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<br /> :�..:�.�. _ _ I7.Trea�er of the Ptoperty or a Benefitial Intesest in Bomuwer.If ail or any part of the Property or any intetest ia it ,. � ;�=�:r
<br /> � � �s so2d or t�ansferred(or if a beneficial interest in Bormwer is sold or tiansferred and 8orrower is aot a natura!peison)withaut _ ..
<br /> ans
<br /> � _ � Lender's prior wrltten coasent, Lender mep. at its option, require immediaze paymem in full of all sums secured bp this
<br /> e
<br /> � Security InsaumenL However,this opiioa shal!nat 6e exetcissed by I.ender if exercise is protu�ite�by federa!law as of the date
<br /> `.: _ of�tis Security f�uUrument- ��
<br /> - °°w .�° � if Lender exercises this opdon.I,ender shall give Bormwer notice of acceleraaon.The aatice sl�all provide a period of not 4..r�
<br /> � ��`• less tt�an 3Q days'fmm the date the notice is delivered or maited within which Bor�awer must pay all sums serur�ed by this - :
<br /> �;.. ��: s� Securiry Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the eapirarian of this period.I.ender may invoke any remedies , ;`}�'��`
<br /> '�:, permitted by t6is Security Insuvment without further notice or demand oa Borrower. ;:
<br /> :.=�.•:_.��. 18. Borr�wei's i3fight to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Bor�vwer shall have the rigf►t to have :�`-���~
<br /> •;_ ' e�'or�ecnent af�his Sec�rIty Instrument discominued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)S days (or sud�other period as ` ,-'"-.-
<br /> �"��`�' � 's ` applicabie law may spea�fy for reins►atement)before sate.of the Propesty pu:suant to any power of sate coniained ia this __: .�;.
<br /> ` :•.,.- Secnrity Insorument;or(b)entry Af a judgmem e�orcing this Seauity Insnument.Those cond�tions are that Borrower.(a)pays .,;�;:.
<br /> ..- I.ender all sums whic6 then would be dae undec this Security Instrument a�d the Note as if no acceleratioa had occurred:(b} ._,`,,;,�,:
<br /> , ` '°�•--'• aues any d�ult of any other cavenants or ag�reements: (c)PaYs alt eapenses incuaed in eaforcing this Securlty Instmment, :. ..,_
<br /> `.,_*.� . _ including,but noi limited to,reasonable attomeys' fees;and(d)takes such action as Lender may�easonably reqnire to asswe ' --�--
<br /> ..',�t'' : tifaat the lien of this Security Iastrume�,Lender's righL4 in the Property and Boaower's obligation to pay the sums se�ured by �-=_---��-
<br /> E
<br /> �: � - this Security Insoiument shal! aontimae �mchanged. Qpon reinstatement by Boaower. this Secnrity Inshvment and Ne . -
<br /> , � � obiigations secured hereby shall ramain fWly effective as if no acceleraaon had occ�sr�d. However,this nght to reinstate shalt , „
<br /> ' not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. ':�.,�._'
<br /> �. 19. Saie oY Note; Cl�ange of Loan Se�vicer.The Note or a partial inierest in the Note(together with this Seauity • ':
<br /> `':',;';t�, '; � Instrument)may 6e sotd one or mone times without prior notice to Boaower.A sale may reqalt in a cdiange in the entity(lmowa ,•,::':�;"�.f
<br /> � ��': as the"Loan Senricer")that collects maathly payments due�nder t6e Plotc aud this Secunty Instrument.'f6ere al�o may be ane ,
<br /> .' b�` � :",.}'� or mo�changes of the Loan SeTVicer unrelated to a sate of the Note.ff there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrawer a+ill Be — ,;
<br /> � gaven written aocice of the change in accordanse with Daragraph 14 above aad applicable iaw.The aotice wil!state the name and r`'":_ :
<br /> �...`, �• �of the new Lnan Se.nicer and the address to niuzh payments shonld 6e made.The aatice wiU atso cuntain any other ''��`"'�}1`'�
<br /> .. � t.. ,,...; .
