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<br /> G.ASSICNMENT OF LEASI:S. Upon L.cndei's requcst,Borrawcr shall assige to Lcndcr all leases of thc
<br /> r Property and all scxurity deposits made in connecdon with lcases of the Pcoperty.Upon the assfgnment;I.ender �:
<br /> � '� shaU have U�e dght tc� modify,cxtcnd or tcrminatc IhG exisdng lcascs and to cxccutc new Itascs,in Lcndu's sole -
<br /> , � discredon.As used in this paragraph G,the wnrd"fcase" shall mean "sublcase" if the Securlty Instrument is on a -
<br /> � leasehold.
<br /> '��`� ' Borrower absolutely and uncondidonally assigns and transfcrs to Lender all thc rcnts and revenucs("Rents")of thc
<br /> .`''� Property,regardless of w whom tha Renis of thc Proptrty are payable. Barrower authorizcs Lcnder or L.ender's
<br /> ;�, .., • .� agcntv to coAect iha Rcnts,and agrecs that cach tcnant of the Property shall pay thc Rcnts to Lender or I.cndcr's _
<br /> �t_, :F, .:::,, agents.Howeva,Borrower shaU reccivc thc Rents until(i)Lcndcr has given Boaowcr notice of default pursuant to _
<br /> �.:.:,�.,�.� paregr�ph 21 of the Security Instrument end(li)Lender has given not�ce to the tenant(s)that the Rents ere w be �,
<br /> .`� �. paid to Lendu or l.endcr's agcnt. 'Ihis agsignmant of Rcnts constiwtes an absolute assignment and not an -
<br /> "'�a'�,�.?�;�� assignment for addiaonal securlty only. p
<br /> _ . ;�.,��: If Lender gives noace of bresch to Borrower:(i)all ltents received by Borrower ahall be held by Borrower as
<br /> ' " trustec for the benefit of I.endcr only,to be applied to the sums securcd by thc Securlry Instrument;(ii)Lender shall
<br /> . L•�-r be endtled to coUect and receive all of the Rents of the Property; (iii) Borrower agrees that each tenant of the —
<br /> Property shall puy all Rcnts due and unpaid to Lcndcr or Lender's agents upon I.ender's wrlucn demand to the
<br /> : tenent; (iv) unkss eppllcable law pravides otherwise, all Rents collected by L.endu or Lender's agents shell be
<br /> . applled first to Ihe costs of taking control of and managing the Propeny and collccting the Rents,including,but not
<br /> ••• limitcd to,auameys' fees,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds,repair aad maintenance costs,insurance
<br /> ,:,, �� premiume,taxes. asses.�ments and other charges on the Propeny. and then to the sums secured by the Security
<br />' � Instrument;(v)Lr,nder,I.ender's agents or any judicially appointed receiver shall be liable w occount for only thase
<br /> .� Rents acwally received; end (vi)Lender shall be endded to havc a receivu appointed to take possession of and �
<br /> - � ' manage the Properry and collect the Rents and profits derived from the Property without any showtng as to the
<br /> tnadcquscy of the Roperry as six:urity.
<br />��,'�'""�" ' '� If tho Rents of the Property are not sufficient ro cover the costs of taking control of and managing the
<br /> - Property and ot coAecting the Rents any funds expended by I.ender for such purposes shaU become indebYedness of
<br /> -'" Borrower w Lender secured by the Security Instrument pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7.
<br />-_ � � Borrower repres..nts end warrants ihat Borrower hes not cxccutcd any prior assignment of the Rentv end has
<br /> = : .•: 'r' not and wUl not perform any act that would prevent Lender from cxercising its rlghts under this paragraph.
<br /> '- -� •� Lendr,r.a Lender's agents or a judiciaUy appointed receiver,sliall not bc required to enter upon,take control
<br /> ' of or maintain thc Property before or after giving nodce of default to Bocrower. Howevcr, Lender, or Lender's
<br /> �;�,�•."�, � agents or a judlcially appointed receiver,may do so at any time whcn a default occurs. Any eppllcerion af Rents
<br /> �- �•�.•.��_'� shall not cure or waive any d�fault or invalidate any other right or rcmetly of Lendcr.This essignment of Renis of
<br /> .r+h�r�.rip•
<br /> :.,�F:. :.:�i, the Property shull tcrminate when all the sums sccurcd by the Security Instrument arc paid in full.
<br /> •• ••r � ���� � 1.CItOrSS•DEFAULT PROVISION. Boaowcr's default or breach undcr eny notc or agreemcnt in
<br /> t ' � � which Lcnder has an intemst shall be a brcach under the Security Insuument and Lender may invoke any of the
<br /> . remcdies permitted by the Securiry InstrumenG
<br /> � � ' BY SIGNIN(3 BfiLOW,Borrower accepts and agrees eo the terms and provisions contained in this 1-4 Famlly
<br /> • � � � Ridcr.
<br /> ,� ,
<br /> ,..:.._..
<br /> . �
<br /> _ � � - cs�, �CC ftic�� IU. I—Ic�t u�u _�s��
<br /> ' � �PATRICK J I VEY -Bortowcr C�YSE � ��Y -Bortower =
<br /> ' —_ (S�) (SCdI) �;..
<br /> -Hortuwcr -Sonowur �`-
<br /> �-57 �uao.i.o� P+a•z oi 2 Foom 3170 31�3
<br /> � 'J ; .. �.
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