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<br /> � =� n •�►rrn�. n �ast�vsoa t�st n w�sQrt . aao�aa 12/08/3.997 F
<br /> a�c�mndin of t1�e s1lms se��ed bY this Dad of �`
<br /> d.,, , _ .� g�. HanmRes's�igG3 to ti�t� No4wii�- g I�er's aooeleeatinn �`
<br /> �►P�oo�ings begm►6Y I.eudes to enfaace tbis :�`. . ,.
<br /> Y , � Tmst.due w BunaweCs btesh.Bormorzt s�a11 Lave the right to 6ave ;: ',
<br /> `�. ` � � r w tlse�w�xat of(�the 68h daY 6dote the s a t e o f t h e F r o p e c t y '�:`;�s;: �. -
<br /> � : ;;'�'T':�. n ... Deed off Trust d�ue��t euY d�e prlo .. � "'
<br /> - �.'`<� ":• p�t to die potiver of sate camaiae9 ig thL4}3eed of Tiastar(i�7�Y of�}�e�eufo�d�is D�of Tiast ifr(a� ` '",
<br /> �
<br /> 'i�..l. i� ..:_•.
<br /> ',�,; � ' �ower pays I�en�ec all sum��waatrl 1�thea due ander tt�i.s D�d of Tx�st aad the Nose bad no accetera�ion -_
<br /> _ .- -- eccu�rod:lb)$oaower can�&U�of any ather oov�or agr�e�of Eormwer oo�ained�a t9is D�of _ . _-_
<br /> Ttas� (c) Barmwer pays al! ceaso�a62e a�geases�iaca�d by l.euder aa41 T�as�ee in e�a�sin8 the caveuants ancl '-`?:•a :
<br /> . . �nts of Bomnwer aoa�in tIIis Deed of Tnast aad in e�fo�riq8 I�euder�s and Tcnstee's�es as pmvlded in ' `` ' `
<br /> .. : .. pata�b 1 7 h e�e n f. i t t s l a d i t t g,�a n t l i m i r�d t o. t e a s onable a tt�m�y s� few:an+d(d)8usmwer�es sns�acaon as ". ,_. __;:t
<br /> it
<br /> � � � � i,eqder m3y �easonably teq�te to assme that dte tien af tbis Deed of T� Ieede:'s t�si in the ProPe�►aa� '`��=:-:. .::-
<br /> = '� '� , Bomnwer's ohligatian W pay tS�e sutus se�ued by t�3s De�of Trast sbaU cont�ane�aiceA-UP�s�paY�� . �",.�
<br /> secared LeteDl►shall remaia ia fuil fu�ce and effect as if no " "`
<br /> � L te
<br /> ._ :-�_ w:e 6y Bozmwnr. tbLs Deed Qf Tmst aa�tbe obhgatians - �=
<br /> . � acsel�ation bad acaueed. � `-
<br /> ' . I9. A��vf Ber�APPoSaima�d af R�oeiaer; 3�tR�'ia Fossesston. As a�didoaa!s�tp be�eunder• .. ..;.i__`-'°=
<br /> . _� . Boirower hezeby assiBas w Lender d�e re�of the P�upetty.PmvlQe�t�at Borrower s�all,ffdor m aoceIesation�Ger .- ,_.�.
<br /> - .. , parag�aph l�tiece�f or abaffionment of the Pmperiy,t�ave ihe rigAt to co�lect aafl retain suc�teaES a5 thep Uecame due and '_.�;-_,
<br /> ' . ,, .• ���' .. . .:;� �_,
<br /> Upua 2ccele�adom m�der paraB�aPh 17 heieof or a�adoaa�ent of the Fmpert3►,l�easter.in pe�on.85►agent or bp t r - _�
<br /> �'.`� � �. `�i° ,iudic�auY agpt+i�tecdver shall 6e entdtted w enrer uQon,take pa�an of aad�the Pm�►and tn coltect the . -
<br /> `' :"• rems of die Pcoperty including tba�e past dne. Ail�eats colIected UY Leu�der or the retelver sbaU be ayplied�st to ` .,`:.,�;__
<br /> � . ,; -�, payment af the cos►s of t�nagemem af tlsePi+aFert3►an��col2ectioa of iear.s.incIuding.tmt nnt limited to,receiver's fees, __ -
<br /> � . .;.�s_ pneuuams on�eceive�'s bauds and r�.sanab2e attom�ys'fe�s.and tt�n to tfle sams seaued`ts�d�is DBed of TiasT.Lea�er --.-
<br /> � ., and the receivec shalt be Iiable to aocannt onty for tir�e�nts a.cmaUy recei�►ed. ' Trustee_to
<br /> .. Z0. �AVe�aase. UP4n 1�aYme�t of all snms secared b9 tLis Dee�af Tmst. I.eader slrell tl�s D�d of ---
<br /> .. recomey tb�Pi+aPeat9 en�s1:aU s�utender tLis ileed o�Tmst assl all uu�wlthoat cLa�ge�P�a or P as Ie�Y
<br /> _ _�_ �.�;.. :, Tmst to T:ostee.Tmstee slaall r000nvey 8�e.Pr+operty withmu waaant�► . .