<br />_ ..,'> , in�armation reqainad by app3icable taw. . � .. � �.,>::__
<br /> . +: '� • � 20. Hazardous Subsiaaces.Borroc�er shall not canse or permit the presence. use. disposat, storage.or retease of anyr
<br /> :� ' Ha78rdous Substances on or in the Progerty. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, anyWing affe�ing tite �=: `'�,�''z
<br /> ., ' ' ~`%`y• Property that is in violatidn of any Environmental I.aw. The preceding ta+o sentences sl�all not apply to the presence, �se,or _ �
<br /> � � '� `..:� starage on the Praperty of smalt quanbues of Ha�ardous Snbstances that aze generally r�ognized to be appmpriate w no�al �;;;;�;,�
<br /> `f. . � ee�sidential uses and to mainten3rice ofthe Property.
<br /> � � `- ;;;`: Boaower shall prompdy give Lender written no6ce of any investigation,cIsim,demand:lawsuit or other adton by any . `,13 °"
<br /> �'" •..•:;, govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Propeny and any Ha7ardous Substance or Enviroument�l Law. � ,�.; ,
<br /> � of which Borrower has actuai lmnwledge. �f Bo�ower leams.or is nulifi�ed by any govemment�l or regalatory�uthority.that ,4.,,�.'.
<br /> us�. any�+emoval or other remediation of azry Hazardous Substance affeding she Froperty�s necessary,Borrower shall pro�ptiy tak� -�-
<br /> . �_ �,,:`,-
<br /> ti�� all ner�.ssary remedia!actians in accordance with Enviranmental Law.
<br /> ���:,.
<br /> -, :�. � �� ;� As used in this pa�a�-aph 20, "Ha�ardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous suisstances by ,,::;:�
<br />-';f±'�, '.� :.;;,�,,�;:� Environmental Law and th� following substances: gaso}ine, kerosene. ot6er tlammable or toxic petroleum praducts. toxic ;� __;�,;�,
<br /> `s• . pesticides and herbicides.�•otatile solvenu,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in �. : �.'
<br /> . <;�;;", , this ara h 20, "Bm��ironmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lorated that �� `. _
<br /> .�. .•. . . .�,,.: �-� .
<br /> � relate ta h�th,safery or envimnmental protection. .�.�.
<br /> �' ,' .: �` NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'FS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as fallows:
<br /> �;.:�r_�+
<br /> .. ,"u. . •� `? 21.Acceteration;RemedIes.Lender sLall give nottce to Bosower prtor ta�cceteratlon folfowtng Borrower's 6reacL ���__�°.
<br /> � ,� `'- oY any coveaant or agreemeat in tWs Secudty Iastrnment (but not prtor W acceteratlon �mder paragraph 17 untess -- r—
<br /> m
<br /> _ ' �`` appllcable taw provIdes otherwise).T6e noNce shall spedfy: (a)the defaalt;(b)the actIon reqaired to care the default; �"°:'"�'°::.
<br /> �- •'��'�` (c)a date,not tess t6an 30 days from tne date the noitce is given to Borrower,Dy wt�ch the default mus!be caied;and
<br /> � . . l::i �`�..�y�..
<br /> • . � (�that failure to cwe the default on or before the date specifed in t�e aotfce may resWt in acceteratton of tt�snms o= „�,,,
<br /> " � seLVred 6y tl�is S�rit� Instnun�t and sate of the Prope�4y.T6e nottce sY�aU further inform Borrower of the i3ght to '_;�:,_
<br /> � ' reinstate after accelera�o and the right to bring a court adion to assert t�ao�exi.sten�e of s defaWt or any other
<br /> � � defense of Borrower to scceteratton and sale. If the defanit is not cured on or 6efore the date spedfied in the notice, � _
<br /> � '" �- Lender, at [ts option,may require immedlate payment in full of aU sums secm�ed by ti�Ls Ser�tty Instrument�"vithout � _
<br />