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<br /> � ' "ProceRda")in connection with cnndemnaQon or other teking ot the Property or part thereof,or for conveyance I�Ile�7'b�1'fd�IflREtlibn. _
<br /> ' Lender aheli be enUtled at Ita option W commence,eppear fn and prosecute In its own name any actlon or proceedin�s,and ahall eluo —�
<br /> "' � be entitled to mako any compromise or aett�ement in connectlon with such taktn�or damage.in the event any portion of the Property ia �-
<br /> • so teken or damaged, Lender shall have the optlon in ita soie end ebsolute discretion, to appiy all auch proceeds, after deducting �
<br /> therefrom al!costs and expenaes Incurred by It In connectlon with auch Proceeds,upon any Indebtedness secured hareby and in such --
<br /> order as Lender may detormine,or to apply ali sur,h Proceeds,aRer euch deductions,to the restoratlon ot the Property upon such con- _
<br /> " ditlono as Londer may determine.Any app�icatlen of Proceeda to Indebtedness shall not extond or poetpane the due date of any pay-
<br /> - monts under die Note,or cure any de�fauft thereunder or hereunde�.Any unapplled funds shali be pald tu Tmstor.
<br /> ,. , 8.Performa�ce by Lender.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Defeult hereunder,or If any act ia tak9n or I�gal proceoding r
<br /> commenced which materially affects Lender'�r interest in the Property,Londor may in!ts uwn discroilon,but without oblir�ation ta da so,
<br /> •��� and without rtotice to or demend upon Trustor and without reieesi�g Trustor from any obiigation,do any act which Trustor hes agreed
<br /> � but falied to do and may atso do any other act .",deem� necessary to protect tho socurity hereoi. Trustor shall, immedtately upon
<br /> + demand therefor by Lender, pay to Lender ail costs and expenses Incurred and sums expended by Lander In connectlon with the exer-
<br /> # .. cise by Lender ot the taregoing rights,together wlth Interest thereon at the defauit rate provided in the Note, which shall be added to
<br /> : � the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shail not Incur any Ilabllity be.:suse oi anything it may do or omit lo do hereunder.
<br /> 9. Hazardous Materials. Trustor ahail keep the Property in compilance with all appliceble laws,ordinances and regulaUons
<br /> , ro�Ating to Industriai hyglene or environmental protaction(col�ectivety reterred to heroin as"Envlronmental Laws'). Trustor ahail keep
<br /> the Property free from all substences deemed to be hazardous or toxlc under any Environmentei Laws(.:.ollecUvety refemed to herein
<br /> � as"Hazardous Materiais').Trustor hereby waRants and repreaents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on or under the
<br /> Property.Trustor hereby agrees to indemn�fy and hotd harmiesa Lender,its directors,officers,empioyees and agents,end any succes-
<br /> �• sors to Lender's tnterest,from and against any and ali clafms,damages,losses and�fabilitles arlsing tn connection wlth the presence,
<br /> use,disposat or transpod of any Hazardous Materiais on,under, trnm or about the Property.THE FOREGOINCi WARRANTIES ANO
<br /> 10.Assiqnment of Rants.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender,and grants Lender a secu�ity interest in,aIi present,future and
<br /> efter arising rents,issues and praflts of the Property;provided thet Trustar shall,unUt the occurrence of en Event oi Default,hereunder,
<br /> have the right to coitect and retain such rents,issues and proflls as thoy become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of
<br /> qefault,Lender mey,either in person or by agent,with or without bringing any actlon or proceeding,or by a receiver eppointod by a
<br /> court and without regard to the adequecy of its securiry,entor upon and take possession of the Properry, or any part thereof,!n its own
<br /> . �� nemo or!n the neme of the Trustee,end do any acts which It deems necessary or desirab�e to preserve the vaiue, markotabillty or
<br /> rentabllity ot the Property,or any part thereof or interest therein,or to Increase the incomd therefrom or protect the security herecf and,
<br /> } � with ar without taking posaesslon of the I�rop9rty,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,issues and profits thereot,inciuding those past
<br /> due and unpeid,by notifying tenants to make paymenta to Lender.Lender may apply rent�,lasuas and proflts,lass costs and expens-
<br /> es ot operaUon and coliection including attorney's fees,to any Indebtedness sec:ured hereby,ell in such order as Lendsr may deter-
<br /> mine.The entering upon and taking possession of tho Propedy. the coliection of such rents,issues and profits, and the appfica8on
<br /> ther�sot as aforesaid shaN not cure or waive any default or notice oi deTauit her�under or invalldate any act done In response to such
<br /> detault or pursuant to auch �otice of defautt end, notwithstandi�g lhe condnuance in posseaslon of the property or the wuecnon,
<br /> • , receipt end applica4lon af rents,issues or proflts,Trustee end Lender shalt be enUtied to exercise every right provided for in any of the
<br /> '� � Loan Instrumente or by�aw upon occurrence of any Event of Defautt,lncluding without Ilmitetion the right to exerclse the power oi sale.
