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AU futu�advaaces from BeneSclary to Tcnstos or other future obligations of Tmstor w BeaeSc�ary�mder any �` • ' <br /> ��• �� <br /> Pmmi�arY nnte.oaa�aect.guaraary•or other evidence of debL eaisting now or exe�ed aRer this Deed of 1Yast '2 ., ° _`( '=. � <br /> oa� <br /> . .�^t:. whether or nat ti�s Deed of Tn�st is spedticeAy refened to in the evideace of debt , _< ,F.<_ <br /> . _ C. AU obHgasions Tru.gtor owes to Eeaefictary,which aow exist or may later arise,w tHe�t nnt psohibited by <br /> .E � �:", taw. iacladfng, but aot Iimited to. tiabWties for aveidrafts reladng w any degosit socount agr�nt b�ween <br /> � �, � �� . . Trustor and BeueHdaty. ` . <br /> '� : .°;,.E D. A}I c�ddittonal s�ad�aad exp�see lnwr�ed by Beae&da�7+for msaring.Pmseiv�ng or ottterwise pmLe�tag _ `� :��� . <br /> dd , .. <br /> ,.. f the property aad ita vatus aad any othet swns edvanoed and e�ns�man�d bY B�efi�a�►wider the oerms of :'�;�� <br /> ` : .r-�="`' tLis Deed of Tiust�pIua intecest at the 6lgttest rate in ef,fect,fmm ffiae w tm�e,as pmvided in the Evideuce of ''��` , - <br /> ' '� "r"�'� Deb3. •• . <br /> " "a'__.. �. .:' V _. <br /> ' E. Tntstor's perfomaanse uBder the tenns of aay iasuurnent evideacin8 a debt by Trastor w B e n e ficaaQy a n d aay D e e d . �°`' <br /> �. - � . of Tmst securing,guar�rytn8.or otherwise rclatiag w the deb� <br /> . . . .-�� s:r <br /> � . ; If mn:e ti�aa one petson si�s th3s Deed of Tmst as Tn�stor.each Tnistor agcees that this Deed of Trust w�i seaue all ,' `.•. °; '.-.-'� <br /> �. � ` fimue advattc�amd future obl�gatfans deseribed above that are given w or incurred bY sm�►one or more Tmstor,or,any � ;, <br /> one or maie Tmstor aa�othe:s.'Ihis Deed of 1Yust wil!nnt seaue any other debi if�f�s.vrith respe�t w sach r � ' <br /> ' nottce of F ;:• �� <br /> ' - ' altter debt,w make any nequiied�isclos�re about tLis Oeed of Tiust or if Bxne�ciary fa�s to gi�re any ieqnired ` ��:_- <br /> =� =�{, t�e dght of rescisslon. � !� <br /> . ':rF"� <br /> �.X�:'.�FY ' _-.i _ _ <br />-r. '.�� % �� ..� S. PAY1t�S.Tiastor agrees w make all payments an the Set,�ued Debt whea due aad in arcondance whh the terms of the =_�°_ <br />" � � . Evidence of DeDt or this Dee�of Tmst. '�`J�'� <br /> ;,.�. <br /> � � �. `.� � 6. WAEdRANTY OI�TYTLE.Tn�stor coveaauta that Tcustor is lawfulty selze�nf the e.sta�e comeyed by this D�d of Tmst . _- <br /> ; ��` _` aad has the right w iicevacablY geant�eom�ei►au�sell W Ttustee.ia t�ast,aith pawer of sale,the Pmperty aad vvatrants : -- <br /> � � � `�:* ti�at the Ymper►y is aaeacamisered,except for encumbiances of record. � � `. ` ;..- ---- <br /> �. � �> - - <br /> "'/r.' . `�F�-.. <br /> ` -- 9. CLAtMS AGAII�IST TriLE.7Yastor wiri pay alt taxes,a�te�11eus.entaimb:auces.�ease PaYateats.gmund�s► ' _ <br /> < . , Tm.sror to pmvide w Beae&ci�y � " -� <br /> utilitiea,and other charges relat�ng to the praperty wh+en due.Beueficisiy►maY t�ai� <br /> ' � ., . caples of all not�ces that sucl�amounts are due and the ceoeipts evidencIng Trustor's payment.lYustar.w�i defe�d titte w �. , „�.