.. r� . .. . .. . . ....._�. _,.
<br /> �• 1���irAyiY1�� �� ���_..�.,..._.,. . T.�T=-��:::' —:ey:�:.:� .:..�•=�1—�—..s��
<br /> � '�' it�..la. `N'�R"..�YJF•lw�s:•w'
<br /> _--'- -='._....._J .
<br />��•�,li-I�'�.T•-�j:
<br />��:. •c._�;f� - subrtautiailly equivulcnt inurl�!ugo insurancc covcru�:c i+nul uv:til�ibl�.Burrm+�cr,hall pa� t„ I.cn�Jcr rarh iiwnth :i tium cqual t��
<br /> ':=E."'°""" nnc-tw�llth uf Ih�ycarly muitguy,c innurau�e pr�miutn bcin�;paid by Hurruwcr whun thr in.ur.uirr ru4rra�:r lap,c�l nr rca�cci tu
<br /> ��;,,�• ' ' hc in cffect. l.cndcr will urccpt. uac and rotuin dictic paymcntti a, a lu,� r�+cr���in licu uf murcga�r in,urancr. l.u.. rc,crvc
<br />-1T:,,.,1i;;t�y, paym�nts may nu Icmgcn c�rcquiral, at thc uptiun of I.endcr. if m��rtga�:r intiurunrc ruvcrapc lin thr amuunt and fi�r th��perind(p
<br /> ihut IAndcr rcyuirc,l provided hy an in,iu•cr uppr��vrd by Lcnder u�nin becomc, �ivailubic and i� nhtain�d. H��rru�vcr,hall pay"'�
<br />__+"+„,..� : � thr iuniumti n uireJ tu ntuintuin n►utt u��intiurancr in cff�rt,ur to ravidc a I��+�rr,cr�•c. until thc rcquircmrnt li,r nwrtgagc
<br /> �•.: �,� p�' 4 g.b' P �
<br /> in,uraucu rnd.r in ariordancc�aith any writtrn u�rccmcnt hcl�vccn Burruwcr anJ Lrndrr��r npplicahlr lu�v.
<br /> � .,�� 9. Insp�Ytlou. l.cndcr ur its aZzent m�iy nrikc rca,unablr enu•ic�upun and intipertiun.�rt Ihc Pruperty. l.�nJcr+liall �ivc�
<br /> . . � Hurr�uarr nutirc at thc tintc cif ur priur to.tn iu�p�rtion tipe�ifying r�a+unuhlo cauti�� tiir thc in�peruun.
<br /> _ . . .,, ° � 111. CondcninuNon. "I'hc pnx�tiJti uf any award ur claim fur daiuugr,. Jircct or run�cqucntial. in runnectinn with anY Q
<br /> rondcnuiuti�m ur utlier taking ul any pcirt of thc Pri�perly,ur fur runvcyancr in licu uf r�mJcmnxticm. arc hrreby u+tiigncd :wJiirl
<br /> shall hc paid ta I.�nJrr. _
<br />_ . • In thc cvcnt of'a tutal u�kin�of th�Pruperty.thc prucccdti�hal I hc applicd tn thc,um,�ccurcd hy chiti Srruriry Instrununt.�
<br /> .. - '. °. �vhethcr ��r n��t thcn dur. with :my cxrc+, paid tu Bnrrowcr. !n thr cvrnt ��f a p�uii.d tukinE ut thc Pruperry in �vhirh thc fair
<br /> y.� . ' m.trkrt vuluc ul th�c Prapc�ty iiumc�liatcly bnli�r�thc lal�in�; i+ �yual Iu ur grcal�r than du amuunt ul thc tiutn. ��•currd hy thiti =
<br /> Scruriry (nsirunlent innn�di;tt�ly heli�rc tlte laking. unletiti Borrowcr anJ Lender othenvi.r agrcr in writing. thr wm++ccured by
<br />"'4fl� thi� Sccurit�� In,trumait �hadl hc reauccd hy thc anu�unt of thc proscd, multiplicd hy th� fulluN•inE 1'rartiun: (u) thr totul
<br /> � � amount uF th� +umti xrured imnudiutcly hcr��rc�hc taking. diviJr�l hy (h) thc t'a�r marl�rt ��alur ot'thr Prn�xrty innncdiutcly
<br /> ' � hrt'ur� thc Iuking. Any halanrr tihall hc paid tu Borrowcr. In th� cvcnt of u purtial taking uf th� Pruperry in which thc fair
<br /> .". murkct vulur uf thc Pruperty immcdiutcly hclirrr thc taking is Ictiti than thc amaunt uf thc tiums.ccureJ immediutcly hcfure thc
<br />_ - � • luking. unle+s Burrower und I.cndcr ��thcr��•i.c agrre in wnung ur unlc�ti applirahlr la�v �,therwi,c prcivide+. the procrcJ.,haU
<br /> �` hc applicd tu thc,um,�ecureJ by d�iti Scruriq Intitrumcnt�ti•hcthcr��r not the sums arc then duc.
