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. .. <br /> - � - - <br /> : <br /> � �1 Y' - • - � ;4i� _ _- _ __ <br /> . �, . <br /> _����.� �. .�� _ �._�..� '"__�._�,«._ ___" _ <br /> ., <br /> ^T1fF <br /> .0 '�.. <br /> ���. <br /> . .._�__. n.a. __' __. .._.-_. _i�.--�s .�a-r�.= ...-�—+���.-- <br /> .—.�. <br /> . .. . – – `� �YT�G4.R:L_Ti+�.�eG'..: <br /> –^__ �j :;S..TII�--�._:.-. .....�–_._. —_ <br />=:�: �,:����.N �: 9r- ilo�o8 _ <br />-,.;.,�..�y+w�.'-:� ! <br /> �;;,;.y�,T`,,;� Thc Funds shult bc hcld in un intititution whasc dcpo�iis tirc intiurcd hy u faicral u�!cncy. intitrumcntaliry. ur encicy <br /> (ineluding I.ender, if Ixnder is+uch an in�titution)or in any�eJerul Hrnne l.c�;in Bunk. Ixnder,huU npply tl�e Funds to paY t�ie — <br />�' " � "b� E+crow Itemti. [.ender muy nut churge Borrower for hnlJing und applying thc Nunds,u�uiuuUy anulyiing the eticr��w account. ur <br /> `� � ; vcrifying thc Exrow(tcni+,unlc,ti I.cndcr pay�&�rr��wcr intcrest on thc E•und.und applirablc Ia�w pennu�Ixndc�to makc such <br />=� a chacge. Hnwever. IAn�ier inay rcyuirc Rorruwer tc�pay a ane-timc churge(or an inJependrnt real etitate tux rep�irting�rrv�ce <br /> . , u+cd hy [.�ndcr in c�mnccti��n with thi+ loan, unl.:s� upplicuhlc luw pr„vidr+ utlurwi+c. IJnlcs, un agncmcnt iti nnidc or -- <br /> �� upplicublc law nquirc.r inurest tu hc puid. l.�:ndcr,hall nut bc rcyuir�J tu pay Borru�vrr any ►ntcre�t ur carning�i�n thc Fund�. <br /> Brn•ruwer and l.ender muy a�!rce inµriting. hc�wever.thut int�re.t ,hall br puid un thr Fund+. I.ender�hall give t�� Hurrower, ` <br /> „ �. withuut char�:c, an unnuul urcumning uf thc Funds. }h��wing credity und dchitti to thc Fund, and thc purposc fi�r whirh wch <br /> n � dcbit tu thc Fund.wus muJc. Th��Hund,urc ptcdgcd us udditic►nal ticcuriry tiu ull+uun ticrurcd by thi+Scc:unty Instrument. <br />_ , y�;,� ` !f the FunJs hcld by Lc�ndcr rxcccJ thc umuunc�permittcd to bc hcld bY aPP�ecublc law, I.cndcr shull account to Borr��wcr <br /> �� fi�r thc exce+s Fund+in arcurdanrr with thr requirenxnts of upplic+ible law. If the ume�unt of thr Funds held by L.�:nder at uny <br /> .-,°' timc is not sufticient ta�,:+��the��w Items when ciue. Len�cr inuy so notity B��rre�wcr in writin�. �md, in,uch rase Hnrruwer � <br />-'� 7 shull Nay t��I..cndcr the umount necc�sary tu makc up thc delicienc;�. tiorrowcr+hall mukc up�1�C deiiricucy in nu mun th:ui <br /> j�-• � twclve munthly paymcnts,at L.cndcr'.tiolc dixcretion. <br /> �, Upon paymcnt in fuU of ull +umti secured by thi� Security Imtrununt, I.endcr �hall promptly refund t�� aorrower uny <br /> - � C•undti hcld hy l.cnder. If.under purugraph 21, Lcnder tihall acyu�re or sell the Propctty.Lcnder,pru�r to the ucyuisition or tiulc _ <br /> . � uf thc Pruperty,shall appty uny Funds hcld hy l.endcr at thc timc of acquitiition or+ulr ati a crcdit uguintit thc �um+u�urrd by <br /> -. . � chis Sccurity Instrumcnt. <br /> . 