�_P <br /> , ' the Propenl►aSa�st aay elatms that woul�impair the laea of thia Deed of Tcust.Trustor agceea to assiga to �-,<..::�,.•: <br /> .` � requested by Eeneficiary,a�r riguts. claims or defenses which Tsustar may have against partiea whs sapplq lahnr or � �'�'"" <br /> .. . .�'. . materials w im�rove or maintain tt�Properry. . _'' ���• <br /> � Y,�' <br /> ! 8. PRIOR S!ECIJ�ITY IIVTE�SI`S.With regard to any other aaortgage,deEA of trust,secauin+agreem�m or other l�en �. _ -- <br /> '� - ' document that created a prlor secarity interest or eacumb:ance oa the Yroperty aud that may have priositY ovec t6is De�d �: <br /> ' ` . . u of Tcust,'i�ustor agree� � ' �? <br /> ee� � _ <br /> A. To wake all payments wHea due an�W perform or comply arith all covenanrs. - <br /> . ,. � • B. To pmmptiq deliver to Beneilciary any nottc�s that Tsustor reoe[ves from the holder. , .,�„. � �;%;;�--`=: <br /> ' .� C. Not w malce or permit any inadificadon or extensian of.snd not to tequest or accept any funue advanc�under a�! � . ,"k'"" <br /> ' ... note or agreeiment sscure�byr.the other wortgage.dced of teust or seauIty ag�ree�nt untess Benefcia:y coasenss . , '::::-.i�r.: <br /> . in tvrltiwg. �'�:�� <br /> s.: . ;.""`' <br /> . � <br /> �:..; � . . ..� <br /> � � � 9. DUE ON SALE OR�TCiJA�RANCE.BeaeAclary raay,at its option.declare the entire balaace of the Se�urect Debt w .�, _:�;�.,�_ <br /> � � be immediaiely due aad payable upon ttce creation oY any lien,eac�ambrance.t�ausfer.or eaie.or contract for aay of these �,= s,-:--, T <br />� � � � on the Properey.However. if the ProDerty iacUsdea Tms�or's restdence. this sect�oa aLall be snbject w the iesalc�Ions . �:.��:.-_ <br /> . � '" , iimposed by fede�al law(l2 C.F.R.59l).as apPlicab2e.For�he purpos `.s�"� <br /> es of tbis sectton,the terai°Propeity"also Iaciades � ,e.�. <br /> � aay interest to a11 or any part of the Property.'It�is covenant shall tun with the Ptogerty ead shaU remain in eff�t imtil the . . ___. <br /> �.,; : � Secured Debt is paid in flill and this Doed of Tiust is relaso0. ----- -_-- <br /> �•� � iQ.TRANSFER OF A1V II�YI'ER�IIV THE GRAIVTOR.Jf Trustor ls an entiry atder thaa a aatural Persom�sr.�as a � . . -�- <br /> .�.-, . . � :•?` ' <br /> _. : . �.; � , coiporation or other ozgan9zatIon). Beneficlary may demaud�mmediate paym�nt if(p a beaet�ciat interest in 7�'eastor is -,,� <br /> '�.., soid or uansfeaed:(2)ther�Ia a c3�ange in either the Identity or number of inembers oY a partnaship;or(3)there is a '' <br /> � � � chaage ia owneiship oi atoie t�an?5 percent o f t he vo t i ng a toc k o f a c o r p o r a t i o a.H o w c v e r;B e a e fl c i a ry m a y a�ot demand :. �����''�:`=:_ <br /> � payment ln the abuve sltuations if it is ornhibited by law as of the daLe of�his Deed of Trust. -��: �� <br /> .t <br /> � � Yi.ENI7TY WAat1tA1�S AND ItEPRTSENTATYONS.lf'IYustar is an entity oEher thaa a nanual P�son(such as a . `. . �. <br /> � corporation ot other organization).TrustA:makes to Beneflciary the following warrantIes and represeutatfons whic�shaU � ; � <br /> �' .� � be wminuing as long as the Secured Debt remalns ontstandlag: � . <br />: .