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- '��.� . . - . ._ t,... . . .. . , -'1.....1....��.��'����.�. <br /> � *�.� _ _ : . ..__' . ____._.,.._ _. ..__. . . ntLril•.w. .__ : . __ . . , . , . - 4:�IK7�[l--. <br /> � � V�� � <br /> . . ..• _ J�l//�'yyy�rMl�Y �1. ♦ _ . - .. , . i .. . ��1• '.", _ � <br /> . .� ,. ' , _ . • • , .. . ,. , .. , . T�.'1)':= <br /> � - '�. �:�NAF.RR�n•.�y3G. t <br />�,ar�.��.. .aa Y J. :,:�Wti'L*ln,n.x7Y1YTyPc1�C'drA-�.�� ' .. .. . . . .. .� . • ..� � . . . ,.�!•-.:... --,. <br /> r <br /> .. ,... . , .. , , - _ <br />=.�`C:.:�•,. •"'�,�•�".�;-.: ::�'z.'! ','��*3f�"�s�:Yi':�~'; .. : . .. , .. - - - ' -___.._ <br /> .. „ . <br /> .,. <br /> . <br /> ,. • .• �. , � ,,..,„w.,.�.��___ _ <br /> ... . .� . • , ......�•3....._.,,.,.�_ ._.. .._..... ___ <br />_ . . . . _ �i�.. _......,..... - <br />'. :�i �. 6.. <br /> . • � � .. • }/ � <br /> ,. �ab we�ei (�Qe) Home �qult Acc�ss L�ne Rlder <br /> . - ea�KS GRIS 6051389-4237 �� 110449 = <br />- `,� �.oeArionl:oz 3(0 <br /> �; <br /> , <br /> ;. :.,,,� 3i 7�.3/1/ <br /> ��r •� (Open end credit wlth ❑ flxed rate�veriable rate lnterest} <br /> .;»►.� . <br /> , � Thls Home Fqulty Access Llne Rider!s dated 11/2n/97 and!s an amendment to the <br /> T Mortgage or Deed ot Trust("Mortgaga`)of the sama date glven by the underslgned("Borrower")to secure Borrowera Home <br /> ' ��. NORWE5T HANK NEBRASKR . NATYONAL A880CIATION <br />- , Equ1ty Acc:ess Llne Agrsemant wlth . . � <br />;}:. <br /> " ------ ("Lender"1 <br /> ��,. � of the seme date covering the property descrlbed in the Mortgage ard located at: <br /> , 1009 W CHARi.ES GRAi�D ISI_ANQ. NE 68801 <br /> t�_ . PmWM�dOrolt <br /> « " !n addltlon to the covenants and agreements made!n the Mortgaga,Borrawer and Lender further covenant artd agree as fo�lows: <br /> * t. The ward"Noto,"as usedln the Mortgage and th/s Rlder,refers to the Home Equity Access LJne Agreement. <br /> 2. The Note svlde:►ces an open end revolvJng Iine of credit agreement befween Borrower and Lender. The amouni atated in tha <br /> _ Mort�age as the principai sum of the lndebtedness!s the credit Ilmlt for the/!ne of credlt All�dvences made at any tlms by <br /> �� londer In accordance v+.rith the terms of the Note,and a!I lnterest on the advences,shail be secured by the Morigage. <br />� However,at no rlme ahall the princlpal amount of fhe indebtedness secured by the MoRgage,not Including sums advanced <br /> `= � !n accordance with the mortgage to profect ti�e securiry cf tha Mortgage,exceed the stafed credlt!lmlt/or the llne of credlt. <br /> �- - --- ;i. The nlofe prvviJe�tut.' <br />��;::.„ � ❑ a/Ixed rate of interest expreased as�dally periodlc rate of %. Thls cpnesponds to an annual percentage <br /> . rnte of %. <br />',r. � Q� a varlable rete of lnterest expressed as a da!!y pedodic rete equa!to 1/385 of an annua!rate of i-04 %plus tha <br /> � ;� (lndex Rate). THE HII3HEST PRIME RATE � <br /> ��•��k� The dally perlodlc rate may increase!I -- <br />-r <br /> '�'`� ''"��` PUBL ISHED IN THE WALL 8TftEET JOURNAL 'MONEY RATES' TAHLE <br /> - „ti- . <br />- �•� '�° .0?6027 °ro. This corresponds to an annuat <br /> �� � � (the"Index Rate"j lncreases. The initlal dally periodlc rate is 18.00 0 <br /> �•� ` percentage rate of 9•5� %. The ennual percentage rate wJl!never be moi e than _ /. The da!!y <br /> �� `,�� �'��•��'� per/odlc rate w11I be adjusfed month/y.Rn lncreese in the da!!y perlodic rete may Incressa the monfhly payment due. <br />- , . :.��• <br /> - ,. <br />�t� ... .� <br /> y'� 15�000 ,LOANS AN�D ADVANCES UP TO <br /> " NOT/CE:TH/3 MORTC�iAGfc SL�CURES CREDlT�N THE.AMOUNT OF S <br /> � • _ �. `�` THIS AMOt/NT,TOCrE7HER WI7HlNTEREST,ARE SFNfOR TO 1NDEBTEDAIESS TO OTHER CRED/TORS UNDER 5UBSEQfJENTtY <br /> RFCORDED OR FILFD MORTOAQES AND LlEN3. <br />` I. .. ' '�I .GCC �� <br /> k' eonowere siga+hire _. <br /> �J- l61gMNN <br /> �• <br /> Y <br /> `f <br /> - NC1?l2ANTQ(Q•9B•t7?fl48�P/PIl ___. -,.._ _ . - -......_- ... . �.-. �. }' Nru�_.�� — - . <br /> /(�� �'hi.- �I�Yt::Y:?J+'^:'!^.'!"S�'.•w::' <br />- , .. . . .. . ' ♦�'iRTqN�t��'��L .... . ... . .. "'__._.. <br /> _ �. <br />