<br />-'`� ` ` It thc Propeny is abandoncd by Bnrrowcr, ar if,ufter nutirc hy Lciidcr to Burcuwcr thut the condemnor offcr�to mukc un
<br /> ,a: . ,
<br /> • ! uward ur .rcttic u claim fi,r damagc,. Burr��wcr fuils to responJ to IAnJcr withiu 30 day+ attcr thc dare thc noticc i+ given.
<br /> .f . '� LenJa•iti authorized to cullcct und apply thc pruceedti,ut itti optinn, either to reseoration ur repair af the Property or to the sumti
<br /> ' �ecurcd hy thi�Sccurity Instrumrnt,whcthrr or ni�t thcn duc.
<br /> Unless l.ender and Borr�iwer atherwi+e ugr�e in writing, any application of proceedti to principal tih.dl nat extend ur
<br /> �;- ��';•:': postponc the due date of the monthly payments referrcd tc�in puragruphs I and?or changc the urnuunt of�uch payments.
<br /> tiri¢':...�.:•�.�%.• ll. Borrawer Nnt Releused;F'orbearnnce Bv I,ender Not A Wuiver. Extcnsion��f thc timc for payment ur modificution
<br /> . .. .'•+� uf amortization ut'the sutm x�ured by thi�Security Ins[rutnent granteJ b} Lendcr lu ui�y+u«e�+or in interest of Borroaer shall
<br /> , •f�::•w:� n��t aperute tu releuse the liubility ol'the uriginal Borrower��r Barruwer'ti+uccessc�rs in�nteretit. Lender tihsll not he required tc�
<br /> cummenre proceedings against any surc�ssar m intere+t or ml'use tc�extend timr fur puyment ��r utherwise m�xiify umcirtitation
<br /> uf thc sums ,ecured by thi, Security Intitramrnt hy rra,on of any Jcmand madr by thc uriginul Sorrowcr or Burrawcr'ti
<br />_�: ., �"�° suc:eesson in interest. Any forbearunce by Lender in rxer�ising any nght ur remeJy tihull not be a waiver uf��r preclude the
<br /> • cxcrcis4 i�f any right or rcmeJy.
<br /> ,; 12. Successors and Assi�;ns Baund;Joint und Severul Llabllity; Co-si�;�ters. The ruvenants and agrerments ��I' this
<br /> , . Sccuriry In�truntent shall bind aixl bcnc�t thc sucress�ir+ and a+signs ��f Lendcr and Borrowcr, subjcct to the provisianti of
<br />_ � ""� paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agrr.ementti shall hc joint and sevcral. Any Barrower who co-signs this Security
<br />,'T.,,•,,,,. ���• G�strument buc ducs not execute the Nute: (a) iti co-,igning this Srcvriry ln�trument unly to mortgage, grant und convey that
<br />" ; � 6i�rrawer's interest in the Praperty under the terms of this Sccurity Instrument; (b) is not personally abliguted to puy the sums
<br /> ' secured by this Security Intitrumcnr, and cr)agrec�that LenJer xnd any uther Horrower may ugrec to rxtend, modify,ti�rheur or
<br />-���• muke any;�eca+nmudutiuns with regard to the tsrms of this Scruriry In+trument ur the Note without that Bnrrower's consent.
<br />.• ����� �°�" 13. Loan Char�cs. !f"thc I��an sccumd by this�ecuriry instrurn�nt is suojcct tu a iuw wiiicl��ci����uniu�u+�� i:,ur.thargc;.
