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<br />-'�;'.,.,,,, .�; fa one or more p�rceds pnd in Rny order Trustee determine�. Tr��ata mAy postpone eak ut All ar any parcel of the _.
<br /> ` .�;, Property by publk pnnouncement pt the time And pi�ce of any prevbualy �chMukd eale. Lender or its desi�nee may �:
<br /> purc6a�e the Praperty at�ny eAk.
<br /> i '..:�1�:•� Upon recelpt ot poyment of the prke bid, Trustee shall dctiver to the purchaser TruAtee'e deed canveying the �_
<br />=�•,S"• ���m Pn�perty.The recibele ia tbe Truatee'e deed adAq be prfmA tsck evidence of the truth oP the sls�teniente mode therein. —
<br /> ''i� Trwtee sh�ll�pply the proceede af the srk in the followin6 ordert(a)to All COeta Ilnd!xp101dl U�lxerCising the pOWlf Of _
<br /> �,b s�k��nd the e�le�includia�the payment of the Trustee'e tees actw►Ily Incurred,not ta exceed 3.o 0 0 96 _
<br /> ' o�tbe princlal s�maunt of the note wt the time of the decarAtbn of defauit�pnd renbwunbk attorneya'tees�spermitted by _
<br /> � 4w;(b)to wll eurna secured by thb Securily Inatrument;And(c)pny exceae to the pereon ar pereone k�A�ly entttkd to it. -
<br />- � 2Z.Recoevey�nce. Uponpa yment of ell sums socured by thi.v Security Insuument, L.endu shall request Trustoe co _.
<br /> :.�.�,, .; �� rcconvcy the Prop�sty nnd shell surrender this Sccurlty Instrument and all nous evidencing debt securcd by this Securlry
<br />;�,.�a.�;:::; Instrument w 1Yustee.'Itustca shall reconvay the Propercy without warranry and without chargo to the puson or persons legally
<br /> '-.=•�. •• entided W iG Such person or persons shall�ay eny recordatlon costs. -
<br /> � 23.SubsHtute Truatee. Lendu,ai us opdon.may from timc to timc removc Trustee and appoint a successor trustc.�to any _
<br /> ra _
<br /> `��= "; Trustee appcifntcd hereundu by en instrument recorded in the county in which thts Sec�uity Instrument is rocorded. Wlchout
<br /> ;� --�
<br />�� . . ' :,.. comeya�sce af the Property,tho suc�essor trustee shall suceced to al.l the dde,power and dut�es confeaed upon T'rustoe herein and
<br /> „t�%:^i �,:��;, bY aPP�le l�w.
<br /> - _:,��"�;• 24.Rcqutst tor Notices. Bocrower requests that copics of the notices of default end sale be scnt to Borrower'� addross
<br /> ,Y,.., . ;'�"",� which is the Pro Address. �
<br /> F�.,:.; 25.�tklero o this Security Instrumen� If one or mora dders are executed by Barrowcr end recorded together with this _,
<br /> Secudty Instrumcnt,the..ovenants and agreemcnts of each such ddcr shaU be iacorporated into and shall tunend end supplement
<br /> , the covenents and agreements of this Security Insuument as if thc ricler(s)were n part of this Security Instrumen� �
<br />: �� � (Chxk applicable box(cs)]
<br /> 0 Adjust961e Rate Rider I�Condominitun Ridcr �1-4 Family Rider -
<br /> � � '� �Greduat�xl Payment Ridea 0 Planned Unit Development Rider []Biweckly Payment Rider
<br /> � • []Balbon Rider []Rate Improvemcnt Ridcr �Second Home Rida
<br />- . �VARider �OIhC[(9)[S(1CC3fyJ7aeignmeate of Rent
<br />, 7,
<br />_ -�_ %t{��G-i�,r _
<br /> _ ..., ,t....
<br />�=•'�;tis��:�;-;, BY SIGNII�TG BBiAW,BoROwer accepts end agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in
<br />'''�:��=��"'���. any rider(s)ezxuted by Borrowcr and recorded with iG
<br /> - ::�;,:•;:. Witnasses: ���
<br /> y{�`�;•=;�;; ..��' PATRICK J VEY •H(r o�)
<br />_ .j41:�
<br /> _ 'r.tf�
<br />_- - ' •" ($C$l)
<br /> ���?�"`' ` CHARYSE HARVF.Y -Borcower
<br /> - =��`�'i� •.
<br /> '>:t y�h
<br />---__'' � �5�� _ -� �`�`^"�
<br /> - . � r •SOROWE� 'BOI11DWtt
<br /> _ ii
<br /> _" r,�.
<br /> '���' �..'�� . State of Nebraslco, �L Connty ss:
<br /> � =�..��.�,.-.. ` The foregoing lnstrument was ncknowledged before mc this 9TH day of DECEMBER � 1997 ,
<br /> .--=:��.-.•r
<br /> '`=�"°�;.:Y' Witncss my hand and notarial scal at aR1�1�m x s , sieA in sai Coun ,the ciace aforesaid.
<br /> �'- MyCommissionExpires: �i GENERALNOTARP•St�b�INeEruM� -
<br /> OE80RAH L.KfMBLE Noury Publtc
<br /> n My Com�n.EtP�Nw.1J�1999 ''
<br /> � �•,
<br /> � �j •ER(NE)�oz�2�.o� Pep�eo�B Form:�02o 9l�0
<br /> , • ,� � 1 61G•6�
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