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<br /> ' MUTUAL�A3EMENT'S E"
<br /> C.
<br /> '�� 1. CiI Cherry Park, I.td., baing tho owner of Parcol One descdbod on oxhiblt A attachal hereto hereby g�ants unto Hoppo,Iac., -
<br /> ; its successors snd assigns an e�sement of ingres.+aad egres�upan and the rJEht W use the pdvate roadway oa Parce�l Ono for acce�s �` -
<br /> . � to S,Ch�grty� benefit f Parcol ITwo des bed oa�oxhiblt A a�ttachedihe eto and Parcel Three descr{bed on exh blt�A attached
<br /> � licensc
<br /> � hcroto. _
<br /> 2. Hoppe,lnc.,being tho owner of Parcel'I\vo and Parcel Three both described on exhlbtt A attached horeto hereby grants unto
<br /> ��� OI Chercy Park Ltd..its�ucceseors and aaalp»en eesement of ingress and egress upon end tho right to nso sny futare prlvRto
<br /> roedway on Parcel 7tvo or Parcel Three for tcces� to Swhr Roed. Such rlght shall inuro to the benefit of OI Chorry Park,I.td.,
<br /> t�s succossors nnd assigna including cenanb,inviteas and liconsees for the 6eneflt of Parcel One.
<br /> ;; 3. Hoppe,Inc.�being the owner of Parcel7Wo end Parcal Three both described on oxhibit A attache�hereto hereby creates an
<br />_ ° - � �=� cnx,t►er�t af lagrws:.�d aerss.•uYQn"-n'!the rtght to use anv f�cure privato roadway on Parcel7t�vo for access to S.Chorry Stnet
<br /> �. from Paral Three. Such dght shail inuro to the benofit of Hoppe,Inc.�its successors and esslgns inciuding tonun�,i���itaa:an� -
<br /> , " licensees for tho benefit of Parcel'Chree descr3bed on exhlbit A attached hereto.
<br /> �'
<br /> "'' 4. Hoppe,lne..being the ownar of Pntcal'Ibvo end Pucel'IUxee both descrlbed on exhibit A attnched hareto hareby cre�tes an
<br /> �' easement of ingr�ss and egress upon end the rlght to use aay future pdvnto rondway on Par nc'�8 f���n�k�h�d licensees
<br /> pucel'C�vo. Such right shall inuro W the benofit of Hoppe.Inc.�its sucr,essors and�s18n
<br /> for tha benefit of Percel Two described on exhibit A attnched hereto.
<br /> H Inc.,or iu successots or
<br /> S. fn defining the easemonts set forth above and in thn devoloUment of Parcels'Itvo and Thno, oppe�
<br /> , assigns shall connect tho private coadway on Percel Ona with the future private roadway to bo bullt on Parcel'I�vo and connect —
<br />. tho ft�ture priveto roadway on ParcellW o with tho future prIvate roadway to be built on Parccl Thne.
<br /> 4w
<br /> � � 6. The parties hereto agra to joindy mainteln tha private roadway on Parcds�no,'IVvo end'[tiroe.'fhe cost of maintanance shall -
<br /> be shared by thc owners of Parcols One,lWvo nnd'fhree or any subsequent parts thereof in an oquitable menner. If all of ssid
<br /> parcels are developed into multifemily housing(end counting any supporttng untu such as an office es a houetng unit)then the _
<br />_ � maintennnce costs shall be sharod in proportton to the number of hou�ing units serviced by the roadway. If s pnrcel or slgniflcent -
<br /> - portion thereof is doveloped into somethiag other tban liouaing tho cost shall be shared in propartion to abutting lineal footege .
<br />- F aiong the roadwey. In such count wch slde of tho roadway shall be counted. Maintenanco cost shall ineiude snow removal, �--
<br /> � � resurfacing,weterprooMg,signago except for paflc(ng stell marklugs but ehall not include street lighdng.Cost shering for a parcol �
<br /> shall not commence until tho parcel has been developed.
<br /> �;:�---
<br /> � 7, Cil Cherry Park, Ltd., hereby grsnts unto Hoppe, lnc., [ts successors and nssfonlne.ui�ts succas ors and assp nsC incOludi g . �'
<br /> designnted in tho finel plat of Parcel Ono. Such right shall inuro to tho benefit of Hopp , g �.;.».
<br /> tenants,invftees and ficensees for tho banofit of Ptucell�vo describod on oxh[bit A ottached hereto and Parcel Three descrlbed on ',:':_,
<br /> :�,:
<br /> rxhibit A attached hereto.
<br /> 8, Hoppe,Inc.,being tho owner of Percel7Wo and Parcel Threo both described on exhiblt A attached hereto heroby gcants unto
<br /> CI[Chercy Pack l.td„its successors and asslgns t��e right to use tho utiltty easemonts platted upon Parcel'I�vo and Parcel Three when
<br />- the sama or any part thereof are finally platted. Such right sha1L inure to tbe Uenefit of GJ Cherry Park,Ltd.,!ts successors nnd
<br />- assigns including tenants,Invltees end licensees for tho benefi•of Parcel One.
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