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<br /> -"'�::;�;�+� LOAN N0. 9769903
<br />�"''�°�"` � dEtauit must be cured; end(d)that faUure to cure the cYefault on or betore th�date specitieclln the notice mAy --
<br /> T =���*�.:�' reeult[n�cceleratlon ot the�sums secured by thl�Secucity Instrume�d and�safe af the Property. The notice shAll ��
<br />=:"s'����� turther Inform Borrower ot the riRht to relnstate pfter Acseleratlon And the right to bring A court actlon to ps�ert _::-
<br /> '"`��'�` ' the nomexlst�nce of A de[ault ar pny other de[ense ot Borrower to accelerattun and snle. It the defwuit(s not
<br /> _�..tll�:..:it" �
<br />=%"�;Tr'.``{ � cured on or betore the date specitled in the nottce, I.endcr,at ite optlon�may re�ulre immedlate pwyment In full e_
<br /> _�„�.'��:. s
<br /> .;�r of wll eume secured by this Security Instrument without further demAnd and may Invoke the power o�sple pnd
<br /> :•-":;,�.,«,;�_ any ather remed��w perm[tted by pppllcable law. Lender shAll be enNtled Fo collert all expen�a+ Incurred !n �-
<br /> --�=.-r�r� pursuin�the re+�ied[es p�-ovlded in thfs paeagraph 21, Including,but rtat limlted to,revsnnabla attorneys tees �
<br /> ,_T�� and cats of tltle evidence.
<br /> If ths�power ot sAle ts invoked,Trustea ehall record p not�ce of detault in each caunty In whlch any p��t of
<br /> "- � ° the Property la located Rnd shall mail copi�.w of such nottce In tho manner prescdbed by app8cable lAw to
<br />;;!�r����+,`,�� Borrowcr wnd to the other persons prescribed by pppitcAble law. Aftcr the time requlred by applicable law,
<br /> ;: :;,.�.,.r,` Tn�stee shall�Ive publlc noHce of sAle to the persons and in the mAnner prescribed by applicabte law.Trustec,
<br /> '-`�="'�" without demAnd on Borrower, sd�ll sell the Property at publlc auctlon to the highest bldder at the t[me and
<br /> �-`� �•�•��4 � plstce And under the terms designnted in the notice of sale In one or more parccls aad in any order Trustee -
<br /> �-���" determtnes.Trustee may postpone sale o[ull or any p�rcel of the Froperty by publtc annouacement at the time
<br /> �::•:�,�::.:�:
<br />--���' -��. and place o[any previously schaluled ss►le.I.ender or Its destgnee may purchswse the Property at Any sAle.
<br />�':�:�v,�.„�' Upon recelpt of payment at the price bid,Trustee shall deUver to the purchaser Trustce s �eed conveying
<br />:.,,,,�,,...- the Property. Thc reciGtls In the Trustee's deed shall be prlma[acle evtdence af the truth oi the statements
<br /> =-���.�r:.�r' mwde therein.Trustee shAll apply the proceed9 0[the sale in the[ollowing order: (a)to all costs and expenses
<br />.�:-11:;;,r:k;_;�' ot exercistng the power of sale,and the sale�including the payment ot the Trustee's fees ActuAUy incurred�not
<br /> _:•.�xe.':ti.�. t� lXCCCI) 5.0(p6 of the principal amount ot t4c note et the time of the
<br />:"'���!'��,�:"` declarntion of detautt, and reasoasble sttorneys' fees as permitted by law; (b)to all suma secured by this
<br /> ::i�J';�,3��' Security Instrument;end(c)any excess to the persan or persons IegaUy entitled to it.
<br /> ',�:,� .i•r `
<br />-,_.��:`,. q 22.Reconveyance. UFon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,I.ender shall request Trustce
<br />- ' _4S• to reconvey the Property and shall sunendcr this Security Instrument and aU not�s evldencing debt secured by this
<br />�.A`���.y;, Security Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Propeny without wananty a�d without chazge to the person
<br />-:'n, or persons legally entitled to it.Such person or persons sh�ll pay any recordation costs.
<br />';,_,�•y., �
<br />•�r;�. 23. Substttute Trustee. I,ender, at its option, may from time to tim�remove Trustee and appoint a successor
<br /> R'�[_d S.. •
<br /> _zri�,•; trustee to a�ry Trustee appointed hereunder by an insttument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument
<br />,,���.-;�f � ls recorded. Without conveyance of the Propeny,the sucassor trustee shall succced to all the tide,power and duties
<br />_�;�;t,,,.��•., conferred upon Trustee hcrcin und by applicable law.
<br /> ,
<br />_-r.�^=;: .
<br /> -:�:,�.:,�� 24.Aeqaest for Notices. Bonower requests that copies of thc noticcs of default and sale be sent to Banower's
<br /> � 'F�� address which is the Propeny Address.
<br /> .�-�n'��J�ti-.
<br /> -_ . �1�.,��F:
<br />-- _ :••�; 25. �(dere to thls Secudty Instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together
<br /> -=`-'"�''��'` with this Secudty Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated inio and shall
<br /> �:�`;,-;�,`�`" amend and supplemcnt the covenants and agrcements of this Securiry Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this
<br /> -"�:::::; Securiry Instrument.
<br />_ ,:>t��
<br /> :,,:;,-.,sn
<br /> '" � ' �Check applicable box(es)]
<br />-Ys:r'S—F1."�
<br />_�'���,�_1,.�
<br /> _�:_�_-!�;� �Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Condominium Rider ❑1-4 Family Rider
<br /> �°'�'-T`�""jr� �Graduated Puyment R[der �Planned Unit Developmcnt Rider ❑Blweekly Paymcnt Ridcr
<br />•".:.a 3•:_.�..�a�.�� .
<br /> T:�rs;�'�•_::_?�� �Balloon Ridcr �Rate Improvement Rider Second Home Rider
<br /> �'_:;;„,"�� �VA Rlder �Other(s)[specify]
<br /> • ...f.
<br /> - .-�;��: ,
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