3.Applicutiun of Pnymentv. Unlc�+appl'tcuMc law• pravidc�othcrw'tse.all p:tyment+r�rcivcd hy Lcndcr undcr paragruph+ c <br />��` 1 unJ 2 ,hall bc applied: first.t<�any prepayment rharg��Ju�under the Note: secc�nd. tu auu,unt,payrhlc under paragruph ?: <br /> � thirJ,tu intcretit duc: f��urth, to principul duc; und luht,«+any lute chargeti due undcr thc Notc. <br />- • 4. CharR�w; l.tens. Borrowrr+hull puy all taxes,a,sc+�mcnts, churge�. tine. ui�d impa.itiun.attrihutablc tu thc Propeny <br /> � � whirh may attain priority u�•cr this Sccurity In,trurncnt, and Icaschold paymentti or ground rent�, i1 at�y. Burrn�vcr shall puy <br /> thesc�� the manner provided in puru�;raph:, or if noc paiJ in thac munner. Bi�rruwcr.hull puy them un tinte Jirrctly <br />� � to the pertion uwed payment. Borruwer tihall promptly furnixh t��Lender ull notices of umounc�ro bc paid undcr thi+paragraph. <br /> ' if Borrower mukes the+e payments directly. Bnrrowcr,hall promptly furni�h tc�l.ender reccipt�evidencing the puyments. <br />- Borrower shall promptly�dischurge uny lien which hus prianty over thi+Security Instrument unless Borrower: (al agrees in i <br /> � writing to the payment of thc obli�ation sccured hy the licn in u munncr ucceptablc to I.�:nJcr: lb)rontc�t�in g�xiJ fuith th� lien <br /> , by, or defends ugainst enfnreement of the licn in. Icgul proceedings which in thc L.endcr's opiniun operutc ta prcvent the <br /> �nti�rrrmrnt of thc licn: ar(c)+ecures t'rom che holdcr of the lien un agreement�atisfactory to I.endcr suburdinuting thc licn to <br /> this Securiry Instrument. If Lender detecmines that any pan c�f the Property is suhject to u lien wUich tnay uttain priority ovcr <br />.. , this Security Instrument, Lender muy give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall tiutitify the licn or take one or <br /> morc of thc actiona sct ti�rth ab�rvr�vithin 10 days ot'thc giving of noticc. <br /> � 5. Hau�rd or Property Insucance. Barri�w�er shall kccp the improvementti now exi�ting un c�rcafter crected c�n tlx <br /> Proprrty intiumd against l��ss by fire, h:uards inclu�kd within the term "extcndcd c��veruge" anJ any other hazurds, induding <br /> ' tlood�ur tloe�ding, for which Lendcr requires intiuraiKr. Thiti in+urance �hall be muintained in the am��unts und for the pericxlti <br />- thut Lcnder requires. The insurunce carrier providi n�the insurance ,hull be rhu�cn by Borrowcr .ubject to Lender's approval <br /> which tihall not bc unrc:ssunably withhetd. If Borr���vcr fails to cnaintain covcra�c d�ycribed abovc, Lcndcr may, at L.c�idcr's <br /> '�' uptic�n.obtain coverugc to protcrt I.cnJcr',rights in thc Pruprny in accurJancc with paragraph 7. <br /> --- ' • , w;�w r���,y.:sl� �h�tl 1+�.