<br /> Further,Lender's rights and remedies under this paregraph shelt be cumulaUve wlth,and in no way e Ilmitatlon on,Lenders rights and
<br /> rernedles under any asalgnment ot leases and rents recorded agalnst the Property.Lender,Trustee and ihe receiver ahail be Ilable to
<br /> � account only for those rents actually received. '
<br /> 11.Events oi Detautt.The following shall constitute en Event of Defauit under thia Oeed of Truat:
<br /> ' (a)Fallure to pey any inateliment of princlpal or interest or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach of or defauit under any provislon contalned in the Note,this Deed oi Trust,any of the Loan Instruments,or any
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A wrtt of execuGon or attachment or any slmiiar process shall be entered against Trustor which shall bec�me a Ilen on
<br /> the Property or any portion thereof or(ntvrest therein;
<br /> ' " ' (d)There shall be flled by or against Trustor or Borrower en action under any present or future federei,state or other statute,
<br />_ lew or regutatfon relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other rellet for debtors;or there ahail be appcinted any trustee,receiver ar
<br /> � Ilquidator of Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any part of the Property,or th9 rents,issues or proflta thereof,or Truator or Borrowor
<br /> shail make any general assignment for the baneflt of credit�xs;
<br /> (e)The sale,transfer, leese, aesignment, conveyance or further encumbrance of all or an/ pert ot or any Interest In the
<br /> Property,either voluntertty or invo�untarity,without the expreas w�itten consent of Lender,provided that Trustor shell be permit-
<br /> ted to execute e lease of the Property that does not contain an opUon to purchase end the tertn of which does�ot exceed one
<br />- � year,
<br />- (f�Abandonn�ent ai the Property;or -
<br /> ; � �g)�t Trustor Is r,ot an indlvidual, the issuance, selo, transfer,assignment,convAyance or encumbrence of more than((t e -
<br /> , t corporatlon)e total of percent of its Issued and outstanding stock,or(if a partnershlp) a total of per- __
<br /> Z cent oi partnersMp interests,ur(It a timited Ilabllity company)a total of percent of the ilmfted Ilabiiity compa-
<br /> t ny interests or voting rtghts durfng the perlod this Deed of TNat�emains a ilen on the property. -
<br /> , ' 12.Remed(es;Acceleration Upon Oetault.in the ovent of any Event of Defeu�t Lender may,withoui notice except as required _
<br /> by low,deciare a�l indebtedness securod hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payable with- _
<br /> . out any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any klnd.Thereafler Londer may: �
<br /> (a)Demand thai Trustao exercl:,o tho POWEft(?F S.4LE granted herein,end Trustee shali tl�ereafter cause Trustor's inter- .
<br /> est in the Properly to be sold and the proceeds to be dlatributed,alt In the manner provided in the Nebraske Trust Deeds Act; -
<br /> (b) Exorcise any and ail rights provided tor In any of tho Loen instniments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of _
<br /> i Dofault;and =
<br /> (c)Commence an actfon to foraclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appotnt a recefvor,or specfflcally enforce any of 2he -
<br /> � covonants hereoL -
<br /> ' No romody hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exciusive of any other remedy horeln,In the Loan
<br /> � �nstruments or by taw provided or permitted,but each shali be cumulative,shall be tn addltfon to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> ! �n the Loan Instrumonts or now or hereafter existing at law or In equity or by atatute,and may be exercised concurrentty,Ind9pendent�y
<br /> or succosivo�y. _
<br /> _ �z r..�.�m Tnp r����rau mav ra��nn at anv time without cause.and Lendar mav at anv time and without cause appolnt e suc-
<br /> cosaor or substltute Trusteo.Trusteo shall not be Ilable to eny parly,i�iciuciing without Ilmltatlon Lender, Borrower,Trustor or any pur- -
<br /> chnsor of tho Proporty,tor nny Ioss or demage unless due to reckleas or wlilfu�mfsconduct,and shall not be required to take any actlon
<br /> in connoction with the en(orcement ot this Oeed of Trust unless i�Aemnifled,in writing,f�r ali costs,cornpensation or expenses which
<br /> m;�y bo nssociatnd tharowith.In addition,Trustee may bocome a purchaser at any sa�e of the Property (judicial or under the power af
<br /> ��:�iu yr:�ntod herefn):postpono tho saiu of ali or any portlon of the•Property,as provided by law:or sell the Property as a whoie,or in
<br /> :opnratu parc�is or Iota et Trustoo's discrotfon.
<br /> � 1Q Foea and Hxponaos.In tho event Trustee selis the Properry by exercine of powor oi saie,Trustae shall be entit4ed to apply
<br /> :my s;du proceods first tn paym�nt of ail costs and oxpenses of exarcfsing power oi saie,Inc�uding atl Trustee's fees,and Lender s and
<br /> Tru�;to�i:;:�ttornoy'e:tees. actually incurrad to Qxtent permitted by applicablo iaw.In thct event Borrower or Trustor exercises any right
<br /> �,rov�drnf by I;iw to curo an Event oi Dt3fauit,LondQr shall be entitied to recover from Trustor alt costs and expenses actually incuned as
<br /> ' .i n�cult of trustor's dofauit, includinp wfthout limitation all Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the extent permitted by appiicable taw.
<br /> 1, Futuro Advancos. Upon ruquast of Borrowor, Lender may,at its option, make additfonal and tulura advances and read- I
<br /> vainccs to E3orrowur Such,►dvr3nces:�nd roa�vancas,with interest Ihereon,shail be secured by this Oeed of Trust.At no time shall the
<br /> . � I
<br />