<br /> • • .;< earitled theieeto:Stsch pecsoaoi Pe�oas s�alt PdY sll costs of recard�oa.if a�Y• � ��
<br /> th i c�
<br /> 2L S�1Yus*_e�Iendec,at Leader�s apuon,maY fmm dme w time iemavo TrasDee and appoi�a successur `_� -
<br /> ._ ��, ° ��� �ay Tca�apgointed heieuader i� an�m�t �ecorded in the caaatY in whicd�ci�iis Deed of Tmst is
<br /> . �� - iecoided. Withont aomreyaace af tbe Property. the sacce�or trttsoee s8all sncceed to aU the dtle. P�� d�es _
<br /> ..:. '� . � ; •;..� _ �ea�d t�pan the Tmstee hec+ein anRl by��1�+• --
<br /> ip
<br /> Zt. Reqnest for Nattc�s. IIoaower re4�ests tHat caPies of tbc nndce of defenit and uotice of`sale be sent w --
<br />_ - ` . ' Bornnwer's address wbich is the Pcopeny Add�ss• so� ,ar release of aay �,
<br /> � . . 23.H a z e r B o p s S u b s t a n o e s.B o a v w e r s h a l l n o t c a u s s o r D e t m i t t h e p r e s e n c e.u s e.d i s p o s a l• �g e � ..�,
<br /> _ � �� ..• '� ' Aa�dous Substaa�es on ar in t�e Boirower shaU nnt do,nar a11ow anyone else to do.auythin8 aff�dn$ , ___
<br />--� - —��� tbat is in vioiation oi auy Envao�eutat iaw. 'I�e pr'�'�.�'sa8 i�s�te�xes sha!!�ot aPPIy to t�e pt+e�nce,ase+ _
<br />- . ., F: . �� of small qaan�aes of Harardoas Substauoss tbat are gene�ally recognized w be sppsopiiate to �,..
<br /> '�' or stoiage on the Property ---
<br /> ' . ' . : aomral resdential uses amd ta maiateaauce of the PmP�Y• �
<br /> Borrower sball prom�tr9 give lxader wdtteu nohce of a�r iav�don.claim,de�aad,lawsuic or ot�er actioa by � .
<br /> - .�'1��_� a or agency ar private �xtg imrolving the PmP�7► � �►3► �QUS Snbstanse or � _ ----- -
<br /> `„i_� auy govemmenral regulawxY -_-_--.
<br /> Bmr�m�emal I.aw of whish Boauwer has actaal knowledge. If Bomnvrer teams.or is notified by aaY S��� -
<br /> �, • � � "�:'`�! muhori , th9t a�r temuval or odier rcmedia8on of a�+ Hazacdws Substans� affecting t� . -
<br /> - - _�-'':i ��01Y �► .' _ -
<br /> . .- � aecessary.Barrawers6a11 p:+nmPilY take all ne�SazS►remedial actions in acwidaace with Bnvimmae�al Iaw. , . --
<br /> � �, �s As used in this paragr�Dh 23. 'Hardrdous Snbstances°are dwss sabstances defined as toxic az Hardrdoas substavices ` -
<br /> ' by Emriranmental Law xa�the followtng sahsmmces:gasoline.�emsgne,ottsr flammab2e or wxic peYmtwm produats. �
<br /> , ��;`�� ` toxlc pes�ic�des and herbici�es.votan'te soivents,mate:iats contaiu�S asbestas or fomna2Qe�yde.an�-raQLoacdve maLerfats. -_ .'
<br /> erb
<br /> � As n s e d in this para g t a p h 23.'Euvim�eural Law'meaas fede�at laws aud laws of the jaeisdiction cdh�ce the Piopen3►is _ �,,
<br /> t � � tocated that retate to h�alth,safetY or eavimnmental prntection. • .
<br /> �y-3
<br /> - • �! ' . "_
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<br /> � ' +�, . , . .. ,�,�."�
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<br /> _�_: ---,_.,..�----
<br /> ., >�. � � Ne�taska 26876-3 7/97 driginal(Rscosde8) Copy tBraach) Copy iCustemer) t�o 0 ors �. _ ..
<br /> �.. . � � __- ._ ,^ _� _ ��._.,-;.----._.._....�,.-....,-� -.-�..�-,;- -� � �:
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