<br /> .� ::�.• and that luw is finully interprctrd so that the interest ar other luan charges coUerted or ro be cciUectal in conncction with thc
<br /> � ' ' loun exceed the permitted limits,thrn: (a) �ny tiuch loan charge�hull be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the churge
<br /> si=' • to the permitted limit:and (b) any sums ulreudy collecteJ f'rom Borrower which excecded permined limits will be refunJui to
<br />_ • Bc�rrower. Lcnder muy choos� to mukc tliis rcfund by reJuring the principal uwed unJcr thr Nutr ur by making a Jirert
<br />--° � payment ta Burrower. If a refund reduce� principal, the redurtion will he trcated ati a partial prepuyment without uny
<br /> i`c`.`'���•���' ' prcpayntent rhargc unJcr thc Notc.
<br />�;;,.,t;,,,���� 14. Notic�s. Any noticc tc�Bnrruwcr providcd fur in this Sccuriry Instrument tihall bc givcn by dclivcring it or by mailin�
<br /> -,. ;...,„..,. it by Grst clas�muil unless applicablr law rcquires utic nf anothcr mcthod.Thc ncnice�hall be dirccted ro the Property Address
<br />-,.�..,,,;,,y�;,.,,,, or ;iny othcr aJdres� Borrowcr dcsignatcti by naticc tc� Lrndcr. Any iic�ticc to lAndcr shall hc givcn by rrst dass mail to
<br />-: � l.cndcr's addre�s stuted hcrcin ur any uthcr addrest Lendcr Jc+ignatcs by noticc to Borrowcr. Any noticc providcd f:,r in this
<br /> � �;. ."
<br />'+�• . ` �:W: Security Iustrument sh�dl be decmcd ta h,ive bcen givcn ta Burrnwcr ur Lender when given as provided in this ps►ragraph.
<br />-�;;�;� ,;� I5. Gnvernin� Lp�v; SeveruMlity. This Sccurity Imtrument �hull bc guvcrneJ by fcderul luw and the law of the
<br /> :��,��"'rri•:,;s;ns; jw•isJictic�n in which the Pruperry iti lacatcd. In thc cvent thut any provisiun or clausc of this Security Intitrumem or the Note
<br /> . • .. ronflicts with applirable Ixw,tiurh rrniflirt shall not affect other prc�visi�ms c�f this Security[nstrumrnt ar the Note which can be
<br /> given effcct without thc contlictiug provisiun. Tu thi��nd the pruvi+io!�,uf this Security Listrument and the Notc arc declarcd
<br /> ., to hc s.:vcrablc.
<br /> • `' ..�, 16.Burro«•cr's Copy.Borruwer sha11 hc givcn unc contiirmed copy of dic Nutc und of thiti Scrurit�� Instrument.
<br />�-.�'° � l7.Trunsfer of the Prupertv ur a Bene�ciul Inter�wt in Borrou•er.If all ur any part of the Property or uny intcrest in it
<br />�+r is sold or transferred(or if a hrneticial intercst �n Bnrruwcr i. suld or tran.f'crred:md Sonower is nut a nutural person)without
<br />_ ••- �- '' • Lcndcr's prior writtcn conscnt. Lrndcr may, at its aptian, reyuirc immcdiatc paynunt in full of all sums scrurc,�l by thix
<br />- ' Sceuriry [nstrumcnt. How�ver, this��ptiun�h�ll not bc exrrri,ed by Lcndcr if cxcrcisc�s prohibitcd by fedcral law as of thc date
<br />- ' � of this Sccurity Intitrument.
<br /> ' [f Lendcr cxerciscs thiti option. I.cnder shall givc Borrawer n�tice uf accelcruticm, The notire shull provide u peri�xf of nut
<br /> Ic�ti thun 30 day+ fr��rn thc dutc Ihc notirr is JclivcrcJ ��r mailcd N�itliin whicti Burruwcr must pay all tiumr sccurcd by this
<br /> ' Sccurity In,trumcnt. If Borrow�r fail�to pay thrsr�wns priur to thc expiration of thi.peri��d. LenJer may invoke any remcdics
<br /> � permitted by thi�Securiry Instrunknt withuut further notice or JemanJ on Be�rrower.
