,rebsse or threatened rNeas�ocaurcinp pda b Trustor's own�rship a _ <br /> ,.' Interest In the Property,whether a not Ihe sane was or should have been known to Trustor. The provi�lons ot tNS saction of ih�Dssd of Trust, _� <br /> �.• Inciudlnp the obllyatlon to Indemnlfy, shall suMve Ihe peyment ot the Indobtedness and the saHsiaction lnd roconvey8nce of tha Ikn of thi� _ <br /> A Deed of Trusl and shall not be attected by Lender's ecqulsitlon of any Interest In the Property,whether by faeclosurs or otherwiso. - <br /> � Nut�ance,Waste. Trustor shall not cause, conduct or permit any iiulsance nor commit,permit,or su(ter eny stdppinp of w waste on or to Iha `�_ <br /> � Prpperty or any portion of lhe Property Without Iimitlnp the penerslity o}the forepdnq,Trusta will not romove,or pnnt to any ntFwr party ihe `= <br /> " �' riyht to remove,any timbsr,minerals(Includinp ol and pw),sou,pravW w rock producb without the pdor wdtten consmt 9(Lond�r. �-` <br /> Removal of Improvements. Trustor shall not demouSh w remove any Improvements 1rom the Real Properly wllh0ut thp pdw wdtten consent �,`: <br /> - Y of Lendar. As a condlllon to ihe removel of any Improvements,Lender mey requlre Trustor to make arranpements safl5factory to Lender to r= <br /> � repiace such Improvemenis with Improvemenls of al least equal value. ` <br /> �:-",_� <br /> Lender't Rlpht to Enter. Lender and Ils ayents and represeMativos may enter upon the Roal Property ut all roasonable llme9 to etlend lo � --- - <br /> � ' Lender's Interests end to Inspect the Property fa p�rposes of Trustor'S compllance wilh the ferms and condltions of thl9 Deed of Trust. �•_ <br /> _ Complirnce with Govemmentai Requlrementa. Trusta shall promptly compiy with all laws,ordinences,and repulatlons,now or hereafter In --_ <br /> eHect, oi all governmentai authoritles eppitcable to the use a occupanr.y of the P�operty,Includin�wlthout umitatlon, tlw Amaricin5 With ���; <br /> . � Dlsebilities Act. Trustor may contest In gaod lalth flny such law, ord(nance, or repulatlon and wllhhold compllance durinp sny proceodinp, „_ ,.. <br /> including appropriate appeals, so lony es Trustor has no118ed Ler.der In w�tlnp prior to dolnq so nnd so lorp ns,In Lender's sole opinlon, ������r.� <br /> Lender's Interests In the Property are not Jeoperdized. Lender may requlre Trustpr to post adequate security or e surety bond, reasonebty ~'"� "'''"'' <br /> _. I satlstactory lo Lender,to protect Lenders Interest. V�::� �' <br /> " �`'�: . <br /> ' Duty to P�otect. Trustor ayrees nelther to abandon nor lenve unattended 1he Property. Trustor shell do all ofhw acls,In adtlitlon to those tcts r`. . .,_�,.�. . <br /> set forth above In thls sectian,whlch fram the characler and use ot lhe Property are reasonably necessary to protect and preserve the Properly. ` , <br /> :�,.'...:" <br /> DUE ON SALE-CONSENT BY LF_NDER. lender may,at fts optlon,declare Immedletely due and peyable all sums secured by ihis Deed of Trust _ <br /> upon the sale or Iransfer,wilhout the Lender's prla wrftten consent,of all or any pert o�ihe Real Properly,or any Interest In the Real Prope►ly. A � � <br /> "selo or transte�'means the conveynnce of Real Prape►�y or any rlght,title or Inlerest Ihe�eln;whether legal,beneficial or eauiteble;whether volunlflry �` <br /> or fnvoluntery:whether by outripht sale,doed,Installment sale Contrect,Innd ContraCt,ContreCt tor deud,leasehold Interest wlih e term qreat�r Ihan <br /> ihree(3) years,lease-option contracl,or by sale,essignmenl,or transfer of any beneliClnl Intoresl in or to any land trust holdlnp tlile to Ihe Rea� <br /> Properiy, or by eny other melhod of conveyenco ot Reui Property Interest. If any Trusta Is a corporetlon,partne�shlp or Ilmlted Ilabllfty company, <br /> Iransler also InCludes any change In ownersNp of more Ihan twenty-five percent(269F)ot the votinfl sixk,partnershlp Interests or Ilmifod ilabllity <br /> company Interests,as the case may be,of Trustor. However,thls option shell not be exerclsed by Londe�If such exerclse IS prohlblted by tederal . <br /> • Inw or by Nebraska Inw. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The tollowing provisions relating to Ihe texos and Ilens on the Property ere a part of lhis Deod of Trust. <br /> -.- .._..___. �_..''"'.._..__.....�'_�"'''_��__u�.._..�...a...�.,d..n.............n an�e..m a.w�lei Invnc nnmccrronfe r.hnrnas tlncludlnn�wa�ef . <br /> . . rarmcm. nuaw�anm�pa�e��o��u...o�m...���o�.o.o...o�...... ........�..y........��... _............_.._._.'-•^------ - -• - - - . - <br /> and sewor),fines and Imposltlons levled agalnst or on account of the Property,and shall pey when due alI cl9lms for work don9 on Or tor <br /> servlces rendered or mAterial(urnfshed Io the P�operty. Truslor shall melntaln the Property free ot all Ilens having pdorlty over or equal to the <br /> — inlerest of Londer under ihis Deed of Trost, sxtept for the Iien of tnxes and assessments not due and except as oiharwlse proNded In this Doed <br /> • 0�Trust. <br /> Rlpht To Conteat. Truslor may withhold payment o(any tax,qssessmpnl,or clalm In conneCl�on wlih e good IA�Ih dispute over Ihe Ob��gAtlon , <br /> - ' to pay,so lonp as Lender's interest In Ihe Property Is nol Jeopardlzed. If n Ilen srl�es or Is(iled as e re5ull of nonpayment,Trustor shall wi�hln � <br /> � fiftean(15)deys atter tho lien arises or,il a I!en is hled,wllhln fifloon(15)days aflpr Truslur hes noliCe ol 1he filing,securc�lhe dlscharg�of Ihe i <br /> � Ilen, 0����equestod by Londar,depos�l wHh Lender cash or n suf+iclont corporolo su�ety bond or othor socurily salisfnctory lo Lender In fln I <br /> � nmqunt SuHiClont lo dischnrge Ihe IIE�plus eny costs and ntlorn0ys'�ees or olh3r chnrpns tha�could aCCrue t1s A rpsult o�e fortiClosure or 5318 <br /> undor Ihp Ilen. In nny Conlesl,Tr��tor shall delend itself ond Londer and shall sallsly any adverse Judgmont Ge�ore onforcumenf agalnst Ihe I <br /> ';• Propurfy. T�uSior shall nama Lender a;a�� adddional obiiyao under any surety bOnd turnishpd in the cGniosl praoedings. j <br /> i <br /> _= • . � <br /> L.___ . ..--. . _ .__. . <br />