�•ys; . � •. � A. Truator ia � endty wl�icb ia duly orgaN7xd and valldiy existiag in �he Truswr's state of incotpotatton (or <br /> . orgaaization). Trustor is�a good standing in all atatea in which Trustor trensacta buaiaess.Trustor has the power <br /> � aad authority to own the Fraperty and to cazry on lts business as nuw bcing coaducteA and, es app1lcable, is . �.� ,��. <br /> � . quaUt3ed to do so ia each state in which Tniswr operatea. <br /> • ' B. 'Ihe execudon, 8elivery and perfom�aace oY this Deed of Tn�st by Trustot and the obligation evidenced by the : , <br /> Eviden�e of Debt are within the power of Tnistor. bave been dWy authorlr.ed. Aave received a11 necessary <br /> � � govemmental appraval.and will not violate any provlsioa oY law,or order of eoun or govemmental agency. ; � ' � : <br /> � C. Other than disclosed in wtiting Trustor has not changed its aame within ttte last ten yeare and has not used auy � . ' . . <br /> �;.� � other trade or fictitious name.Without Beneficiary's prior written oonsent. Tmsto:daes aot end wiU not use a�r ;. � �� <br /> . � other name and wUl preserve its exi.sting nam�e.uade names end franchlsee until the Secure0 Debt is satisfied. _ <br /> �� 12.PROPERTY CONUTITON,ALTERATIONS AND INSPECI'iON. Truswr will keep the Property in good condition , � <br /> ' anQ make a11 repalrs that are reasona6ly necessary.Tmstor wlll give Benefeciary prompt notice of eny toss or damage to • <br /> .- ' the Property.Tnutor wiU keep the Property free of noaious weeds aad graSSes.Trustor will not initi�te.jain in or consent <br /> . � � � to aay change �n aay private resuictive wveaaat, zoning ordinance or other paDlic or privure restriction timiting or <br />: . defin9ng the nses which may be made of the Pcoperty or aay part of the Property. �vithwt Bene�icisuy's ptior written , <br /> • � wnsent. Trustor will aoNfy BeneSciary of all demands. proceedinga. clalms, ond actions a��lnst Trustor or any other . <br /> - � � owner made under!aw or regulation regazding use,ownership sad oa:uyancy of the Property.Trustor wtU comyly with aU <br /> i� � legal requlrements and restrictions.whether public or pdvate.vuith respect to the use of the Propeny. Trustor also agrees - <br /> r ' � that the natiue of the occupancy and use wll1 not change without BeaeRciary's prior written consent. ; • � • <br /> •- . - • - � • • • i iVo portion af the Pmgerty tiv�l1 be zetnovetl,demolish�cl or m2tetia.11y altered without 6eneficiary's pdor wfltten wnsent � _ <br /> . - ' . � except that Trustor has the right to temove items of personal property comptising a patt of the Propeny that 6ecame wom <br /> .- .---�--- CsZearls ��----• � _ <br /> . � ' i ' ' �1893 BaN9re SYStam9.InC..St.CIOUO.MN lx �197-23vU Form AO/GO-0T�NE 9n 3l9E �• ) . , <br /> �.J \.i' <br /> . ,� <br /> - � • � . _ .. , . i:ac.'-ti::��r�-.-_- <br /> .;�_ . . . .,- . _ , _ • . '. , • .. � - . . � . . . . ..,� " . <br /> . .. . � .. . . _ <br /> -'� '-��_'z��seY«y��-�t�..iw�t+.l����Trr...l.J '..i�• -..�..y��i..r... +i � .,,.x-.� , , .._.i...l..: -�;.. , :L•...-.s . r. .�-m. �...,w..�� !. .. k�..._.;...�: <br /> , . . <br /> r . _ _ . °'4 .�"-\'�a _ _. .. . 4.e�n..q�.�;,�..- ` . . 'wy++-""3 . 'r.. _ •Y <br /> � .' _ _. ."_ ' ' _ _. ._ .... _ �. ""l . . <br />