<br /> - IS. Borrower's Ri�;ht to Refnxtute. If B��rrower mc�tti ccnain ronditi�ms, Borrowcr �hall huve dtc right to hav�
<br /> - ct�forccmcnt ��f thi. Srcuritv Intitrumcnt Ji>r��ntinucd ut any timc pri��r t�, thc curlirr of: la) 5 duy. (ur �urh uthcr �xri��d as
<br /> applicahlc la�v muy tipccii'y ti�r rcinstatcuiruU hrfurc ,ale ��I d�� Pruprrly purtiuuu� tu nny powcr uf �alr containcJ in dtt�
<br /> Srrurity In�trumcnt:ur(h)rntry ul'a jud�mcnt rnfirrring Ihi� Scrurit�•Intitrunirnt."Chux cnnditionti are that Burrowcr: (u)p,rys
<br /> Lcndcr all tiums which th�n w•uulJ hc Jur widcr thi.S�rurit�• In~trwucni and thc N�itr.0 if nu ;irr�lcr�uion had urrurrcd: (h)
<br /> rum�cui)� dcfault af any uthrr ru�-cnant� ur ugrec���entti: lrl payti all rxp�ntics inrurr«I in rnfurring Ihi, Sccurity in.trumcnt.
<br /> inrluJing. hut n�it limitcd to. re:urntahlr aunrnr�•,' li•cti: and ldl tukc��urh artiun,u Lrndrr may mu.unubly rcquirc to assurc
<br /> �hcu thr licn ul thi�Scrunty In,truuicnt. I.cnJcr'ti righh in �hr Pniperty and Bnrruwcr'ti uhligation to pay thc �um,tiecurcJ by
<br /> thia Scrurity In.trumcnt .hail cuntinur unrhang�d. Upon rcin�taicntent by Burra���cr. thi� Scrurity Instrumcnt und lhc
<br /> obligatiun+ticrurrJ hrr�hy tihall rcntuin I�ullp clf�clivc a�il n�i ar�•cl�ratiun haJ orrurred. Huw•cvrr, lhi+ rittht ti� rcinstate �hall
<br /> n�,t apply in thc ra�c ul acrrlcratiun undrr paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. tiule nf R�ote: CNan};e of I.oun ticrvicer. The Nutc ur a partiul intcmtit in U�c Notc ltogcthrr with thi� S�rurity
<br /> . In.�rumcrn�mav hr.rulJ unc ur nwrc timrti���ithuut nriur notirr to 13orr�,�vrr. A tialc may rr,ult in�i rhangc in Ihr cntity tknuwn
<br /> _ - - ati�hr "Luan ti�r�•irrr..l that rullcrt� munthl�• p.�)'I11Cniti tlui u�U1Cr tl�c Nt�tc anJ lhi�Sr�urill' ltutruttt�nl. ThCrc al,u nwy hr onc
<br /> ur morr rh;ui�!r���f th�l.�r,ui Scn•irrr wttclatcd tu a tialr ul thr Nutr.If thcrc i�a chan�r�,f Ihr Luan Scrvircr. H��rr��wcr��•ill bc
<br /> �!ivrn H•ritlrii nolirr ul Ih�rhangc in arr��rJanrr��•ith p.u�agraph I�l �dH��•r and applirablr L•i�r. 7'hc nutirr will.tutr thr namc:uid ..
<br /> aJdrc•ti ul thr nr�� Lu;ui tirrvicrr and Ihc ad�irc��tu ��•hich r.qmcnl� .h�utlil hr madc. 'fhr nntirr will al.0 cuntain anp uthrr .
<br /> intittinatiun rcyuirrd h� apphruhlc la��.
<br /> 211. Huiurdn�s tiubtitanccs. f3urn,��rr �hall n�,t raux �,r rrrmit ihr rrr�rnrr. uu. �li.�x��al. ,1„r:igr. ��r rclrau ul �iny
<br /> li:vard��u. tiuh.tanrr� nn ��r in d�� Prnprih�. 13urrmtiri ,hall ni�i dr. n�n• all��a ,uiyunc nc� tu �lu. amlhin�! :ilf�rtintt thc
<br /> Prn�xit� that f� in �iolatiun��t�cuq !{mir�nunrntal I.:n�. �1'hr prc�•rJing ���u ,rnt:nrcti .hall nut appl� k� llic prryrn�r. u+c. ur
<br /> � titura�r un thr f'n,prrt� ��I,m:ill yu.iunlir,ul Ifai:u•duu.Suh�tancc�Ihat arr gr��riall� irru�!nvcd t��hc appmpriatr t�� nurmal
<br /> � r�.fdcntiaf u.c�and t�,mafnlctruicr c,l ihr Pn,�,rn�. i
<br /> I �•.,.,,��„�.� Form 3028 9/90 ,
<br /> i
<br /> � , .. .. ' I _ _-
<br /> -- _ _ __ _ _
<br />