� :�rrr�tahle to Iander and rhall incb�dc a stundard mongage clau,e. I.ender <br /> nii ivaufuBCc �i.zii::7C:' , <br /> _ • • �hull have the riglit to holJ the pulicic�and renewal y.If' Lendcr rcquircti, Sonowcr+hall prompdy grvc to i.enucr uii receipi,of <br />- ' paid premiumti and renewal notice+.In the cvent uf los�, Borr�nvrr+haU givc prumpt notire to thc in�uruncc currier and Lcnder. <br /> I.endcr muy makc prcwf uf lo��if not madr prumpti y by Biuro�vrr. <br /> Unless L.ender und Burrawer c�therwi.e agrce in wrtnng. in�urunce prc�ceeds �hall he applicd t��restoration or repair of the <br /> �. � �'�• Property the restorutiun ur repair is ca�rx�mically fea�ihle und Lender'ti seruriry is not Iessened.If the rest�rutio�or <br />'�= . ' `;`.�' repnir is not.:cunumi�ally fca+iUle ur Luide�'+ �ecunry wuulJ hc Iessened. the insurance prcmeeds shull be npplied to the sum� <br />',�;. - sccurcd by this Security lnstrument, whcther or n�H then duc, with any exrrss paid t�� Burcowcr. If Borruwrr abandi�m the <br /> Property, or doe� nut ans�vcr within�0 d.ry�a notice trum I.cndcr thut tlir insurunce carricr has uftcred to+etdc a rluim, thcn <br /> '` Lender may collect the insurancc proceedti. L.endcr muy u�e the prciceeds tu repttir ur restoTC thc Property nr to pay tiums <br />.'`'. � �ecured hy this 5ecurity In�trument.whether or not Qren dur. Thr 3U-day pericxl will begiu when the notice is givcn• <br /> � . . Un{ess i.ender and Borrowcr i�thenvi,e ugree in ��riting, any appliration of pmc�edz to prinripul sh:�ll nc,t exter�d or <br />- r • �� ' puacponc thr due datr uf tli�mond:�Y paYnicna rc:fcrred tu in puragraph�, 1 und 2 or chungc thc amount af thc puymcnts. lf <br /> ``"" • ''"�" under paragraph 2l the Property i.acquired hy I.rnJer, eorrower'. right to uny in�uranee pc�lirics und pri�ceecis resulting from <br />'" r �.���j� damagc to thc Praperty prior ti�thc a�:yw�m�m sBall p��ti�to IAndcr tu thc rxtent of thc�um�scrur�J by this Security Instrumcnt <br /> ' immcdiutcly prior t��thc acyuisition. <br /> � 6.Occupuncy.Pr�yervutton,Ptaintenance ar�d['rot�rtion uf'tl�e Yruperty; Burrawer's Luan Appiicutlon: Lcasch�lds. <br /> '`� B��rruwcr shull ocrupy. c�tabli+h,and u�c thc Propcny a.Borrnwrr',principal r���dcncc within sixty dayti uftcr thr excct►tion of <br /> � � • this Scrurity Intitrumcnt anJ+hall continuc to occupy thc Pmperty a+Burrowcr's prinripal rr+idenrc fcir at Icast onc ycur uttcr <br /> �• • the date uf uccupancy. unletiti LcnJer othrrwi.c u�rees in writing. �vhic'h rontient shall not be unrea�onably withheld.or unless <br />� extenuating circum+tunceti exi�t which are lx�y��nd Burrnwcr'� cuntroL Bon•ower shall not dc,tray. damage or impair thc <br /> Prc�perty. alluw thc Praperty h� Jctcriaratc, ur runmiit wa�tc un thc Property. Borruwcr shall hc in default if any forfcitm•e <br /> - � - � ,° artion or pru�ccding. whrthcr rivil or rriminal. i� h�gun diat in l.rndrr'ti g�xxl taith judgnunt ruu1J result in furfc�wrc uf thc <br /> . � Pr��perty ur uthcnvi.c matcrially impair dir licn rrcai�d h�•thi,Srrurity Instrununt ur Lcndcr',,ccurity intcrest. Borruwcr may <br /> ' rurc+urh a dcfault und rein.tatr.a�pruvidc.l in p.uagraph !8.hv rau,ing thc act9c�n ur prncerJing to hr di,mi+�cd with a ruling <br /> that. in l.rndcr', gu�id I'aith dctrnninatiun. prc�f uJc> I��rt'ritarc ul' the Borru�+cr'. intcrc�t in thr Prc�perty or uthcr mutcrial <br /> • � impairmrnt �,f du lirn crcutcd t,y thi. Srrurity I�uiramcnt ur Lcndcr'. ,erurity intcrc,t. Borrowrr yhall altio bc in dcfault if <br /> ` Burruw•cr.Juring thr Inan appli�atiun prurr�.,gavc niutcrially tal,c or inacruratc inlittmatiun or.txtcmcntti tu Lctidcr tor failcd <br /> tu pruvidc Lcn�irr w�th any roatrrial inl�,rmation► in r��nnecti�,n with thc loan c�•idcnrrd by thc Natc. inrluding.but nut limitcd _. <br /> � to. rrprc+cntatiut;��onrerning Hurn,wcr'•�nrupa�ic)��1'thr Pruperry a�s{:rincipul rc,idcncc. If thi,tirrurity In.lrumcnt is on a <br /> Ica.chuld. Bnrru�vcr �hall cumrly with aU th� }�ruvitiiunti uf thr Ica,c. It B��rruwcr arquirr� frr tillc tci thr Pr��perty, th� <br /> �. Ira�chuW and thr fec titic.hall nut mcrgr unlr,+Lcndrr agrcr�tu thc mcr�rr in writing. <br /> 7. Yrot�Ytion of Lcndcr's Ri�hts in thc Prvpert��.If Rurruwcr failti tu}xrti�rm the cuvrnants and agrecntentti cuntained in <br /> thi�ticrurity Intitrumrnt. ur therc i� a Ic�!al pnxrcdin�that may tiigniftcantly al'tcrt L.endcr'.right. in the Yroprrt�• (wrh a� a <br /> pnncrding in bankruptr>. pruhutr. tiir rundrmnatiun c�r f��rfritw�r�n•tu��ntiurc la��•,ur rrguiatiaml. thcn l.cndrr ma� �I<�and <br /> pa� tiir ���ha����r i. nr�r�ti��r� t�+prutcit Ih� v:dtt��,f tltr Pn,prrh an.l l.rndcr'� rcghl, in th� F'rupert�•. L�nJ�r'� ,irtiim� mtt)• <br /> inrludr payin�. :im .um, ,�rured h� a I�rn ahidi lia. ��nor�t� �ncr thi, ti��urit} In.u-umcnl. appcaring in ruurt. ��aying <br /> rr:uun:ihlc auurn��.' I�c, and cnlrrtn��,n thr Pn.Txrty t�, mal�r rc��air.. AI1h„u�h LcnJcr nr,i� tal.r actiun unJcr thi��r,�r►L�r.iph <br /> _ I 7. Lrn�lcr d�u�nut h:t�r tu du���. <br /> i Any amuunt. �ii.hw�.cd h� Lrndrr un�lrr thn ��ar:ILY:1�lIl 7 .h:ill hcrumr adiAtiun,�l Jrht „I R��n��acr .rrurcd h� Ihis <br /> ..� � ...�__..........,. .,a,...•�..,,,,� .�r n����,.rro �hr.r .�m�ninl� �hall hrar intrntit fr��m thc <br /> ,.. . -' 'i tiC�'UI'�t)' ImU�unt�nt. i�ni�»nunu�.c� .a�u �.���..�. ,�f... ..: ........ ._..... .. �..;. . . <br /> I dcnr u1 di.hur.cment at thc Notr �:Ur :m�l .hall hr ��:��ahlr. ��ith mtrrc.�. up�,n n�,urr Ir�,m I rnJrr n, Burr�,�rrr rcyuc�Iing <br /> ra�mrnt. <br /> � 8. �turty�a�;c Imur►�ncc. U Lrndrr�eyuircd murtg:i�.r �nwranr�:�,a runJitiun ut ma6�n� tl�r I��an ururrd hc thi,Srrunl}. <br /> In,uumrnt. B��rro��rr .h�tll pa� thr rrrmium+ r�•yuircJ t�� maintain thc murt�a�c �n.ur.mir in rllr�t fl. I�,r am rca�un. ilir <br /> � nn�rt�.a�:��n.ur:inrr r���rr:icr rr��u��rd I�� I.r�xlr� i,ip.�,�u rcu.r. tu hr in rtlrrt. R�,rr�,��rr ,hall ��a� thr��r:mw�u• rrqiurrd t�� <br /> j �,ht:un �o�rr;i�r ,uh.t;mti:ul� ryw�:ilrm i�, tl�c m.,n�:��:r iti.urancr ��r�•�i�,u,h in rltrrt. ;it a rr,t .uh,t:�nu:ill� r��ui�alrnt t„thc <br /> i .��.t 1�, I�nrmacr �,I thr �nnu�:�gr �n.uranir �,ic�mu.l} in .•u�:.t. li�,m .in :d�rrn:dr m���1�a�r imurr� ,�r�,r�,�,•�i i,> l en.trc If <br /> IForm 3028 9�90 <br /> I , , , � <br /> � . <br /> � _ _ ., _._.:i _ _ _-_ <br />